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Neurological Rehabilitation E-Book

Neurological Rehabilitation E-Book

Janet H. Carr | Roberta B. Shepherd | Julie Bernhardt | Colleen Canning | Leanne Hassett | Phu Hoang | Anne Moseley


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Janet Carr and Roberta Shepherd head up a new team of eminent authors for the second edition of this definitive text on neurological physiotherapy. In the first edition, the authors described a model of neurological rehabilitation for individuals with motor dysfunction based on scientific research in the areas of neuromuscular control, biomechanics, motor skill learning, and the link between cognition and action, together with developments in pathology and adaptation.

The new edition continues to advance this model while identifying and incorporating the many advances that have occurred in the last decade in the understanding and treatment of adults with neurological conditions, whether caused by accident or disease. Among these advances is the knowledge that the brain retains a plastic potential to reorganize, even in old and/or lesioned brains, and that neural plasticity can be influenced by task-related mental and physical practice in a stimulating environment. There is also an increasing body of knowledge related to the musculoskeletal system’s adaptability and the need to prevent length and stiffness- related changes in muscle contractility, together with loss of aerobic fitness and endurance. There is an expanding body of clinical research that appears to support the model provided here. The training guidelines outlined in Neurological Rehabilitation are based on biomechanical constructs and motor relearning research, applied to enhance brain reorganization and muscle contractility, and encourage functional recovery of the patient. It connects science and clinical practice enabling students and practitioners to develop their knowledge and use new clinical methods based on modern scientific understanding.

  • All chapters have been revised, some with the collaboration of five specialists who are engaged in high level scientific research and clinical practice
  • Biomechanical models are presented to provide a framework for action-specific training and exercise to improve performance
  • Clinical guidelines are science- and evidence-based
  • Emphasis is on new approaches to the delivery of neurological rehabilitation that increase the time spent in mental and physical activity, and the intensity of practice and exercise
  • Up-to-date referencing

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front cover cover
Half title page i
Title page iii
Copyright page iv
Table of contents v
Contributors vii
Preface to the first edition ix
Preface to the second edition xi
Acknowledgements xiii
Part 1: Introduction: adaptation, training and measurement 1
Chapter 1: The adaptive system: 3
Plasticity of the Intact Brain 4
Plasticity Following a Brain Lesion 6
References 11
Chapter 2: Training motor control, increasing strength and fitness and promoting skill acquisition 15
Introduction to Training Motor Control 15
Task-Oriented Exercise and Training to Optimize Functional Performance 17
Motor Learning and Skill Acquisition in the Restoration of Optimal Functional Performance 34
New Approaches to the Delivery of Physiotherapy: Providing Opportunities for Practice 44
References 48
Chapter 3: Measurement 57
Introduction 57
Global Measures of Function 59
Measures of Motor Performance 59
Measures of Body Structure and Function (Impairments) 64
Health-Related Quality of Life Scales 68
Diagnosis-Specific Measures 69
Environmental Analysis 70
References 71
Part 2: Task-related exercise and training 75
Chapter 4: Standing up and sitting down 77
Introduction 77
Biomechanical Description 78
Age-Related Changes 82
Motor Dysfunction 82
Task-Oriented Training 83
Functional Strength Training 89
Measurement 92
References 93
Chapter 5: Walking 95
Introduction 95
Biomechanical Description 96
Age-Related Changes 102
Motor Dysfunction 102
Training Gait 104
Maximizing Skill, Speed, Endurance and Fitness for Gait Competency 115
Environmental Modification 116
Measuring Treatment Effects and Retention 118
Aids and Orthoses 118
References 119
Chapter 6: Reaching and manipulation 123
Introduction 123
Reaching to Grasp: Description of the Activity 124
The Upper Limbs in Weightbearing 128
Manipulation: Description of the Activity 128
Recovery of Upper Limb Function 131
Motor Dysfunction 133
References 155
Chapter 7: Balance 163
Introduction 163
Sensorimotor Interaction 165
Biomechanical Description 166
Age-Related Changes 172
Impaired Postural Control and Functional Limitations 173
Balance Training 175
Summary 186
References 187
Part 3: Body function and structure, limitations in activities and participation 191
Chapter 8: Upper motor neuron lesions 193
Introduction 193
Negative Features: Primary Impairments Following Central Lesions 194
Positive Features: Newly Emerging Phenomena 200
Adaptive Features: Secondary Physiological, Mechanical and Functional Changes in Muscle and Other Soft Tissue 205
Clinical Intervention 208
References 210
Chapter 9: Cerebellar ataxia 217
Introduction 217
Functional Role of the Cerebellum 218
Functional Regions of the Cerebellum 219
Role of the Cerebellum in Adaptation and Motor Learning 220
Aetiology 220
Clinical Signs 221
Clinical Assessment, Measurement and Evaluation 227
Training 228
References 232
Chapter 10: Somatosensory and perceptual– cognitive impairments 235
Introduction 235
Somatosensory Impairment 235
Visual Impairments 238
Perceptual–Cognitive Impairments 239
References 245
Chapter 11: Stroke 247
Introduction 247
Acute Stroke 251
Recovery after Stroke 253
Problems in Body Structure and Function 255
Rehabilitation 257
Language, Cognitive and Affective Impairments 261
Patient and Family Education 264
The Role of the Family in Stroke Recovery 265
Discharge Planning and Return to the Community 265
References 266
Appendix: The shoulder 270
Glenohumeral Joint Subluxation 270
Pain 271
References 278
Chapter 12: Traumatic brain injury 281
Introduction 281
Epidemiology 282
Pathophysiology 282
Management of acute traumatic brain injury 285
Rehabilitation: an overall view 292
References 300
Chapter 13: Parkinson’s disease 307
Introduction 307
Pathophysiology 308
Aetiology 309
Motor Control and Motor Performance Deficits 310
Non-Motor Deficits 316
Medication and Surgical Intervention 317
Physiotherapy Intervention 318
References 328
Chapter 14: Multiple sclerosis 335
Epidemiology and Aetiology 335
Pathophysiology 336
The Disease Process 337
Clinical Symptomatology 338
Medical Management 341
Physiotherapy: An Overall View 342
References 348
Index 351