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Autistics' Guide to Dating

Autistics' Guide to Dating

Jody John Ramey | Emilia Murry Ramey



For people on the autism spectrum dating is so often an elusive art form, requiring the very skills--in communication, and in social perception--that don't come naturally to them. This book presents strategies for overcoming social skills deficits and sensory issues, to make for relationship success.

Emilia Murry Ramey and Jody John Ramey, both on the spectrum, reflect on their dating experiences and provide recommendations for relationships in both the short- and long-term. Their advice includes how to choose venues for meeting people that are free from discomfiting features; coping with typical experiences in the light of sensory issues such as close proximity with a partner, eye-contact, and physical intimacy; and moving on to extended, committed relationships, co-habiting and continuing to date after marriage.

Thorough, accessible, and very encouraging, this book is a must-read for Autistic people, those who love them, and those who are in love with them.

A book "by Autistics for Autistics" which presents strategies for overcoming social skills deficits and sensory issues.
Current Awareness Service
This book is an important read because it highlights what can be achieved; it shows that successful dating relationships can be formed regardless of disability, and therefore provides an attainable goal for other autistic people to aspire to. In this capacity, the book is a source of great inspiration.
GAP Good Autism Practice
Thorough, accessible, and very encouraging, this book is a must-read for autistic people, those who love them, and those who are in love with them.
Asperger East Anglia Newsletter
Autistics' Guide to Dating: A Book by Autistics, for Autistics and Those Who Love Them or Who Are in Love with Them is a respectful and gentle book that offers hope and practical guidance to young adults on the autism spectrum and to their parents as these individuals prepare for successful dating and committed relationships. Emilia and Jody Ramey are a young and courageous married couple on the autism spectrum who like to tell stories. They are funny and typical in many ways as they describe revealing experiences about their own lives and the challenges they have had to face to get where they are today. The Rameys are college educated, creative and teach various forms of dance and choreography to people with and without disabilities. The goal of this book is to help other young adults on the spectrum prepare for their own struggles which they will face as people seeking loving relationship while overcoming their own challenges. Based on our clinical experiences, this book in fact will help many Autistic people, who are too often misunderstood, develop more meaningful relationships and live more enjoyable lives... We strongly recommend this short, humorous, encouraging and delightful book as a must read for Autistic people in search of a meaningful love relationship and also for those people who love them or are in love with them.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
Emilia Murry Ramey is a visual artist, crafter, dancer, musician, autistic self-advocate and disability advocate, with a bachelor's degree in applied linguistics. She and her husband, Jody, work together on a variety of projects related to dance, disability, Autistic self-advocacy, disability advocacy. In addition, Jody John Ramey is a choreographer, composer, musician, and visual artist. He concentrated his graduate work in disability and the performing arts, specifically, inclusive dance-dance for people with and without disabilities-and has presented Inclusive Dance workshops in many nations, spanning several continents. Emilia and Jody currently reside in Vancouver, USA.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Great Zimbabwe
Roads to freedom: the Second Chimurenga
The shadow of South Africa
A sort of refugee: problems on the Mozambican border
War returns to Matabeleland
Facts and firures
Agriculture and the devided land
Land for the people: reform and resettlement
'The fields grow dust and stones': drought grips Zimbabwe
Taming the enviroment - or working with it?
Changing roles for women
Education: 'the birthright of every Zibabwean'
Health for all by the year 2000?
The disability movement
The economy: sold to the highest bidder?
City life
Culture - ancient and modern
Sport: a national obsession
Conclusion: a land divided?
A chronology of a nation
Sources and further reading
Notes and acknowledgements
Oxfam in Zimbabwe.