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Intracranial Pressure And Its Effect On Vision In Space And On Earth: Vision Impairment In Space

Intracranial Pressure And Its Effect On Vision In Space And On Earth: Vision Impairment In Space

Hargens Alan R | Liu John H K | Otto Christian A


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Book Details


Fluid distribution during spaceflight and impact on brain and vision health is an emerging field of high-priority research in the NASA human space program. International Space Station astronauts have developed ocular refraction changes during prolonged spaceflight. Within this book, experts review current data related to fluid shifts during microgravity exposure and the impact of fluid shifts on astronaut health.This work also compares current astronaut health problems with Earth-based health conditions such as elevated intracranial pressure and glaucoma. Chapters include discussion of altered fluid distribution, including intracellular and extracellular fluid shifts, eye morphology and vision disturbances, and intraocular pressure. In addition, chapters will include a discussion of advanced non-invasive technologies to investigate the abovementioned fluid volume and pressure variables.As such, the book aims to bridge health professionals, researchers, and science professionals by a presentation of ophthalmology topics critical to future human space exploration, thus providing new perspectives to solve emerging brain and eye disease on Earth and in Space.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents v
Chapter 1 Introduction to Visual Impairment and Intracranial Pressure 1
References 3
Chapter 2 Early Evidence of Vision Impairment after Long-Duration Spaceflight 5
1. Introduction 5
2. Anatomic Changes during Long-Duration Spaceflight 6
2.1. Disc edema 6
2.2. Globe flattening 10
2.3. Choroidal expansion 13
3. Other Possible Causes of Visual Changes 15
3.1. Corneal refractive changes 15
3.2. Crystalline lens changes 16
3.3. Other ramifications of a dynamic choroid 16
References 18
Chapter 3 Eye, Orbit, and Pituitary MRI: Relevance to Space Medicine 23
1. Introduction 23
2. MRI Technique 24
3. Normal Anatomy of the Orbit and Pituitary Gland 26
4. Anatomic Alteration of the Globe, Optic Nerve Sheath, Optic Nerve in Astronauts Exposed to Microgravity 28
5. Anatomic Alteration of the Pituitary Gland in Astronauts Exposed to Microgravity 33
6. Dose Response Effect of Microgravity Exposure 34
7. Conclusion 35
References 36
Chapter 4 Fluid Shifts and Cardiovascular-Related Factors That May Contribute to the VIIP Syndrome in Astronauts 39
1. Introduction 39
2. Background 40
3. Cephalad Fluid Shift 41
4. Intravascular Shift 43
5. Extravascular Shift 44
6. Compartmentalization 46
7. Central Venous Pressure 47
8. Cranial Venous Drainage 48
9. Intracranial Pressure and Cerebral Autoregulation 49
10. Vascular Compliance and Remodeling 51
11. Carbon Dioxide 54
12. Exercise 56
13. Intraocular Pressure 56
14. Ocular Blood Flow 59
15. Conclusion 60
References 60
Chapter 5 Intracranial Pressure Physiology and VIIP 69
1. Introduction 69
2. Intracranial Pressure and Craniospinal Compliance 69
2.1. The CSF system and circulation 70
2.2. Determinants of craniospinal compliance and ICP 72
3. Known Gravitational Effects on ICP 75
4. Arguments for and Against ICP Elevation in Spaceflight 79
4.1. Cephalad fluid shift directly causes ICP elevation 79
4.2. ICP, SSSP, and CVP are insufficiently low in microgravity 80
4.3. Increased abdominopelvic venous volume and pressu rereduces spinal canal volume and craniospinal compliance 81
4.4. Increased cerebral capillary filtration increases cerebral interstitial fluid volume and ICP 81
4.5. Lower blood pressure causes cerebral arteriolar vasodilation and ICP elevation 82
4.6. Increased CO2 concentration causes cerebral arteriolar vasodilation and ICP elevation 82
4.7. Impaired autoregulation causes cerebral arteriolar vasodilation and ICP elevation 83
5. Conclusion 83
References 84
Chapter 6 High-Altitude Illness and Intracranial Pressure 91
1. Introduction 91
1.1. Changes in the atmosphere with altitude 92
1.2. Historical accounts of high-altitude hypoxia 92
1.3. The spectrum of HAI 93
2. Pathophysiological Theories of HAI 94
2.1. Evidence for the role of ICP 95
2.2. Direct invasive ICP measurement 95
2.3. Indirect invasive ICP measurement 96
2.3.1. Lumbar CSF pressure 96
2.4. Noninvasive ICP measurements 96
2.4.1. Tympanic membrane displacement 96
2.4.2. Pulsatility index 97
2.4.3. Optic nerve sheath diameter 97
2.4.4. Retinal imaging 97
2.4.5. Cerebral imaging 98
2.4.6. MRI-ICP measurement 99
