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Andrew Mason | James Braha


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Book Details


An authoritative primer to Jyotish, or Vedic Astrology, this book draws on the author's extensive study of the tradition. Andrew Mason explains in detail the practical applications of Jyotish, introduces the planets, signs and houses, as well as the many rich and highly entertaining mythologies of the system with an explanation of how to interpret them. He also covers Vedic Astrology's sister science, Ayurveda, and describes how they interact to provide insight into celestial timing, sustained health and general wellbeing. With sample charts that show the applications throughout, the book provides a complete an accessible resource on Jyotish for students of Indian astrology and Ayurveda practitioners. It will also be of interest to anyone with a passion for astrology.
Andrew gives invaluable advice on the various remedies that can be found in the system to support a more positive experience of life, health, profession, relationships and spiritual journey. This I found to be very unique as most books that I have read in this area tend to present the challenging aspects of how your planets are placed at that time and how you are best to sit and ride the wave until you come to a better junction. It is refreshing to read a new and encouraging view point.
Sunita Passi, Ayurvedic Health Coach and founder of Tri-Dosha
A refreshing new look at an ancient system of astrology. Written with humility, humor and hints of deep insight, this book is a welcome change from other books on Jyotish.
Vaidya Atreya Smith, Director, European Institute of Vedic Studies, Author of Ayurvedic Nutrition, Ayurveda for Women
Andrew Mason is an expert in Eastern Alchemy. He started studying holistic medicine 20 years ago, completing his training as an Ayurveda practitioner in 2006. He then undertook a unique and intensive apprenticeship in the east, learning the closely guarded processes involved in the manufacturing of these ancient remedies. Since his return to the UK, Andrew has undertaken the task of recording and cataloguing these traditional processes, preserving these techniques which in some cases would have remained as tenuous oral traditions only. He is the author of Rasa Shastra, also published by Singing Dragon.
Andrew Mason brings a fresh, new, and serious voice to the current array of books on Vedic astrology.
Edith Hathaway, Vedic astrologer and author of In Search of Destiny, 2012

