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Real World Economics

Real World Economics

Edward Fullbrook


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Book Details


Economics is extremely sick. It is so locked in its past that nearly all of its introductory textbooks are modelled on one that appeared in 1948. The discipline cannot continue in its autistic state much longer. This book takes you to the heart of a fiery and many-faceted debate.  It is comprised of 66 articles that have been selected based on their importance to the reform movement and for their accessibility to the general reader. ‘Real economic problems’ concern real people, so their analysis must be made intelligible to an educated general public if real democracy is to function. All economists must learn to live without the belief that there is only one right way of describing and explaining reality. This requires economists to begin the development of an ethos of honesty regarding the limitations of their chosen approaches.

The articles in this book have been selected for their importance to the reform movement and for their accessibility to the general reader. Intelligibility is one of the movement's two keystones. "Real economic problems" concern real people, so their analysis must be made intelligible to an educated general public if real democracy is to function.

The second keystone of the post-autistic movement is pluralism. All analysis proceeds on the basis of concepts that admit only a partial view of the economy, thereby predetermining the set of possible conclusions. This requires economists to begin to develop an ethos of honesty regarding the limitations of their chosen approaches. In engaging and thought-provoking prose, the 66 chapters of this book bring these and other conflicts out into the open and place them in the context of the major issues of the 21st century.

'This book should be required reading for students taking economic classes and for heterodox economists who want to create a better economics.' —David F. Ruccio, Professor of Economics & Policy Studies, University of Notre Dame

'Promises to reshape contemporary economic discourse to the benefit of students, professors, activists, and citizens of the world.' —Frederic S. Lee, University of Missouri-Kansas City, author of ‘Post Keynesian Price Theory’ and editor of the ‘Heterodox Economics Newsletter’

Edward Fullbrook is a Visiting Research Fellow at the School of Economics, University of West England.

'Recommended. Heterodox economics collections supporting all levels of undergraduate and graduate students.' —R.B. Emmett, ‘Choice’

'This book is an effort to bring economics back to reality. Given the influence that economists often have on public policy, this is an important task.' —Dean Baker, Co-Director, Centre for Economic and Policy Research, Washington