2.4.7. Potential importance of the venous system in hypoxia and microgravity 100
3. Conclusion 101
References 102
Chapter 7 Noninvasive Measurement of Intracranial Pressure with the Vittamed Absolute Value Meter 107
1. Introduction 107
2. Normal ICP Physiology 108
3. Noninvasive ICP Monitoring 108
4. TCD Principles 109
5. OA Characteristics 111
6. Vittamed Two-Depth TCD Based NonInvasive ICP Meter 111
7. Contraindications to Two-Depth TCD Measurement 115
7.1. Previous and ongoing clinical studies 115
8. Baylor College of Medicine and National Space Biomedical Research Institute Study 116
8.1. Potential limitations 116
8.2. Safety measures 117
9. Future Aims 117
Acknowledgments 118
References 118
Chapter 8 NASA’s Research Approach to the Visual Impairment Intracranial Pressure Risk 123
1. Introduction to the Problem 123
2. VIIP Etiology 126
3. Cardiovascular 127
4. Central Nervous System 128
4.1. Venous sinus evaluation 129
4.2. CSF production and outflow 129
4.3. CSF dynamics pre and post-flight 130
4.4. Cerebral vascular autoregulation 131
4.5. White matter microstructure 132
4.6. Biomarker analysis and LP 133
4.7. Direct ambulatory intracranial pressure measurement: invasive ICP 134
5. Ocular 135
6. Genetic 137
7. Combined System Studies 138
7.1. Analog 138
7.2. In-flight 139
7.3. Modeling 142
7.4. Animal studies 147
8. Environmental Impacts 150
8.1. CO2 150
8.2. Radiation 152
8.3. Exercise 153
9. Diagnostic tools 155
9.1. Diagnostic tools under development 158
10. VIIP Mechanical Countermeasures 160
10.1. Lower body negative pressure 161
10.2. Alter the translaminar pressure gradient by increasing IOP 162
11. VIIP Drug Countermeasures 162
12. Summary 164
References 164
Chapter 9 Advanced Imaging of the Intracranial Physiology of Spaceflight 173
1. Introduction 173
2. Intracranial Physiology Associated with the Supine Posture 174
2.1. Magnetic resonance intracranial pressure (MR-ICP) 178
3. The Dural Venous System and ICP 180
3.1. Dural venous sinus anatomy 180
3.2. Venous insufficiency due to dural venous sinus obstruction and idiopathic intracranial hypertension 182
3.3. Imaging of intracranial venous outflow 183
4. Imaging of CSF Flow 186
4.1. Nuclear medicine CSF flow study 186
4.2. MRI-based CSF flow studies: phase contrast and MR time-spatial labeling inversion pulse 188
5. Imaging of Microscopic Tissue Water 190
6. Structural Brain Changes Following Long-Term Bed Rest 192
7. Cerebral Perfusion and Spaceflight 195
7.1. The regulation of cerebral blood flow 196
7.1.1. Cerebrovascular autoregulation 196
7.1.2. Partial pressure of CO2 196
7.1.3. Functional hyperemia 198
7.1.4. Neurovascular innervation 199
7.2. Cerebral autoregulatory adaptation to microgravity 200
7.3. Imaging of cerebral perfusion 206
8. Carbon dioxide Exposure During Spaceflight and Cerebral Perfusion 209
8.1. Imaging of CO2 cerebral vascular reactivity 212
9. Conclusion 213
Acknowledgment 216
References 216
Chapter 10 Sensory and Sensorimotor Changes with Spaceflight: Implications for Functional Performance 225
1. Introduction 225
2. Effects of Elevated Intracranial Pressure on Brain Structure and Neurocognitive Function 226
3. Effects of Spaceflight on Multisensory Integration and Sensorimotor Function 230
3.1. Multisensory integration and sensory weighting for balance and functional mobility 230
3.2. Strategic and adaptive motor learning mediating recovery as a function of spaceflight 232
4. Effects of Spaceflight on Dynamic Visual Acuity (DVA) 233
4.1. Spaceflight effects on head movement control during locomotion: impacts on vision 235
4.2. Effects of plastic adaptive modification of the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) on full body gaze control 238
4.3. Effects of long-duration spaceflight on full body gaze control 239
4.4. Vestibular-somatosensory convergence in head movement control during locomotion after long-duration spaceflight 240
5. Looking Forward: Conclusions and Future Directions 243
References 243
Chapter 11 Lower Body Negative Pressure as a VIIP Countermeasure 253
1. Introduction 253
2. LBNP Devices 254
3. Physiological Responses to LBNP 254
3.1. Nonhypotensive pressures 256
3.2. Hypotensive pressures 256
4. LBNP During Spaceflight 257
5. LBNP, Exercise, and Simulated Spaceflight 260
6. LBNP and Exercise as Countermeasures for VIIP 264
7. Conclusions 265
References 265
Chapter 12 A Pressure Theory Links the VIIP Syndrome and Eye Diseases 273
1. Introduction 273
2. VIIP Syndrome 274
3. Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension 275
4. Glaucoma 276
5. Ocular Hypertension 278
6. Hypotony Maculopathy 279
7. A Unified Pressure Theory 280
8. Countermeasures of the VIIP Syndrome 283
References 285
Index 289