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Economics of the Marine

Economics of the Marine

Karyn Morrissey


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This book extends the current international interest in the conceptualization of the marine sector to explore its importance of at different geographical scales: from the national, to regional and small area analysis within the context of base theory, New Economic Geography, agglomeration theory, industrial cluster policy and small area level analysis. In conjunction with each spatial scale and its associated theories, a number of computational methods are used to explore the economic impact of the marine resource. Input-Output tables will be used to demonstrate how the direct and indirect economic impact of the marine sector may be measured at the national level. Location Quotients will be used to regionalize these input-output tables, allowing a regional level analysis of the importance of the marine sector. Finally, a spatial microsimulation model will be used to examine the impact of the sector at the small area level.

In a time, where societal impact is increasingly important, this book is of interest to policy makers, both academic and planner practitioners, physical scientists interested in estimating the impact of research on society and the wider social sciences including geography and sociology. In engaging a wide audience this book also aims to bridge some of the gaps encountered by those carrying out inter-and multi-disciplinary research by conceptualizing the marine as a commercial resource that requires management and planning. This book aims to engage academics, professionals and policy-makers on the importance of the marine resource to society.
Karyn Morrissey is Senior Lecturer at the University of Exeter Medical School. She is a trained economist and her work is interdisciplinary in nature, primarily working in economics and quantitative geography. She has published several papers on the marine sector and in 2014 co-authored Spatial Microsimulation for Rural Policy Analysis published by Springer.
The marine environment supports many millions of jobs worldwide. In her excellent book, Dr. Morrissey provides a thoughtful review and synthesis of methods that can be used to provide a much-needed empirical basis for managing the diverse and often competing economic demands on the marine environment, addressing the formidable task of defining, measuring, and analyzing the marine economy.
Jeffery Adkins, Economist, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
This book is a Tour de Force of the contemporary marine economy as a multi sector industry. Morrissey weaves a thread through economic and spatial theories, to provide evidence based assessments of current trends and impacts, including detailed case material from Ireland. This book is to be highly recommended to anyone with an interest in the fascinating subject of the Blue Economy. This is a timely production, addressing a major gap in data and information surrounding the development of the marine economy across scales, from global to local. Morrissey has her finger on the pulse of the growing global maritime economy opportunity.
Val Cummins, Co-founder and Director of the Irish Maritime and Energy Resource Cluster (IMERC)
Economics of the Marine is an important support to understand economic activities in the world’s oceans and coasts. Besides multiple traditional activities, the modern marine economy involves unprecedented characteristics that require special methodological approaches for their understanding. Discussing also topics like regional development, marine clusters and economic specialization, this book supports both experienced professionals and students specializing into marine affairs.
Risto Kalliola, Professor of Geography, University of Turku, Finland
I welcome Karyn’s much needed book on measurement of the burgeoning marine economy. As technology moves closer to parity with ambition in the race to exploit marine resources, our capacity to expose the economic effects needs to get its skates on to catch up. This book is comprehensive in approach and a groundbreaking addition to the literature.
Kate Johnson, Assistant Professor, ICIT Heriot-Watt University, Orkney, Scotland