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover 1
Front Matter\r 2
Half Title\r 2
Series Page\r 3
Title\r 4
Copyright\r 5
Contents\r 6
Contributors\r 12
Main Body\r 14
Introduction, by Edward Fullbrook\r 14
1. Economics should become reality based\r 15
2. Economics should be problem led, not method led\r 16
3. Economics should, like physics, be pluralistic, not monistic\r 17
4. Economics should be knowledge driven, not ideology driven\r 20
References\r 23
Part 1: The Nature of the Enemy\r 24
Chapter 1. The Rand Portcullis and Post-Autistic Economics, by Edward Fullbrook \r 26
Notes\r 38
Chapter 2. The Social and Intellectual Organization and Construction of Economics, by Kyle Siler\r 40
Note\r 46
References\r 46
Chapter 3. Psychological Autism, Institutional Autism and Economics, by James G Devine \r 48
Notes\r 56
Chapter 4. Why Neoclassical Economics Explains Nothing at All, by Steve Fleetwood\r 58
Notes\r 64
References\r 64
Chapter 5. A Science too Human? Economics, by Bernard Guerrien\r 66
Note\r 74
References\r 74
Chapter 6. Economics: The Disappearing Science? by Alan Shipman\r 76
References\r 80
Part 2: The Faux Nobel Prize\r 82
Chapter 7. Beautiful Mind, Non-Existent Prize: The Bank of Sweden Prize in Economics Science, by Yves Gingras\r 84
Chapter 8. An Ignobel Scandal, by Alex Millmow\r 90
References\r 92
Chapter 9. The Nobel Prize in Economics - A Barrier to New Thinking, by Peter Soderbaum\r 94
Part 3: Realism Versus Illusion\r 98
Chapter 10. Seven Theses for a Theory of Realist Economics, by Jacques Sapir\r 100
Notes\r 113
Chapter 11. How Reality Ate Itself: Orthodoxy, Economy and Trust, by Jamie Morgan\r 118
Notes\r 125
Chapter 12. Towards a Realistic Epistemology for Economics, by Claude Mouchot\r 128
References\r 134
Chapter 13. Neutrality is Overrated, by Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra\r 136
Notes\r 139
Chapter 14. Economic History and the Rebirth of Respectable Characters, by Stephen Ziliak\r 140
Notes\r 146
Chapter 15. Revisiting 'The Crisis of Vision' in 'Modern Economic Thought' by Robert Heilbroner and William Milberg\r 148
Author's note\r 150
Chapter 16. Modernist and Pre-Modernist Explanation in Economics, by Kevin Quinn\r 152
Notes\r 163
Chapter 17. Game Theory: A Refinement or an Alternative to Neo-Classical Economics? By Matthew McCartney\r 164
Notes\r 173
References\r 175
Chapter 18. Towards a Post-Autistic Managerial Economics, by Sashi Sivramkrishna\r 176
References\r 181
Part 4: Pluralism Versus Monism\r 182
Chapter 19. Three Arguments for Pluralism in Economics, by J E King\r 184
Notes\r 189
References\r 189
Chapter 20. Pleas for Pluralism, by Esther-Mirjam Sent\r 190
Notes\r 195
References\r 195
Chapter 21. 'Efficiency': Whose Efficiency? by Richard Wolff\r 198
Notes\r 201
Part 5: Saving the Planet from Neoclassical Economics\r 202
Chapter 22. The 'Ilith' of Nations and the Fecklessness of Policy: An Ecological Economist's Perspective, by Herman E Daly\r 204
Notes\r 209
Chapter 23. Ecological Economics is Post-Autistic, by Robert Constanza\r 212
References\r 215
Chapter 24. Priceless Benefits, Costly Mistakes: What's Wrong with Cost-Benefit Analysis? by Frank Ackerman\r 218
Notes\r 227
Chapter 25. Is GDP a Good Meaure of Economic Progress? by Olivier Vaury\r 228
Chapter 26. Living in an Affluent Society: It is so 'More-ish', by Shaun Hargreaves Heap\r 234
Part 6: Case Histories \r 242
Chapter 27. Kicking Away the Ladder: How the Economic and Intellectual Histories of Capitalism have been Re-Written to Justify Neo-Liberal Capitalism, by Ha-Joon Chang\r 244
Chapter 28. Japan, Refutation of Neoliberalism, by Robert Locke\r 250
Notes\r 270
Chapter 29. Liberalisation and Social Structure: The Case of Labour Intensive Export Growth in South Asia, by Matthew McCartney\r 272
Notes\r 278
Chapter 30. Policy Relevance in the Latin American School of Economics, by Ana Maria Bianchi\r 280
Notes\r 284
References\r 285
Chapter 31. Driving a Car With No Steering Wheel and No Road Map: Neoclassical Discourse and the Case of India, by Matthew McCartney\r 286
Notes\r 291
References\r 291
Chapter 32. Dynamic Versus Static Efficiency: The Case of Textile Exports from Bangladesh and the Developmental State, by Matthew McCartney\r 294
Notes\r 302
Part 7: Is Anything Worth Keeping in Microeconomics?\r 304
Chapter 33. Is Anything Worth Keeping in Standard Microeconomics? by Bernard Guerrien\r 306
Chapter 34. In Defence of Basic Economic Reasoning, by Bruce J Caldwell\r 310
Chapter 35. Doctrine-Centred Versus Problem-Centred Economics, Peter Dorman\r 314
Reference\r 316
Chapter 36. Yes, There is Something Worth Keeping in Microeconomics, by Deidre McCloskey\r 318
Chapter 37. Response to Guerrien's Essay, by Jacques Sapir\r 322
Chapter 38. Theoretical Substance Should Take Priority Over Technique, by Geoffrey M. Hodgson\r 324
Chapter 39. Two Perspectives to Guerrien's Question, by Steve Keen\r 328
References\r 331
Chapter 40. Superior Analysis Requires Recognition of Complexity, by Anne Mayhew\r 332
Chapter 41. What Should be Retained from Standard Microeconomics, by Julie A. Nelson\r 336
Chapter 42. Comment on Bernard Guerrien's Essay, by Geoff Harcourt\r 340
Chapter 43. For Guerrien... And Beyond, by Gilles Raveaud\r 342
Chapter 44. Teaching Post-Autistic Economics to Students of Political Science, by Poul Thois Madsen\r 346
Chapter 45. Can We Please Move On? A Note on the Guerrien Debate, by James K Gallbraith\r 352
Notes\r 355
Chapter 46. Once Again on Microeconomics, by Bernard Guerrien\r 356
Notes\r 362
Part 8: Some Big Ideas\r 364
Chapter 47. Two Feasible Future Scenarios: A High-Tech Utopia and a High-Tech Dystopia, by Trond Andresen\r 366
Notes\r 377
References\r 378
Chapter 48. The Political Economy of Destructive Power, by Mehrdad Vahabi\r 380
Note\r 388
References\r 388
Chapter 49. Capabilities: From Spinoza to Sen and Beyond, by Jorge Buzaglo\r 390
Notes\r 400
References\r 402
Chapter 50. Thermodynamics and Economics, by Dietmar Lindenberger and Reiner Kummel\r 404
Notes\r 407
References\r 407
Part 9: Putting Ethics into Economics\r 410
Chapter 51. Ethics in Economic Theory, by Charles K Wilber\r 412
Notes\r 419
Chapter 52. Ethics and Economic Actors, by Charles K Wilber\r 422
Notes\r 428
Chapter 53. Social Being as a Problem for an Ethical Economics, by Jamie Morgan\r 430
Chapter 54. When Social Physics Becomes a Social Problem: Economics, Ethics and the New Order, by Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra\r 440
Note\r 446
References\r 446
Chapter 55. The Economist's Long Farewell, by Robert E Lane \r 448
Notes\r 454
Part 10: Student Voices\r 456
Chapter 56. Politics Versus Economics: Keeping it Real, by Daniel Gay\r 458
Bilbiography\r 462
Chapter 57. Form and Content in Neoclassical Theory, by Asatar Blair\r 464
References\r 469
Chapter 58. Of Textbooks: In Search of Method, by Nathaniel N Chamberland\r 470
References and further reading\r 473
Chapter 59. Consumer Sovreignty Re-Examined: Applications of the Merit Goods Argument, by Goutam U Jois\r 476
Notes\r 480
References\r 480
End Matter\r 482
Appendix: Students in Rebellion\r 482
Appendix I. The French Students' Petition \r 484
Appendix II. The French Professors' Petition\r 486
Appendix III. Post-Autistic Economics Newsletter, Issue No. 1\r 490
Appendix IV. The Cambridge University Students' Petition\r 496
Appendix V. An International Open Letter: 'The Kansas City Proposal'\r 498
Appendix VI. The Harvard Students' Petition\r 502
Index\r 506