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Islamic Modernities in Southeast Asia

Islamic Modernities in Southeast Asia

Leonie Schmidt


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Book Details


What does it mean to be a modern Muslim today? In contemporary discourse Islam and modernity are often presented as each other’s opposites in media and popular culture.

Southeast Asia has a large Muslim population, especially in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore, but Islamic culture in these states is conspicuously absent from the wider global discourse on Islam. With a focus on popular culture in Indonesia – a country that houses the world’s largest Muslim population and that is also undergoing modernisation –Islamic Modernities in Southeast Asia will demonstrate how Islamic modernities are being negotiated and constructed through popular and visual culture from a trans-regional perspective. Looking at a variety of Islamic-themed popular and visual culture including rock music, cinema, art, visual decorations in shopping malls, self-help books, and fashion blogs, the book explores how Islamic modernities are imagined, negotiated, contested, and shared in Southeast Asia.
Required reading, for those craving to understand Southeast Asia’s newborn halal chic. Using the latest in cultural theory, Schmidt takes us on a journey through late capitalist Indonesia, where political détente, new media technologies and religious pop compellingly combine, thus exploring the various new and exhilarating faces of a public Islam that increasingly serves a generation of Muslims, young and old, in making oneself modern.
Bart Barendregt, Associate Professor, Leiden University, the Netherlands
Leonie Schmidt is Assistant Professor in television studies in the Media Studies Department at the University of Amsterdam and a researcher at the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis.

Examining Islamic modernities and popular culture in Indonesia, Leonie Schmidt considers such diverse topics as visual culture, soap opera, cinema, fashion, rock music and urban space. In a region that is simultaneously Islamising and modernising, Schmidt shows how the juxtaposition of the seemingly incompatible can unsettle the modern/traditional dichotomy and highlight national and religious identities in their engagement with emerging modern lifestyle possibilities. Schmidt’s exciting and ambitious book is an important contribution to continuing debates about cultural transformation, pluralism and the promise of Islamic modernity.
Chris Hudson, Associate Professor of Asian Media and Culture, RMIT University

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover 1
Half Title i
Series Information ii
Title Page iii
Copyright Page iv
Contents v
Acknowledgements vii
Chapter One Introduction: Islamic-themed Popular and Visual Culture and Images of Modernities 1
Islamic-themed Popular and Visual Culture in Southeast Asia 4
Islam and Popular Culture during the New Order 5
Post–New Order Transformations and the Rise of the Middle Class in Southeast Asia 6
Islam in Islamic Popular and Visual Culture 9
Southeast Asian Islamic-themed Popular and Visual Culture as a Field of Study 10
Islamic Modernities 13
Encounters with Modernities 18
Ethnographic Observations 19
Shopping Malls, Rock Stars, and Self-help Gurus 20
Notes 23
Chapter Two Urban Islamic Spectacles: Transforming the Space of the Shopping Mall during Ramadan 25
The Politics of Spatial Ordering 26
The Mall as a Heterotopia 28
Ramadan as an Islamic Heterotopic Moment 37
Towards an Integral Study of Space and Time 53
Chapter Three Islamic Rock Music and Imaginations of Modernities 55
Imagining Islamic Modernities, an Imagination across Space and Time 59
Tuhan: Islam in a Modern World 61
Perdamaian: Imagining, Negotiating, and Contesting Islamic Modernities 63
Nationalism: Building a Modern Future 68
Aspiring and Actualizing an Islamic Modern Future 72
Chapter Four Islamic Self-help Books and Governmentality 75
Islamic Self-help Books 77
Governmentality, Self-help, and Religion 78
Wonderful Family: The Keluarga Sakinah as the Foundation of Islamic Modernities 80
Rasullulah’s Business School: Transforming Muhammad into a Modern Entrepreneur 88
Twitografi Asma Nadia: Governing Muslim Girls 95
The Modern Muslim as a Self-enterprising Citizen-Subject 105
Note 109
Chapter Five Muslim Masculinity and Femininity in Islamic-themed Films 111
Islamic-themed Films and Biopolitical Governance 114
Berbagi Suami: Polygamy and the Struggle of the Modern Woman 116
Virgin: Controlling Wild Girls 126
Ayat-Ayat Cinta: Violence, Polygamy, and Ideal Muslim Masculinity 133
The National Function of post–New Order Femininities and Masculinities 142
Chapter Six Liking, Wearing, and Sharing Islamic Modernities: Indonesian and Malaysian Muslim Fashion Bloggers 145
Narrating the Fashionable Self 150
Constructing Modern Fashionable Selves 152
Cosmopolitanism and Class 153
Motivational Religion: Staying Fashionable, Modest, and Pious 157
Mobile, Cosmopolitan, Fashionable, Consumerist, and Pious Selves 160
Notes 162
Chapter Seven Unearthing the Past and Reimagining the Present: Contemporary Art and Muslim Politics in a Post-9/11 World 163
Membuat Obama and the Politics of Juxtaposition 165
11 June 2002 and the Politics of Memory 170
Muslim Politics and Aesthetics: Practicing a Critical History 175
Chapter Eight Conclusion: Islamic Modernities and the Politics of Plurality 179
Modernities and the Means of Mediation 185
Advancing Scholarship: Flows, Spaces, and Audiences 189
Flows 189
Spaces 190
Audiences 191
Bibliography 193
Index 207