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Nursing Research - E-Book

Nursing Research - E-Book

Geri LoBiondo-Wood | Judith Haber


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Book Details


Learn to better understand and apply research to everyday practice with Nursing Research: Methods and Critical Appraisal for Evidence-Based Practice, 9th Edition. Written by an all-star team of educators and research experts, this four-time recipient of the American Journal of Nursing’s Book of the Year award is the perfect resource to help ground you in the processes behind nursing research and evidence-based practice. This new ninth edition has been thoroughly updated and refocused to better match the needs of the nurse who will read and apply research rather than conduct research. This new edition also features: new research examples and vignettes; easy-to-use navigation tools; enhanced readability; expanded information on interprofessional collaboration and evidence-based practice; and well-balanced coverage of both qualitative and quantitative research methods. It’s a must-have resource for both undergraduate and graduate nursing programs alike!

  • Balanced but distinct coverage of both the qualitative and quantitative approaches to nursing research acquaints you with the processes behind research and evidence-based practice.
  • Complete, high-quality research examples, including three sample critiques, demonstrate how to apply the principles outlined in the text to published quantitative and qualitative research studies.
  • Research Vignettes introduce you to real-world practitioners of nursing research and help bridge the gaps among clinical research, academia, and clinical practice.
  • All-star group of contributors represents a widely respected team of experts in nursing research and evidence-based practice.
  • Effective learning aids in every chapter include Key Terms, Learning Outcomes, Helpful Hints, Evidence-Based Practice Tips, Appraising the Evidence, Critiquing Criteria, Critique of a Research Study, Critical Thinking Decision Paths, Critical Thinking Challenges, and Key Points.
  • NEW! Revised, refocused, and streamlined content throughout to better address the needs of consumers of research for evidence-based clinical practice.
  • NEW! All-new research examples and Research Vignettes have been added throughout to demonstrate the most current high-quality published studies, and to exemplify the work on prominent nurse-researchers.
  • NEW! Content on mixed-methods research along with secondary analysis has been added to the chapter on nonexperimental designs.
  • NEW! Expanded coverage of systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines addresses these important aspects of research.
  • UNIQUE! Integration of interprofessional education concepts and activities addresses the growing interest in interprofessional education and interprofessional collaborative practice.
  • NEW! Enhanced readability and navigation tools make it easier for you to locate, understand, and retain information in the text.
  • NEW! Revamped coverage of theory content and strategies for developing an evidence-based practice feature consolidated chapters that are more visual and less text-heavy.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front cover Cover
Inside front cover IFC
Front matter i
Nursing research Methods and critical appraisal for evidence-based practice 9th edition iii
Copyright iv
About the authors v
Contributors vii
Reviewers ix
To the faculty x
To the student xiv
Acknowledgments xv
Table of contents xvi
I Overview of Research and Evidence-Based Practice 1
Introduction 2
References 4
1 Integrating research, evidence-based practice, and quality improvement processes 5
Learning outcomes 5
Key terms 5
Nursing research, evidence-based practice, and quality improvement 6
Types of research: Qualitative and quantitative 8
Critical reading skills 10
Strategies for critiquing research studies 10
Overcoming barriers: Useful critiquing strategies 12
Evidence-based practice and research 13
Research articles: Format and style 15
Abstract 15
Introduction 16
Definition of the purpose 16
Literature review and theoretical framework 16
Hypothesis/research question 16
Research design 17
Sampling 17
Reliability and validity 17
Procedures and collection methods 18