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Jyotish - The Art of Vedic Astrology by Andrew Mason v
Foreword xv
Acknowledgements xxiii
Introduction 1
I.1 Ancient technologies 1
I.2 Astr-ology 2
I.3 Jyotish 4
I.4 Overview 7
Part I - Setting Up Shop 13
1. Ayanāṃśa 15
1.1 Introduction to Ayanāṃśa 16
1.2 Let the games begin 16
1.3 Rāshicakra, Nakshatras and Yogatârâ 17
1.4 The phenomenon of precession 21
1.5 Models of precession 24
1.6 Calendar Reform Committee 28
1.7 Why Chitrā? 29
1.8 Controversies 31
1.9 Ayanāṃśa correction 32
1.10 A note on nutation 33
1.11 Conclusion 36
2. Celestial ‘Royal’ Court 40
2.1 Sun – the King 40
2.2 Moon – the Queen 41
2.3 Mercury – Regent 41
2.4 Mars – Commander-in-Chief 42
2.5 Jupiter – Minister 42
2.6 Venus – Minister 43
2.7 Saturn – Servant 43
2.8 Rāhu and Ketu – Militia 44
3. Sûrya (Sun) 47
3.1 Astronomical 50
3.2 Kāraka 50
3.3 Primary Kārakas of the Sun 54
4. Chandra (Moon) 57
4.1 Astronomical 60
4.2 Primary Kārakas of the Moon 61
5. Budha (Mercury) 63
5.1 Astronomical 66
5.2 Primary Kārakas of Mercury 67
6. Kuja (Mars) 69
6.1 Astronomical 71
6.2 Primary Kārakas of Mars 73
7. Brihaspati (Jupiter) 75
7.1 Astronomical 78
7.2 Primary Kārakas of Jupiter 79
8. Shukra (Venus) 81
8.1 Astronomical 84
8.2 Primary Kārakas of Venus 85
9. Shani (Saturn) 87
9.1 Astronomical 90
9.2 Primary Kārakas of Saturn 91
10. Rāhu And Ketu (Lunar Nodes) And Māndi (Upagraha) 93
10.1 Rāhu 95
10.2 Ketu 99
10.3 Māndi 102
Part II - Rashis, the Zodiac and the Symbolism of the Twelve Signs 105
11. Rashis (Zodiacal Signs) 106
11.1 Zodiacal symbolism 107
11.2 Attributes of Rashis 115
11.3 Horoscope styles 118
12. Bhāvas \n(Astrological Houses) 120
12.1 Rashi Chakra 121
12.2 Bhāva Chakra 122
12.3 Śrīpati Bhāva 123
12.4 Conclusion 125
13. Bhāvakāraka (House Significations) 127
13.1 Nitya Kāraka 128
13.2 Naisargika (innate Kāraka) 132
14. Important House Combinations 138
14.1 Kendra 138
14.2 Trikona 140
14.3 Dussthana (Trikasthanas) houses 141
14.4 Upachaya 143
14.5 Maraka 144
15. Dik Bala (Directional Strength) 146
16. Karma 148
16.1 Types of karma 149
16.2 Jyotish and karma 150
16.3 Relief from planetary karma 151
17. Retrograde Planets 153
17.1 Interpretation 155
17.2 Conclusion 156
17.3 Retrograde motion of planets 159
18. Dagdha (Combustion) 162
19. Graha Yuddha (Planetary War) 165
19.1 Effects of a planetary war 166
Part III - Medical Astrology and Āyurveda 169
20. Medical Astrology 170
20.1 Āyurveda 172
20.2 Dosha and elements 173
20.3 V-P-K 174
20.4 Āyurveda, planets and health 178
20.5 Dhatu and srota (metabolism and transportation) 182
20.6 Interpretation of dhatu 184
20.7 The science of taste and the 2nd house 185
20.8 Grahas, Rashis and Nakshatra Puruṣa – planets, stars and bodily divisions 190
20.9 Alternative Nakshatra Puruṣa 193
21. Vargas (Divisional Charts) 195
21.1 D-9 (Navamsha Varga) 198
21.2 Vargottama 199
22. Dashas 201
22.1 Calculation of Viṃśottarī 201
22.2 Cycles of Viṃśottarī 203
22.3 Dasha Kāraka (judging each dasha period) 203
23. Dṛṣṭi (Graha Aspects) 207
Part IV - The Moon and its Lunar Mansions 211
24. Lunar Curiosities 212
24.1 Lunar nodes 215
24.2 Rāhu/Ketu axis 217
24.3 Eclipses 218
24.4 Samudra Manthan 218
24.5 Solar and lunar eclipses 220
25. Nakshatras (Lunar Mansions) 224
26. Planetary Rulership of Nakshatras 226
27. Nakshatra Portraits 228
27.1 Ketu-ruled Nakshatras 228
27.2 Venus-ruled Nakshatras 234
27.3 Sun-ruled Nakshatras 240
27.4 Moon-ruled Nakshatras 247
27.5 Mars-ruled Nakshatras 253
27.6 Rāhu-ruled Nakshatras 259
27.7 Jupiter-ruled Nakshatras 265
27.8 Saturn-ruled NakshatraS 271
27.9 Mercury-ruled Nakshatras 277
28. Nakshatra Qualities 290
Part V - The Propitiation of Planets and Remedial Measures 291
29. Upayes (Remedies and Propitiation) 292
29.1 Yantra 292
29.2 Yantra specific to the grahas 296
29.3 Yantra effects 298
29.4 Kavach and Suraya 304
30. Supernatural Origin of Gemstones 306
30.1 Maṇi (gemstones) 307
30.2 Matching stones to planets 308
30.3 Pairing and setting 310
30.4 Qualities of a good gemstone 312
30.5 Wearing gemstones 313
30.6 Navaratnā (nine gems) 314
30.7 Birthstones 315
30.8 Using gemstones Āyurvedically 316
30.9 Properties of metals 318
30.10 Dhatu and Dhatu 321
31. Rudrākṣa 324
32. Pooja 327
32.1 Suitable materials 329
32.2 Navagraha-sthapana 331
32.3 Poorna 332
33. Pacifying Grahas (Daily Routines and Rituals) 333
34. Bali/Shanti Karma 337
In Conclusion 345
Appendix 346
Resources 357
Bibliography 360
About the Author 366
Index 367
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