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Top 60 Signs for Nurses - E-Book

Top 60 Signs for Nurses - E-Book

Mark Dennis | William Talbot Bowen | Lucy Cho


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Book Details


Presented in a useful handbook style, Top 60 Signs for Nurses: Quick reference guide for best practice care outlines the evidence base and clinical value of each clinical sign to assist with interpretation.

Each of the signs is related back to the mechanism of action along with clearly documented research to demonstrate the evidence base associated with this sign.

  • Signs are ordered alphabetically within each chapter outlining a specific body system
  • Extensive reference lists of up-to-date literature strengthen the authority of the content
  • Clinical Pearls highlight the main signs which students and graduate nurses should look out for to help them identify conditions with which the patients present

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover cover
Inside Front Cover ifc1
Top 60 signs for nurses i
Copyright Page iv
Table Of Contents v
Acknowledgements vi
Preface vi
60 signs reviewers list vii
Reviewers viii
Abbreviations x
1 Respiratory Signs 1
Accessory muscle breathing 2
Description 3
Condition/s associated with 3
Mechanism/s 3
Sign value 4
Agonal respiration 5
Description 5
Condition/s associated with 5
Mechanism/s 5
Sign value 5
Apnoea 6
Description 6
Condition/s associated with 6
Central sleep apnoea (CSA) 6
Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) 6
Mechanism/s 6
Central sleep apnoea 6
Obstructive sleep apnoea 8
Sign value 8
Asymmetrical chest expansion 9
Description 9
Condition/s associated with 9
More common 9
Less common 10
Mechanism/s 10
Pneumonia, pleural effusions 10
Foreign body 10
Flail segment 10
Kyphoscoliosis 11
Unilateral diaphragm paralysis 11
Sign value 11
Barrel chest 12
Description 13
Condition/s associated with 13
Mechanism/s 13
Bradypnoea 14
Description 14
Condition/s associated with 14
More common 14
Less common 14
Mechanism/s 14
Sign value 14
Breath sounds: vesicular or normal 15
Description 15
Condition/s associated with 15
Mechanisms 15
Sign value 15
Breath sounds: bronchial 16
Description 16
Condition/s associated with 16
Mechanism/s 16
Atelectasis/collapse mechanism/s 16
Sign value 16
Breath sounds: reduced or diminished 17
Description 17
Condition/s associated with: 17
Mechanism/s 17
Emphysema/chronic obstructive pulmonary disease mechanism/s 18
Low flow states 18
Low transmission states 18
Sign value 19
Crackles (rales) 22
Description 22
Inspiratory crackles 22
Expiratory crackles 22
Condition/s associated with 22
Mechanism/s 22
Bronchiectactic crackle mechanism/s 23
COPD crackle mechanism/s 23
Pneumonia crackle mechanism/s 23
Sign value 24
Dyspnoea 25
Description 25
Condition/s associated with 25
General mechanism/s 25
Common pathways 25
Mechanical loading, respiratory effort and ‘corollary discharge’ 25
Chemoreceptors 25
Mechanoreceptors 27
Neuroventilatory dissociation 27
Deconditioning 27
Anaemia 28
Heart failure 28
Asthma 28
Neuromuscular disorders 28
Pulmonary hypertension 28
Primary pulmonary hypertension mechanism/s 29
Sign value 29
Grunting 31
Description 31
Condition/s associated with 31
More common 31
Less common 31
Mechanism/s 31
Sign value 31
Haemoptysis 32
Description 32
Condition/s associated with 32
More common 32
Less common 32
Mechanism/s 32
Cancer 32
Pulmonary venous hypertension 32
Infection 32
Sign value 32
Hyperventilation 33
Description 33
Condition/s associated with 33
Mechanism/s 34
Psychogenic 34
Organic causes 34
Respiratory disease 34
Pulmonary embolism 34
CNS disorders 34
Hepatic disease 34
Physiological causes 35