Data analysis/results 18
Discussion 18
Recommendations and implications 18
References 18
Communicating results 19
Systematic reviews: Meta-analyses, integrative reviews, and meta-syntheses 19
Systematic reviews 19
Clinical guidelines 19
Quality improvement 20
Key points 20
Critical thinking challenges 20
References 20
2 Research questions, hypotheses, and clinical questions 23
Learning outcomes 23
Key terms 23
Developing and refining a research question: Study perspective 24
Defining the research question 24
Beginning the literature review 27
Examining significance 28
The fully developed research question 28
Variables 29
Population 30
Testability 31
Study purpose, aims, or objectives 32
Developing the research hypothesis 32
Relationship statement 33
Testability 34
Theory base 34
Wording the hypothesis 35
Statistical versus research hypotheses 36
Directional versus nondirectional hypotheses 36
Relationship between the hypothesis and the research design 37
Developing and refining a clinical question: A consumer’s perspective 38
Appraisal for evidence-based practice the research question and hypothesis 40
Critiquing the research question and hypothesis 40
Key points 42
Critical thinking challenges 43
References 43
3 Gathering and appraising the literature 45
Learning outcomes 45
Key terms 45
Review of the literature 46
The literature review: the researcher’s perspective 46
Conducting a literature review: The EBP perspective 49
Searching for evidence 50
Sources of literature 52
Preappraised literature 52
Primary sources 52
Performing an electronic search 53
Why use an electronic database? 53
Types of resources 55
Print and electronic indexes: Books and journals 55
Refereed journals 55
Electronic: Bibliographic and abstract databases 55
Electronic: Secondary or summary databases 56
Internet: Search engines 56
How far back must the search go? 57
What do I need to know? 58
How do I complete the search? 59
Literature review format: What to expect 60
Appraisal for evidence-based practice 61
Key points 63
Critical thinking challenges 63
References 63
4 Theoretical frameworks for research 66
Learning outcomes 66
Key terms 66
Practice-theory-research links 68
Overview of theory 68
Types of theories used by nurses 70
Theories from related disciplines used in nursing practice and research 70
Nursing theories used in practice and research 71
Grand nursing theories 71
Middle range nursing theories 72
Situation-specific nursing theories: Microrange, practice, or prescriptive theories 72
How theory is used in nursing research 73
Theory-generating nursing research 74
Theory as framework for nursing research 74
Theory-testing nursing research 75
Application to research and evidence-based practice 76
Application of theory in qualitative research 76
Examples of theory as research framework 77
Examples of theory-testing research 77
Critiquing the use of theory in nursing research 78
Key points 79
Critical thinking challenges 79
References 80
II Processes and Evidence Related to Qualitative Research 83
Introduction 84
References 86
5 Introduction to qualitative research 88
Learning outcomes 88
Key terms 88
What is qualitative research? 89
What do qualitative researchers believe? 89
Does the methodology fit with the research question being asked? 90
Components of a qualitative research study 90
Review of the literature 90
Study design 92
Sample 92
Setting: Recruitment and data collection 93
Data collection 94
Data analysis 95
Findings 96
Discussion of the results and implications for evidence-based practice 97
Appraisal for evidence-based practice foundation of qualitative research 100
Key points 100
Critical thinking challenges 100
References 101
6 Qualitative approaches to research 102
Learning outcomes 102
Key terms 102
Qualitative approach and nursing science 103
Qualitative research methods 104
Phenomenological method 104
Identifying the phenomenon 105
Structuring the study 105
Research question. 106
Researcher’s perspective. 106
Sample selection. 106
Data gathering 107
Data analysis 107
Describing the findings 108
Grounded theory method 108
Identifying the phenomenon 108
Structuring the study 109
Research question. 109
Researcher’s perspective. 109
Sample selection. 109
Data gathering 109
Data analysis 109
Describing the findings 110
Ethnographic method 110
Identifying the phenomenon 111
Structuring the study 111
