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Inside Anorexia

Inside Anorexia

Desiree Boughtwood | Christine Halse | Anne Honey


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Inside Anorexia provides valuable insight into the experiences and challenges faced by teenage girls with anorexia and their families.

The authors use the stories of individuals and their families as a starting point for understanding the issues associated with anorexia including: physical effects, the effect on siblings and parents, related psychiatric problems, causes and treatment. Useful fact boxes in each story provide an overview of current knowledge from a variety of disciplines as well as new findings from the authors' own research into anorexia nervosa.

Inside Anorexia is an accessible resource for anyone who wants a better understanding of anorexia nervosa. It will be an informative guide for health professionals as well as for people with anorexia and their families.

The full extent of anorexia and its effect on families is very well presented, so I think that anybody who was struggling with the complexity of the issues surrounding anorexia might well feel less isolated after reading this book... Inside Anorexia is worth a read.
Healthcare Counselling and Psychotherapy Journal
Dr Christine Halse is an Associate Professor in Education and Chief Investigator of the multi-disciplinary, multi-method Australian Research Council project, Multiple Perspectives of Eating Disorders in Girls, at the University of Western Sydney, Australia. Her research and publications on anorexia nervosa have addressed biographical, clinical and ethical issues. Dr Anne Honey is Senior Researcher with the Multiple Perspectives of Eating Disorders in Girls project at the University of Western Sydney and has a background in mental health research and occupational therapy. Dr Desiree Boughtwood is a counselor. Her doctorate, titled Anorexia Nervosa in the Clinic, examined teenage girls' experiences of hospitalization for anorexic nervosa.
The book poignantly follows the accounts of the teenage girls, siblings, mothers, and fathers as they attempt to make meaning of and come to terms with anorexia in real time, rather than a post recovery perspective. The structure of the book is unique in that the family biographies are the scaffold upon which pertinent information and issues about anorexia are present... Inside anorexia has general reader appeal and is an easy read from start to finish. The book is of particular interest to anyone at the beginning stages of learning about complexities of this disease. It may also offer support and some illumination to patients and families who are at the beginning of their journey with this illness.
Psychiatric Services
This book is a valuable resource that achieves that rare blend of theory research and professional practice and is highly readable and accessible.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
1 Local technical knowledge 1
Keepers of knowledge 1
Low status of people's knowledge 1
When 'people' are 'women' 3
Why have women been ignored? 3
2 Technological change and innovation by women 5
What is innovation? 5
Why has external innovation failed? 5
Why are outsiders needed? 7
Recent attempts to support innovation by women 7
Grassroots women also innovate 8
3 Case studies 9
Section I: Women's local knowledge 10
Fermented foods in Sudan 10
Moringa oleifera seeds as natural water coagulants, Sudan 14
Fermented milk in Kenya 17
Milk production and processing in Nigeria 18
Traditional food storage in Kenya 19
Fruit preservation in Sri Lanka 20
Smoke in Sudanese women's culture 23
Potato production in the Andes 25
Section II: Women's local technological innovation 27
Cassava processing in Luwero District, Uganda 27
Nkejje fish in Lake Victoria, Uganda 30
Salt extraction in Sierra Leone 33
Women potters in Kenya 37
Survival skills of Tonga women in Zimbabwe 41
Soybean daddawa in Nigeria 45
Assmi production in Sri Lanka 46
Section III: External support to women's local technological innovation 48
Utilization of soybeans in West Africa 48
Soy mishti in Bangladesh 49
Mechanical cassava graters in Nigeria 50
Indigenous vegetables in Kenya 52
Shea butter extraction in Ghana 55
Women's milk production in the Bolivian Andes 60
Livestock production in Peru 61
Women squash producers in Zaire 63
4 Lessons learned from the case studies 67
5 Guidelines for development practitioners 75
Appendix I: Contacts 78
Appendix II: References 84