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Unclouded by Longing

Unclouded by Longing

Christopher Goodchild | Thomas Moore | Julie Lonneman



Truth waits for eyes unclouded by longing.'

Lao-Tzu (poet and philosopher)

In this collection of short, contemplative, enlightening reflections, spiritual teacher and Quaker Christopher Goodchild, inspired by his own experiences, guides you through his spiritual and philosophical journey to his truest and most peaceful self. Written from a 'soul' perspective, the book reveals how, by looking beyond vulnerability to see innate strength, and searching beyond pain and turmoil to find peace and serenity, anyone can affirm their true humanity despite the hardships and distractions of modern life.

Christopher's compassionate route through difficulties, doubt, grief and fear is marked with dynamic tenderness and an artful embrace of abundant sources of wisdom. Spirituality, psychology and philosophy are seamlessly woven together in an inclusive Quaker context, led by the common values of love and forgiveness.

In a world increasingly weighed down with the baggage of the self, this book will speak to anyone searching for a more clear-sighted, meaningful presence in the eternal universe.

With a wisdom honed by transformative pain, Christopher Goodchild invites us to suffuse our lives with a spacious consciousness from which to engage with what is. A moving, beautiful and profoundly truthful book.
Jennifer Kavanagh, author of ‘The World is our Cloister’ and ‘A Little Book of Unknowing’
Christopher Goodchild is a Spiritual teacher and Quaker at the Westminster Meeting. He was diagnosed with high-functioning autism at the age of 40, and is now an Ambassador for the National Autistic Society.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Unclouded by Longing - Meditations on Autism and Being Present in an Overwhelming World by Christopher Goodchild 3
Foreword by Thomas Moore 11
Acknowledgements 15
Introduction 17
1. Unclouded by Longing 21
2. What Is It You Truly Long for? 23
3. The Light behind the Watcher 25
4. The Quaker Way 27
5. The Sorrowful Price of Freedom 29
6. Befriending Your ‘Black Dog’ 31
7. Allowing Your Body to Speak its Mind 33
8. Giving In but Not Giving Up 35
9. The World as a Stage 39
10. Autism and Spirituality 41
11. To Love What Is 43
12. Life as a Painful Gift 45
13. Autism as a Flower 49
14. Quaker Meeting for Worship 51
15. The Heart as a Lonely Hunter 53
16. What Desire Are You Using to Give up Desire? 55
17. The Light Dressed Up as ‘Self’ and ‘Other’ 57
18. The Mystery of Prayer 59
19. ‘Being’ in Uncertainty 61
20. Waiting in the Light 63
21. Whisper ‘Yes’ 65
22. The Play of Darkness and Light 67
23. Dancing with Fear 71
24. Divine Play of Father and Son 73
25. Going Underground 75
26. Dropping Your Anchor 77
27. Laughter as a Doorway 79
28. Entrusting Yourself to the Waves 81
29. The Shadowlands 83
30. A Wounded Tree Still Blossoms 85
31, Eating Poppies with the Dead 89
32. The Ocean and the Waves 91
33. The Mountain of Truth 93
34. The Gift of Not Knowing 95
35. The Seeker 97
36. The Sacred Heart of Jesus 99
37. The Infinite Sky Within 103
38. ‘Being’ En Route 105
39. Autism… It’s Not What You Think 107
40. Nothing Special 109
41. There Is Nothing New 111
42. …and then, the Blackbird Sings 113
43. Being an Elder 117
44. Allowing Messiness 119
45. Healing the Wounds of Separation 121
46. A Doorway into Truth 123
47. Spiritual Bypassing 125
48. Dancing with the Elephant in the Room 127
49. Autism as an Awakening 131
50. The Second Arrow 133
51. Coming Home to ‘Being’ 135
52. Thought for the Day 137
53. You Are the Music 139
54. Sweet Etty Hillesum 141
55. It’s All Perfect 145
56. Using Your Stories Up 147
57. It’s All an Open Secret 149
58. Eternally Grateful 151
59. The Life that Never Ends 153
60. The End of Words 155
References 158
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