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When Things Become Property

When Things Become Property

Thomas Sikor | Stefan Dorondel | Johannes Stahl | Phuc Xuan To


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Governments have conferred ownership titles to many citizens throughout the world in an effort to turn things into property. Almost all elements of nature have become the target of property laws, from the classic preoccupation with land to more ephemeral material, such as air and genetic resources. When Things Become Property interrogates the mixed outcomes of conferring ownership by examining postsocialist land and forest reforms in Albania, Romania and Vietnam, and finds that property reforms are no longer, if they ever were, miracle tools available to governments for refashioning economies, politics or environments.

Johannes Stahl, former Ciriacy-Wantrup Postdoctoral Fellow in Natural Resource Economics and Political Economy at the University of California at Berkeley, now works for a multilateral environmental agreement dealing with trade in endangered species of fauna and flora.

Stefan Dorondel is Senior Researcher at the Francisc I. Rainer Institute of Anthropology Bucharest and is affiliated with the Institute for Southeast European Studies Bucharest.

Thomas Sikor was Professor of Environment and Development at the University of East Anglia in the United Kingdom.

Phuc Xuan To is Research Fellow at Resources, Environment and Development Group of Crawford School of Public Policy, at the Australian National University.

“I think this is an excellent book. The command of the empirical material allows the authors to drive home a series of points that have theoretical purchase far beyond the analyzed contexts. This is an exciting contribution to the understanding of major social transformations.” · Christian Lund, University or Copenhagen

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Half-title i
Series page ii
Title iii
Imprint iv
Dedication v
Contents vii
Preface ix
Acryonyms xii
Introduction 1
Part I: Agriculture - Negotiating Property and Value 33
Part I Introduction 35
Chapter 1: Transnational Migration, Ethnicity, and Property in Albania 41
Chapter 2: Livelihood Traditions, Worker-Peasants, and Peasant Entrepreneurs in Romania 67
Chapter 3: Modernity, Fantasies, and Property in Vietnam 90
Part II: Forests - Contesting Property and Authority 115
Part II Introduction 117
Chapter 4: Forests, State, and Custom in Albania 123
Chapter 5: Property, Predators, and Patrons in Romania 145
Chapter 6: Land Allocation, Loggers, and Lawmakers in Vietnam 172
Conclusion 198
Index 225