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Care Act 2014

Care Act 2014

Michael Mandelstam


Additional Information

Book Details


The Care Act 2014 represents a major upheaval in adult social care law: the biggest since 1948. This book sets out and explains the provisions of the Care Act 2014 in simple terms, illustrating its practical implications for both social and health care with many legal cases and local ombudsman investigations. It also includes a substantial section on NHS Continuing Health Care and how it relates to the Care Act.

Presented in a handy A - Z format, Michael Mandelstam brings his extensive experience in this field to bear on this new, important piece of legislation. It is essential reading for health and social care managers and practitioners, advocates, lawyers, policy makers and students of social work and social policy.

Michael Mandelstam provides independent legal training, advice and consultancy to local authorities, the NHS and voluntary organisations. Prior to this, he worked at the Disabled Living Foundation, a national voluntary organisation, before moving to the Social Services Inspectorate at the Department of Health. He holds postgraduate qualifications in law, information studies and the history of science and medicine.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Care Act 2014: An A-Z of Law and Practice - Michael Mandelstam 3
Introduction 13
A–Z List 23
A 25
Abuse, see Neglect and abuse 25
Adaptations, see Home adaptations 25
Adult protection, see Safeguarding and Neglect and abuse 25
Advice and information 25
Advocacy 26
After-care services, see Mental Health Act 1983 32
Aids, see Community equipment 32
Appeals system 32
Assessment 32
Asylum seekers, see Immigration 47
Autism Act 2009 48
B 49
Bail hostels, see Prisons 49
Better Care Fund 49
Blanket policies 49
Box ticking 53
Business failure 53
C 55
Care and support (or support) 55
Care and support (or support) plans 57
Care cap 61
Care home accommodation 61
Care home fees 62
Care Programme Approach 63
Care providers 64
Care Quality Commission (CQC) 65
Carers 66
Challenging decisions 67
Changes and closures 67
Charging 70
Children 91
Children and transition 93
Choice of accommodation 98
Clinical commissioning groups 104
Community equipment 104
Complaints 105
Continuing health care (CHC) 105
Continuity of social care: moving area 117
Cooperation 119
Cross-border placements 122
D 123
Decision-making process 123
Deferred payments 123
Delay 124
Delegation of functions 127
Direct payments 129
Discrimination, see Equality Act 2010 140
Divide between social care and health care 141
Divide between social care and housing 143
Duties and powers 143
E 145
Education, health and care plans, see Children 145
Eligibility 145
Eligibility of adults in need 150
Eligibility of carers 160
Enquiries into abuse or neglect 164
Equality Act 2010 178
Equipment, see Community equipment 180
F 181
Fettering of discretion, see Blanket policies 181
Fifteen minutes, see Home care visits 181
Funded nursing care 181
G 183
Guidance 182
H 184
Health and Social Care Act (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014, see Care Quality Commission (CQC) 184
Health care, see National Health Service (NHS) 184
Health service ombudsman (HSO) 184
Home adaptations 185
Home care visits 187
Hospital discharge 188
Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996 (HGCRA) 190
Human rights 195
I 198
Immigration 198
Immigration: NHS, see Overseas visitors (NHS) 205
Independent advocacy, see Advocacy 205
Independent Living Fund (ILF) 205
Information and advice, see Advice and information 205
Integration 206
Intermediate care, see Reablement 207
J 208
Joint working, see Integration 208
Judicial review 208
L 210
Local government ombudsman (LGO) 210
Localism Act 2011 212
M 213
Market oversight, see Business failure 213
Market shaping 213
Mental capacity 214
Mental Health Act 1983 (MHA, section 117 after-care) 216
Minor adaptations, see Home adaptations 221
N 222
National Health Service (NHS) 222
NHS continuing health care, see Continuing health care (CHC) 227
NHS England, see National Health Service (NHS) 227
Needs 228
Neglect and abuse 228
No recourse to public funds, see Immigration 229
Northern Ireland 230
Nursing care 230
O 231
Occupational therapy 231
Ordinary residence 231
Ordinary residence for the NHS, see National Health Service (NHS) 236
Outcomes 236
Overseas visitors (NHS) 237
P 243
Panels 243
Personal budgets 246
Personal care 249
Powers of entry 249
Prevention 250
Prevention: financial charging for services, see Charging 253
Principles in the Care Act 253
Prisons 255
Probation hostels, see Prisons 256
Protection of property 256
Provider failure, see Business failure 258
Public health 258
R 259
Reablement 259
Reassessment, see Reviewing need 260
Refugees, see Immigration 260
Refusal of assessment, see Assessment 261
Refusal of service 261
Registers 262
Regulatory Reform (Housing Assistance) (England and Wales) Order 2002 (RRO) 262
Rehabilitation 263
Remedies, see Challenging decisions 264
Removing people from their homes 264
Replacement care, see Respite care 264
Resources 264
Respite care 264
Reviewing need 265
S 272
Safeguarding 272
Safeguarding adults boards 272
Safeguarding adults reviews 274
Scotland 277
Self-assessment, see Assessment 277
Self-neglect, see Neglect and abuse 277
Services 277
Shared lives accommodation 278
Social work 278
Statutory guidance, see Guidance 278
Support 278
Supported living 279
U 280
United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) 280
Universal services, see Prevention 280
Urgent need 280
W 282
Wales 282
Well-being 282
Wheelchairs 284
Wilful neglect and ill treatment 284
Y 285
Young carers, see Children 285
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