Research question. 111
Researcher’s perspective. 111
Sample selection. 111
Data gathering 112
Data analysis 112
Describing the findings 112
Case study 113
Identifying the phenomenon 113
Structuring the study 113
Research question. 113
Researcher’s perspective. 114
Sample selection. 114
Data gathering 114
Data analysis/describing findings 115
Community-based participatory research 115
Mixed methods research 116
Synthesizing qualitative evidence: Meta-synthesis 116
Issues in qualitative research 118
Ethics 118
Naturalistic setting 118
Emergent nature of design 118
Researcher-participant interaction 119
Researcher as instrument 119
Credibility, auditability, and fittingness 119
Appraisal for evidence-based practice qualitative research 120
Key points 121
Critical thinking challenges 122
References 122
7 Appraising qualitative research 124
Learning outcomes 124
Key terms 124
Critical appraisal and qualitative research considerations 124
Application of qualitative research findings 125
Critique of a qualitative research study 125
The research study 125
A woman’s experience: Living with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator 127
Abstract 127
Introduction 137
Method 138
Sample. 138
Procedure. 139
Data analysis. 139
Rigor. 141
Results 141
Theme 1: security blanket: If it keeps me alive it’s worth it. 141
Theme 2: a piece of cake: I do more than before. 141
Theme 3: A constant reminder. I know it’s there. 141
Theme 4: Living on the edge. I do not want it to go off. 141
Theme 5: catch 22: I’d rather not have it. 141
Discussion 141
Clinical implications and future research 141
The critique 141
References 141
References 143
III Processes and Evidence Related to Quantitative Research 145
Introduction 146
References 147
8 Introduction to quantitative research 149
Learning outcomes 149
Key terms 149
Research design—purpose 150
Objectivity in the research question conceptualization 151
Accuracy 152
Control and intervention fidelity 152
Homogeneous sampling 153
Constancy in data collection 154
Manipulation of independent variable 154
Randomization 155
Quantitative control and flexibility 155
Internal and external validity 155
Internal validity 156
History 156
Maturation 157
Testing 157
Instrumentation 157
Mortality 158
Selection bias 158
External validity 159
Selection effects 160
Reactive effects 160
Measurement effects 160
Appraisal for evidence-based practice quantitative research 161
Key points 163
Critical thinking challenges 163
References 163
9 Experimental and quasi-experimental designs 165
Learning outcomes 165
Key terms 165
Research process 165
Experimental design 167
Randomization 167
Control 167
Manipulation 167
Types of experimental designs 170
Strengths and weaknesses of the experimental design 172
Quasi-experimental designs 173
Types of quasi-experimental designs 174
Strengths and weaknesses of quasi-experimental designs 176
Evidence-based practice 176
Appraisal for evidence-based practice experimental and quasi-experimental designs 177
Key points 178
Critical thinking challenges 178
References 179
10 Nonexperimental designs 180
Learning outcomes 180
Key terms 180
Survey studies 183
Relationship and difference studies 184
Correlational studies 184
Developmental studies 185
Cross-sectional studies 185
Cohort/prospective/longitudinal/repeated measures studies 186
Case control/retrospective/ex post facto studies 187
Prediction and causality in nonexperimental research 189
Additional types of quantitative methods 190
Methodological research 190
Secondary analysis 191
Mixed methods 193
Appraisal for evidence-based practice nonexperimental designs 194
Key points 195
Critical thinking challenges 195
References 195
11 Systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines 199
Learning outcomes 199
Key terms 199
Systematic review types 200
Systematic review 201
Meta-analysis 202
Cochrane collaboration 204
Integrative review 205
Reporting guidelines: Systematic reviews and meta-analysis 205
Tools for evaluating individual studies 206
Clinical practice guidelines 206
Evaluating clinical practice guidelines 207
Appraisal for evidence-based practice systematic reviews and clinical guidelines 209
Key points 210
Critical thinking challenges 210
References 211
12 Sampling 212
Learning outcomes 212
Key terms 212
Sampling concepts 213
Population 213
Inclusion and exclusion criteria 214
