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Tools for Helpful Souls

Tools for Helpful Souls

Ilse Sand


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Book Details


Highly sensitive people spend a lot of time trying to balance their surroundings, including the emotions and wellbeing of those around them, which lends to a supportive and caring nature. While highly sensitive people are well-suited for the role of 'helper', this practice can be particularly exhausting if not regulated. This book contains a variety of tools geared towards self-development and optimising a helpful and supportive conversation in professional therapeutic settings or personal relationships.

This practical guide demonstrates how to use simple psychotherapeutic methods through supportive dialogues, which can be applied by anyone without any formal training. Written in easy language with real-life examples and practical exercises, this will serve as a handbook for highly sensitive people who provide help either on a professional or personal level.

[Ilse Sand's] pragmatic book is loving, caring and pedagogical and by all means a good way to achieve a greater understanding of the human mind - whether you are the one that needs help or the one who helps others.
Kristeligt Dagblad, Christian journal, Denmark
Ilse Sand is a theology graduate from the University of Aarhus, where she wrote her Master's thesis on C.G. Jung and Søren Kierkegaard. She is also trained in several psychotherapeutic approaches and is registered with the Association for Psychotherapy in Denmark. After being employed for several years as a parish priest for the Danish National Church she now works as a supervisor, trainer, speaker and therapist. See more at
This book is allied to coaching books but still it has a different and more sensitive character, a wider target group, a broader message and another form of depth. It is a fine and essential book that can be useful to many.
Bibliotekernes Materialevurdering, Denmark

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Tools for Helpful Souls: Especially for highly sensitive people who provide help either on a professional or private level by Ilse Sand 3
Preface 7
Introduction 9
1. Fundamental Tools 19
2. Mirroring, Empathy and Taking Breaks 28
3. How Active Should a Helper Be? 41
4. Be Aware of Feelings of Shame 46
5. Focusing on Maxims 51
6. Establishing a Meeting between ‘I’ and ‘You’ 62
7. Focus on What is Happening between the Two of You 73
8. How to Deal with Anxiety 82
9. Important Things to Know About Highly Sensitive People 92
10. Challenges for the Highly Sensitive Helper 108
Postscript: The World Needs Helpful Souls 122
Appendix: Write a Farewell Letter 123
Thanks to… 124
Bibliography 125
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