The Creative Arts in Palliative Care
Adrian Butchers | Sam Dobbs | Mick Sands | Marion Tasker | Virginia Hearth | Nigel Hartley | Lynn Harmer | Abi Gill | Malcolm Payne
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Book Details
Use of the arts in palliative care settings is a powerful and effective way of addressing the practical, psychological, social and spiritual issues faced by service users in end-of-life care.
The Creative Arts in Palliative Care uncovers the possibilities for using the creative arts and provides guidance on how to implement arts projects successfully. Part 1 focuses on designing objectives for the creative arts in palliative care - such as self-fulfilment, social participation, diversion from pain and other common symptoms - and managing creative arts services. Part 2 demonstrates the theory and principles in practice, with detailed case studies: each chapter draws on a real-life project, the approaches it employed and the outcomes achieved.
This book will be essential reading for healthcare professionals, arts practitioners and all those involved in providing palliative care services.
`The book is a brave and sensible move by Hartley and Payne. Brave, in encouraging more "group think" from professions often in conflict regarding issues of funding or professional boundaries. Sensible, because the common ground for these professions, creativity, has so much to offer palliative care: a book of this kind has long been needed to celebrate and promote the potential of the work these professions do.'
British Journal of Music Therapy, Julian O'Kelly, day hospice manager and music therapists at the Princess Alice Hospice, Esher, Surrey, UK
This book provides a credible and informative account of the contribution of the creative arts in palliative care. It is an accessible read for those with experience in this field, and will be of interest to people studying therapeutic media beyond standard medical approaches in a palliative care context, as well as those keen to explore and understand more about the life-affirming and life-enhancing potential of creative art.
Writing in Education
This book was incredibly informative. It strove to inform, inspire and educate 'artists' to work in palliative care, and gave the tools and strategies to us for success... I recommend this book to any creative arts therapists who wish to work in palliative care, or want to brush up on some strategies for wearing their 'business hats' and increasing their practice hours.
Canadian Art Therapy Association Journal
I highly recommend this book to anyone involved in palliative care: administrators, nurses, social workers, caregivers, families, creative artists, therapists, and students...This book is moving, practical, and inspiring to all those dealing with chronic illness, pain, death, and dying.
Art Therapy
`This book would be useful to those who are hoping to establish creative arts practices in this field in a range of locations, and would be of particular help to those who may be managing such projects and who fell they have little or no experience or expertise in this field.`
hospice information bulletin, Kate Powis, lecturer and researcher at St Helena Hospice, Colchester
This book is an invaluable starting point, and hopefully a catalyst for more of the kind, bridging the gap between the paucity of literature and the richness of opportunities that the creative arts offer for personal transformation, increased well-being and social inclusion in palliative care.
European Journal of Palliative Care
This book is a valuable resource giving information in a collection of articles that, taken together, support the justification for including creative arts in the services offered to those who are facing the end of life.
Journal of Palliative Care
The Creative Arts in Palliative Care is a forward-thinking text which integrates management, treatment and community building aspects of creative arts in palliative care. I highly recommend The Creative Arts in Palliative Care. This book is a must read for artists, therapists, volunteers, managers and directors who specialize in working with patients and caregivers who are facing end of life.
Nordic Journal of Music Therapy
Table of Contents
Section Title | Page | Action | Price |
Acknowledgments | |||
Introduction | |||
An Introduction to Contemporary Cuba | |||
Machisrho and Homosexuality before the Revolution | |||
Institutionalized Homophobia | |||
Homosexuality and the Law | |||
Homosexuality and Sexual Education in the 198os | |||
The Erosion of Traditional Machismo | |||
Gay Life in Havana Today | |||
The Impact of AIDS | |||
An Imperfect Revolution in an Imperfect World | |||
Cuban Sexual Values and African Religious Beliefs, by Tomas Fernandez Robaina | |||
El Pecado Original, by Pablo Milanes | |||
Manifesto of the Gay and Lesbian Association of Cuba | |||
Notes | |||
Select Bibliography |