Metabolic acidosis 35
Pregnancy 35
Intercostal recession 36
Description 36
Condition/s associated with 36
Common 36
Mechanism/s 36
Sign value 36
Kussmaul’s breathing 37
Description 37
Condition/s associated with 37
More common 37
Less common 37
Mechanism/s 38
Sign value 38
Orthopnoea 39
Description 39
Condition/s associated with 39
Congestive heart failure mechanism/s 40
Bilateral diaphragm paralysis mechanism/s 41
COPD mechanism/s 41
Sign value 42
Percussion 43
Topographic percussion theory 43
Cage resonance theory 43
Percussion: dullness 44
Description 44
Condition/s associated with 44
Mechanism/s 44
Sign value 44
Percussion: resonance/hyper-resonance 45
Description 45
Condition/s associated with 45
Mechanism/s 45
Sign value 45
Platypnoea/orthodeoxia 46
Description 46
Condition/s associated with 46
General mechanism/s 46
Intracardiac shunts (e.g. patent foramen ovale) 47
Pneumonectomy 48
Pulmonary arteriovenous shunts 48
Hepatic 48
Pulmonary ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) mismatching 49
Sign value 49
Pursed-lip breathing (PLB) 50
Description 50
Condition/s associated with 50
Mechanism/s 50
Sign value 50
Sputum 51
Description 51
Condition/s associated with 51
Mechanism/s 51
Sign value 51
Stridor 53
Description 53
Condition/s associated with 53
More common 53
Less common 53
Mechanism/s 53
Characteristics of stridor 53
Sign value 54
Tachypnoea 55
Description 55
Condition/s associated with 55
Mechanism/s 55
Sign value 56
Tracheal tug 57
Description 57
Condition/s associated with 57
Most common 57
Less common 57
Mechanism/s 57
Tracheal tug – Campbell’s sign 57
Tracheal tug – Oliver’s sign 57
Sign value 57
Trepopnoea 58
Description 58
Condition/s associated with 58
Mechanism/s 58
Unilateral lung disease 58
Congestive heart failure 58
Lung tumour 58
Sign value 58
Vocal fremitus/tactile fremitus 59
Description 59
Condition/s associated with 59
Mechanism/s 59
Sign value 59
Vocal resonance 60
Description 60
Condition/s associated with 60
Mechanism/s 60
Sign value 61
Wheeze 62
Description 62
Condition/s associated with 62
Mechanism/s 62
Sign value 62
References 64
2 Cardiovascular Signs 70
Apex beat (also cardiac impulse) 71
Description 71
Arterial pulse 72
Bradycardia 76
Description 76
Condition/s associated with 76
More common 76
Less common 76
Mechanism/s 76
Myocardial infarction 76
Cellular hypoxia 76
Sinus node disease 77
Heart block 77
Electrolyte imbalances 77
Haemochromatosis 77
Drugs 77
Sign value 77
Capillary return decreased/delayed 78
Description 78
Condition/s associated with 78
Mechanism/s 78
Dehydration mechanism/s 78
Decreased peripheral perfusion mechanism/s 78
Shocked state mechanism/s 79
Sign value 79
Cheyne–Stokes breathing 80
Description 81
Condition/s associated with 81
More common 81
Less common 81
Mechanism/s 82
Mechanism/s in congestive heart failure 82
Sign value 82
Clubbing 83
Description 83
Condition/s associated with 83
Mechanism/s 83
Sign value 85
Crackles (also rales) 86
Description 86
Condition/s associated with 86
More common 86
Mechanism/s 86
Heart failure 86
Other 86
Sign value 86
Cyanosis 87
Jugular venous pressure (JVP) 88
Peripheral oedema 90
Definition 90
Condition/s associated with 90
More common 90
Less common 90
Mechanism/s 90
Mechanism in heart failure 91
Liver disease 92
Nephrotic syndrome 93
Sign value 94
Skin turgor: decreased 95
Description 95
Condition/s associated with 95
Mechanism/s 95
Ehlers–Danlos syndrome mechanism 96
Sign value 96
Tachycardia (sinus) 97
Description 97
Condition/s associated with 97
More common 97
Less common 97
Mechanism/s 97
Mechanism in hyperthyroidism 97
Sign value 98
References 99
3 Haematological and Oncological Signs 101
Ecchymoses, purpura and petechiae 102