Samples and sampling 215
Types of samples 216
Nonprobability sampling 217
Convenience sampling 217
Quota sampling 218
Purposive sampling 219
Network sampling 220
Probability sampling 221
Simple random sampling 221
Stratified random sampling 222
Multistage sampling (cluster sampling) 223
Sample size 224
Appraisal for evidence-based practice sampling 227
Key points 229
Critical thinking challenges 230
References 230
13 Legal and ethical issues 232
Learning outcomes 232
Key terms 232
Ethical and legal considerations in research: A historical perspective 232
Protection of human rights 235
Procedures for protecting basic human rights 235
Informed consent 235
Institutional review boards 240
Protecting basic human rights of vulnerable groups 241
Research with children. 242
Research with pregnant women, fetuses, and neonates. 243
Research with prisoners. 243
Research with the elderly. 243
Appraisal for evidence-based practice legal and ethical aspects of a research study 244
Key points 245
Critical thinking challenges 245
References 246
14 Data collection methods 247
Learning outcomes 247
Key terms 247
Measuring variables of interest 248
Data collection methods 248
Observational methods 250
Self-report methods 252
Interviews and questionnaires 253
Physiological measurement 256
Existing data 257
Construction of new instruments 258
Appraisal for evidence-based practice data collection methods 259
Key points 260
Critical thinking challenges 261
References 261
15 Reliability and validity 262
Learning outcomes 262
Key terms 262
Reliability, validity, and measurement error 263
Validity 264
Content validity 265
Criterion-related validity 266
Construct validity 266
Hypothesis-testing approach 268
Convergent and divergent approaches 268
Contrasted-groups approach 268
Factor analytical approach 268
Reliability 270
Reliability coefficient interpretation 270
Stability 271
Test-retest reliability 272
Parallel or alternate form 272
Internal consistency/homogeneity 272
Item to total correlations 273
Cronbach’s alpha 273
Split-half reliability 274
Kuder-richardson (KR-20) coefficient 274
Equivalence 274
Interrater reliability 274
Parallel or alternate form 275
Classic test theory versus item response theory 275
How validity and reliability are reported 275
Appraisal for evidence-based practice reliability and validity 276
Key points 278
Critical thinking challenges 278
References 279
16 Data analysis: Descriptive and inferential statistics 281
Learning outcomes 281
Key terms 281
Levels of measurement 282
Descriptive statistics 285
Frequency distribution 285
Measures of central tendency 285
Normal distribution 287
Interpreting measures of variability 288
Inferential statistics 289
Hypothesis testing 291
Probability 292
Type I and type II errors 292
Level of significance 293
Clinical and statistical significance 294
Parametric and nonparametric statistics 294
Tests of difference 296
Nonparametric statistics 297
Tests of relationships 297
Advanced statistics 299
Appraisal for evidence-based practice descriptive and inferential statistics 300
Key points 302
Critical thinking challenges 304
References 304
17 Understanding research findings 305
Learning outcomes 305
Key terms 305
Findings 306
Results 306
Discussion 311
Appraisal for evidence-based practice research findings 311
Key points 315
Critical thinking challenges 315
References 316
18 Appraising quantitative research 317
Learning outcomes 317
Stylistic considerations 320
IV Application of Research: Evidence-Based Practice 359
Introduction 360
References 362
19 Strategies and tools for developing an evidence-based practice 364
Learning outcomes 364
Key terms 364
Evidence-based strategy 365
Evidence-based strategy 366
Evidence-based strategy 367
Evidence-based strategy 368
Therapy category 368
Diagnosis articles 371
Prognosis articles 376
Harm articles 377
Meta-analysis 378
Evidence-based strategy 380
Summary 380
Key points 380
Critical thinking challenges 381
References 381
20 Developing an evidence-based practice 383
Learning outcomes 383
Key terms 383
Overview of evidence-based practice 384
Models of evidence-based practice 385
The iowa model of evidence-based practice 385
Steps of evidence-based practice 387
Selection of a topic 387
Forming a team 388
Evidence retrieval 389
Schemas for grading the evidence 389
Critique and synthesis of research 392
