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Can't You Hear Them?

Can't You Hear Them?

Simon McCarthy-Jones


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The experience of 'hearing voices', once associated with lofty prophetic communications, has fallen low. Today, the experience is typically portrayed as an unambiguous harbinger of madness caused by a broken brain, an unbalanced mind, biology gone wild. Yet an alternative account, forged predominantly by people who hear voices themselves, argues that hearing voices is an understandable response to traumatic life-events. There is an urgent need to overcome the tensions between these two ways of understanding 'voice hearing'.

Simon McCarthy-Jones considers neuroscience, genetics, religion, history, politics and not least the experiences of many voice hearers themselves. This enables him to challenge established and seemingly contradictory understandings and to create a joined-up explanation of voice hearing that is based on evidence rather than ideology.

A brilliant and thoughtful travel into the complex experience of hearing voices. Superbly written, with intelligence, but also a delightful sense of humour, this book will become an indispensable addition to the bookshelves of clinicians, scientists and people who hear voices.
Renaud Jardri, MD, PhD, Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Lille, France
On finishing this book my initial instinct was to re-read it in order to appreciate its insights for a second time. Can't You Hear Them? is not only a work of impressive scholarship but a compelling, beautifully-written story of human experience and endeavour.
Dr Eleanor Longden, Psychosis Research Unit, Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust, UK
A remarkable book about voice hearing, which provides an accessible account of the science, but does not lose track of the meaning of the experience. It is compassionate, controversial and compelling!
Chris Cook, Professor of Spirituality, Theology & Health at Durham University, UK
Simon McCarthy-Jones currently works as an associate professor in Clinical Psychology and Neuropsychology at Trinity College, Dublin and has over a decade of research experience regarding the topic of hearing voices.
Clinicians should recommend this volume to their patients, scientists should recommend it to their students, and voice hearers should recommend it to others in the voice hearing community. I cannot think of a better accolade than to say few would fail to benefit from reading this volume, irrespective of whether the audience is seeking answers to the experiences one is having or seeking guidance on the underlying mechanisms of voice hearing per se.
American Psychological Association
With rigorous science, penetrating analyses, colourful and enjoyable prose, and an astonishing breadth of knowledge - Simon McCarthy-Jones has delivered a book that will undeniably be appreciated by many.
Frank Larøi, University of Bergen, Norway and University of Liège, Belgium
This is a little gem of a book, and a must-have for anyone working with, living with, or curious about voices.
Vanessa Beavan
An engaging enquiry into the psychology and neuroscience of voice hearing that explores hallucinated voices in all their fascinating forms.
Vaughan Bell, University College London, UK

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Can’t You Hear Them?: the science and significance of hearing voices by Simon McCarthy-Jones 4
Introduction 13
1. Desperately Seeking Silence 20
2. Context, Not Cortex 27
3. Religion Weaponizes Medicine 35
4. Manufacturing Meaning 40
5. There’s Still Steel in Sheffield 49
6. A Candle in the Dark 54
7. The Psychiatric Reformation 59
8. Variety with Commonality 64
9. Doublespeak 74
10. Only God Knows 76
11. Follow the Trauma 85
12. Certified Organic 91
13. Beyond Diagnosis 100
14. Two Point Five \nPer Cent 110
15. Where to Start \nwith Causes 113
16. Breast Pumps \nfrom Hell 117
17. Hypervigilance Hallucinations 120
18. What Have They Done to You, Poor Child? 125
19. Can Child Abuse Cause Voice-Hearing? 132
20. Voice-Hearing as Memories of Trauma 138
21. What Encourages Voice-Hearing After Trauma? 146
22. The Galaxy in Your Head 161
23. Grey Matter Changes in the Voice-Hearing Brain 167
24. Where Wilder’s Things Roam 171
25. What is the Brain Doing When Someone is Hearing Voices? 175
26. White Matter Changes in the Voice-Hearing Brain 181
27. Who May I Say is Calling? 192
28. Take into the Air My Quiet Breath 196
29. Meet You in Malkovich 200
30. Right is Might 203
31. Speak, Memory 208
32. TPJ 213
33. Vigorously Resting 217
34. A Tranquillizer by Any Other Name? 219
35. Antipsychotics: Heart-Warming and Heart-Breaking 222
36. Enter Synapse 229
37. The Truths They Are A’changing 235
38. The Untamed Prediction 240
39. Neurodevelopmental Theories 248
40. Are there Genes for Hallucinations? 254
41. When the World Speaks, the Genome Listens 264
42. Turning to Recovery 271
43. The Long Talk to Freedom 277
44. The Voice-Hearer’s Stone 286
45. The Master’s Tools 292
46. I Came a Stranger, \nI Depart a Stranger 298
47. What Causes the Causes? 303
Conclusions 309
Endnotes 327
Index 371
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