The Marine Economy is crucial to advancement of the contemporary international dialogue on ocean economics. Making the case that the value of the marine sector’s contribution is under-examined, the volume makes the case that sophisticated social and economic indicators are indispensable to effective marine conservation and management, and can be applied to innovative policy approaches that facilitate sustainable outcomes for proactively planned, orderly, and equitable resource development. This pioneering work is a necessity for interdisciplinary marine professionals and students alike.
Holly V. Campbell, Instructor, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover 1
Half Title i
Title Page iii
Copyright Page iv
Dedication v
Contents vii
Chapter One Introducing the Marine Economy 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 A Note on Nomenclature 2
1.3 The Marine Resource and Economic Activity 3
1.4 What Is the Marine Economy? 5
Measuring the Marine Economy: Empirically Defining the Marine Sector 6
Measuring the Marine Economy: Scope of the Marine Sector 7
1.5 Measuring the Marine Economy 11
Data 11
Data Types 11
Methodology 12
1.6 International Trends 13
1.7 Conclusions 13
Bibliography 14
Chapter Two The Marine Economy: A National Perspective 19
2.1 Introduction 19
2.2 Linkages 21
2.3 Input–Output Analysis 22
2.4 Case Study: The Irish Marine Economy, An Input–.Output Analysis 26
Case Study: Data Requirements 26
Case Study: Linkages Within the Marine Sector 27
Case Study: Forward linkages 30
Production-Inducing Effects of the Irish Marine Sector 32
Employment-Inducing Effects of the Marine Sector 35
Case Study: Discussion 37
2.5 Conclusions 39
Bibliography 39
Chapter Three Accounting the Marine Economy: Capturing Economic Change Through Time Series Data 43
3.1 Introduction 43
3.2 Data for Economic Trend Analysis 44
3.3 Case Study: Trends in the English Marine Sector: 2003 to 2011 46
3.4 Results 48
3.5 Using Trend Data on the Marine Economy for Policy and Governance 55
3.6 Conclusions 56
Bibliography 56
Chapter Four The Marine Sector and the Regions 59
4.1 Introduction 59
4.2 The Geography of the Marine Economy 60
4.3 Case Study: The Marine Economy and the Irish Regions 62
The Role of the Marine Economy in the Irish Regions 65
The Irish Regional Marine Economy: Labor Market Indicators 67
The Irish Regional Economy: Productivity Market Indicators 69
4.4 Discussion 70
4.5 Conclusions 71
Bibliography 72
Chapter Five The Economic Impact of the Marine Sector on the Regions: A Location Quotient Approach 75
5.1 Introduction 75
5.2 Location Quotients 77
5.3 Methodology 78
Location Quotients 79
5.4 Case Study: Ireland 82
Discussion of the Irish Case Study 84
5.5 Conclusions 85
Bibliography 86
Chapter Six Regional Development and Marine Clusters 89
6.1 Introduction 89
6.2 Clusters and the Marine Economy 93
Maritime Clusters 94
6.3 Case Study: An Irish Maritime Cluster 96
Location Quotients 97
Linkages Within the Irish Maritime Sector 97
Linkages Within the Maritime Transportation Sector 98
Forward Linkages 100
Case Study: Discussion 101
6.4 Discussion 102
Bibliography 103
Chapter Seven Marine Clusters: Specialization or Diversity? 107
7.1 Introduction 107
7.2 Related Variety 108
7.3 Maritime Clusters and the Irish Maritime and Energy Resource Cluster (IMERC) 109
7.4 Methods 111
7.5 Results 114
The Four IMERC Pillars and the Wider Economy 114
Relatedness Among the IMERC Pillars 115
7.6 Discussion 118
Bibliography 121
Chapter Eight From National to Regional to Local: A Spatial Microsimulation Model for the Marine 125
8.1 Introduction 125
8.2 Spatial Microsimulation 127
8.3 Simulation Model of the Irish Local Economy (SMILE) 129
Quota Sampling (QS) 129
Calibration 131
SMILE Marine 132
8.4 Data 133
8.5 Results 134
National-Level Analysis 134
Marine Employment Contribution at the County Level 135
Marine Income Contribution at the County Level 137
Income Spread 137
8.6 Discussion 139
Bibliography 141
Chapter Nine The Marine Sector: A Panacea in Peripheral, Deprived Areas? 145
9.1 Introduction 145
9.2 Data 146
Business Structure Dataset 146
Geographical References Within the BSD 147
Socio-Economic Data 148
Index of Multiple Deprivation for England 2010 148
9.3 Results 149
Fishing Sector 151
9.4 Discussion 153
9.5 Conclusions 154
Bibliography 155
Chapter Ten Conclusions 159
Bibliography 160
Index 161