Young People's Transitions from Care to Adulthood
Mike Stein | Renate Stohler | Jan Storo | David Vincent | Jim Wade | Wolfgang Schröer | Maren Zeller | Harriet Ward | Phillip Mendes | Emily Munro | John Pinkerton | Erik Knorth | Stefan Köngeter | Rawan Ibrahim | Thomas Gabriel | Robbie Gilligan | Maria Herczog | Ingrid Hojer | Mark Courtney | Rami Benbenishty | Judy Cashmore | Robert Flynn | Jorge Fernandez del Valle | Gabriela Dima | Roxana Anghel | Annick Dumaret
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Book Details
The transition from care into adulthood is a difficult step for any young person, but young people leaving care have a high risk of social exclusion, both in terms of material disadvantage and marginalisation.
In Young People's Transitions from Care to Adulthood leading academics gather together the latest international research relating to the transition of young people leaving care, outlining and comparing the range of legal and policy frameworks, welfare regimes and innovative practice across 16 countries. The book also highlights the variations that exist between different groups leaving care.
Featuring key messages for policy and practice, this book will give academics, practitioners and policymakers valuable insights into how to encourage resilience and improve outcomes for care leavers.
The book is a first step in gaining an international comparison of young people's transitions from leaving care. In this respect it makes a valuable contribution and is well worth reading ... Overall, this book succeeds in providing a beginning international comparison of an important area of service provision that has been generally neglected until relatively recently.
European Journal of Social Work
In Young People's Transitions from Care to Adulthood leading academics gather the latest international research relating to the transition of young people leaving care, outlining and comparing the range of legal and policy frameworks, welfare regimes and innovative practice across 16 countries... The book will give academics, practitioners and policymakers valuable insights into how to encourage resilience and improve outcomes for care leavers.
Child Right
This is an essential addition to the library of anyone interested in transitions to adulthood and leaving care policy. It contains an enormous amount of information presented in a digestible format.
Children & Society
For research and teaching the book is excellent in raising issues from a world perspective. The book is laid out in a very logical way. It is easy to find information in it, and as such it is a valuable for library purchase. It is particularly useful for professional social work courses, but courses on early childhood studies, and teacher education may also find it of value.
SWAP The Higher Education Academy Social Policy and Social Work Subject Centre
It undoubtedly takes forward debates about both comparative social work research and how best to support care leavers, and will be of interest to anyone working in this field.
Adoption and Fostering Journal
In 2003, an international group of researchers came together to share findings on the problems, challenges and outcomes facing care leavers making the transition to adulthood. Their work was in response to growing cross-national evidence of the social exclusion of young people leaving care. The group was also interested in exploring similarities and differences in young people's journeys to adulthood in different countries and how there were shaped by social, political and legal structures. In other words, what could we learn from each other's experiences to improve services and outcomes during transition.
The book is a first step in gaining an international comparison of young people's transitions from leaving care. In this respect it makes a valuable contribution and is well worth reading... Overall, this book succeeds in providing a beginning international comparison of an important area of service provision that has been generally neglected until relatively recently.
European Journal of Social Work
Table of Contents
Section Title | Page | Action | Price |
Introduction | |||
Principles | |||
Pillar 1: Standards to ensure a quality child protection response | |||
Pillar 2: Standards on child protection risks | |||
Pillar 3: Standards to develop adequate strategies | |||
Pillar 4: Standards to work across sectors | |||
Glossary | |||
Relevant legal instruments | |||
Key resources for cross-cutting issues |