Description 102
General mechanism/s 103
Thrombocytopenia 103
Vasculitis 104
Cushing’s 104
Mechanism of colour changes 104
Sign value 104
Lymphadenopathy 105
Description 105
Condition/s associated with 105
General mechanism/s 105
Malignancy 105
Infectious causes 105
Autoimmune 107
Sign value 107
Painful versus painless nodes 109
References 110
4 Neurological Signs 111
Gag reflex 113
Description 114
Condition/s associated with 114
Common 114
Less common 114
Mechanism/s 114
Normal variant 114
Generalised CNS depression 114
Glossopharyngeal nerve lesion 114
Vagus nerve lesion 115
Lateral medullary syndrome (Wallenberg’s syndrome) 115
Sign value 115
Photophobia 116
Description 116
Condition/s associated with 116
Common 116
Less common 116
Mechanism/s 116
Inflammation of the meninges 117
Migraine 117
Corneal injury 117
Anterior uveitis 117
Sign value 117
Pinpoint pupils 118
Description 119
Condition/s associated with 119
Common 119
Less common 119
Mechanism/s 119
Opioid effect 119
Pontine haemorrhage 119
Cholinergic toxicity 119
α-2 agonist effect 120
Cerebral herniation with pontine compression 120
Beta-blocker effect 120
Senile miosis in normal ageing 120
Sign value 120
References 123
5 Gastroenterological Signs 124
Ascites 125
Description 125
Condition/s associated with 125
Mechanism/s 125
Peripheral arterial vasodilatation theory 125
Liver disease 126
Congestive heart failure, Budd–Chiari syndrome 128
Nephrotic syndrome 128
Myxoedema mechanism/s 130
Exudative ascites 130
Chylous ascites 130
Nephrogenic – haemodialysis 130
Ascites clinical signs 130
Sign value 130
Bowel sounds: absent 134
Description 134
Condition/s associated with 134
More common 134
Less common 134
General mechanism/s 134
Bowel obstruction 134
Infection 134
Postoperative ileus 134
Hypokalaemia 135
Pseudo-obstruction 135
Bowel sounds: hyperactive (borborygmus) 136
Description 136
Condition/s associated with: 136
More common 136
Less common 136
Mechanism/s 136
Coffee ground vomiting/bloody vomitus/haematemesis 137
Description 137
Condition/s associated with 137
More common 137
Less common 137
General mechanism/s 137
Peptic ulcer disease 137
Mallory–Weiss tear 137
Oesophageal varices 138
Sign value 138
Guarding 139
Description 139
Condition/s associated with 139
Mechanism/s 139
Sign value 139
Haematuria 140
Description 140
Condition/s associated with 140
Common 140
Less common 140
Mechanism/s 140
Sign value 140
Jaundice 142
Description 142
Condition/s associated with 142
Mechanism/s 142
Pre-hepatic 143
Intrahepatic 143
Drug-induced liver injury 143
Post-hepatic 146
Sign value 146
Melaena 147
Description 147
Condition/s associated with 147
More common 147
Less common 147
Mechanism/s 147
Sign value 147
Oliguria/anuria 148
Description 148
Condition/s associated with 148
Mechanisms/s 148
Pre-renal 148
Renal 149
Post-renal 149
Sign value 149
References 150
6 Endocrinological Signs 152
Bruising 153
Description 153
Condition/s associated with 153
Mechanism/s 153
Cushing’s syndrome 153
Renal failure with uraemia 153
Hypotension 155
Description 155
Condition/s associated with 155
Mechanism/s 155
Addison’s disease 155
Hypothyroidism 155
Sign value 155
Polydipsia 158
Description 158
Condition/s associated with 158
More common 158
Less common 158
Mechanism/s 158
Sjögren’s syndrome 158
Psychogenic polydipsia 158
Primary hyperaldosteronism 158
Polyuria 159
Description 159
Condition/s associated with 159
More common 159
Less common 159
Mechanism/s 159
Diabetes mellitus 159
Diabetes insipidus 160
Post-obstructive diuresis 160
Lithium 162
References 163
Figure Credits 164
Index 166
A 166
B 166
C 167
D 168
E 168
F 168
G 168
H 168
I 169
J 169
K 169
L 169
M 169
N 170
O 170
P 170
R 171
S 171
T 172
U 172
V 172
W 172