Setting forth evidence-based practice recommendations 394
Decision to change practice 394
Development of evidence-based practice 394
Implementing the practice change 395
Nature of the innovation/evidence-based practice 395
Methods of communication 396
Users of the innovation/evidence-based practice 398
Social system 398
Evaluation 400
Future directions 402
Key points 402
Critical thinking challenges 402
References 403
21 Quality improvement 406
Learning outcomes 406
Key terms 406
Total quality management/continuous quality improvement 406
Nurses’ role in health care quality improvement 408
National goals and strategies for health care quality improvement 408
Quality strategy levers 410
Measuring nursing care quality 414
Benchmarking 414
Common quality improvement perspectives and models 415
Quality improvement steps and tools 415
Forming a lead quality improvement team 420
Improvement process step 1: Assessment 421
Improvement step 2: Analysis 421
Trending variation in system performance with run and control charts 421
Graphs 423
Cause and effect diagrams 424
Flowcharting 425
Improvement step 3: Develop a plan for improvement 426
Improvement step 4: Test and implement the improvement plan 427
Taking on the quality improvement challenge and leading the way 430
Key points 432
Critical thinking challenges 432
References 433
APPENDIX A Example of a randomized clinical trial (nyamathi et al., 2015) nursing case management, peer coaching, and hepatitis A and B vaccine completion among homeless men recently released on parole 435
Incarcerated populations are at significant risk for homelessness. 436
Theoretical framework 438
Purpose 439
Methods 439
Design 439
Sample and site 439
Power analysis 440
Vaccine eligibility 440
Interventions 440
Peer coaching-nurse case management 440
Peer coaching 442
Usual care 442
Procedure 442
Vaccine administration 442
Vaccine tracking 443
Measures 443
Vaccine completion 443
Sociodemographics 443
Situational factors 443
Personal factors 443
Social factors 444
Data analysis 444
Results 445
Vaccine completion rates by intervention condition 446
Associations with vaccine noncompletion 446
Discussion 448
Limitations 450
Conclusions 451
References 451
APPENDIX B Example of a longitudinal/cohort study (hawthorne et al., 2016) parent spirituality, grief, and mental health at 1 and 3 months after their infants/childs death in an intensive care unit 455
Discussion 462
References 463
APPENDIX C Example of a qualitative study (van dijk et al., 2015) postoperative patients perspectives on rating pain: A qualitative study 467
Abstract 467
1. Introduction 468
2. Methods 469
2.1. Study design 469
2.2. Participants 469
2.3. Data collection 469
2.4. Data analysis 470
2.5. Trustworthiness 471
3. results 471
3.1. Score-related factors 472
3.2. Intrapersonal patient factors 474
3.3. Anticipated consequences of assigning a particular nrs score 475
3.3.1 Judgements by healthcare professionals. 475
3.3.2 Analgesic administration. 476
4. Discussion 478
5. Conclusions 480
6. Relevance to clinical practice 480
Acknowledgments 481
Appendix A. Supplementary data 481
References 481
APPENDIX D Example of a correlational study (turner et al., 2016) psychological functioning, post-traumatic growth, and coping in parents and siblings of adolescent cancer survivors 483
Methods 485
Sample 485
Procedure 486
Measures 487
Data analyses 488
Results 488
Discussion 490
Limitations 492
Implications for nursing 492
Conclusion 492
References 493
APPENDIX E Example of a systematic review/meta-analysis (al-mallah et al., 2015) the impact of nurse-led clinics on the mortality and morbidity of patients with cardiovascular diseases 496
Specific review question 497
Method 497
Eligibility criteria 497
Search strategy 498
Study identification and data abstraction 498
Quality of included studies 498
Statistical analysis 498
Results 499
Search results and study description 499
Meta-analysis 501
Methodological quality 501
Discussion 501
Limitations 505
Implications for clinical practice and research 505
Conclusion 505
References 505
Glossary 508
A 508
B 508
C 508
D 508
E 508
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Index 519
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I 523
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Q 527
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Special features IBC