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The Acupuncturist's Guide to Conventional Medicine, Second Edition

The Acupuncturist's Guide to Conventional Medicine, Second Edition

Clare Stephenson


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Offering a systematic comparative approach to Western and Eastern medicine, this unique textbook enables students and practitioners of Chinese medicine to develop a core understanding of conventional medical language and treatments.

Acupuncture practitioners increasingly find themselves working alongside Western healthcare professionals. Now in its second edition, this book is a guide to conventional medical diagnoses, symptoms and treatments, and using examples drawn from the author's experience and knowledge of TCM it encourages reflection on how these diagnoses may be interpreted from a more holistic medical perspective. It includes introductory sections on physiology, pathology and pharmacology, chapters devoted to the physiological systems of the body and the conventional approach to the treatment of diseases that can affect them, and information on dealing with patients in practice.

Accompanying online material, including self-testing questions and answers and checklists for revision, is available for those wishing to use the text for systematic study.

Clare Stephenson has achieved what many others have failed to do in providing a thorough, but clear and accessible, description of aspects of Conventional Medicine which every acupuncture practitioner should know about. She has used her in-depth knowledge of both Conventional and Chinese Medicine, as well as years of clinical experience in both disciplines, to create an informative, fascinating and ultimately practical book.
Rebecca Avern, Traditional Acupuncturist and Senior Lecturer at the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine
Dr Clare Stephenson is a qualified medical practitioner who worked in hospital medicine, general practice and public health medicine for a number of years before training in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and acupuncture. Over the course of a decade she developed and taught an undergraduate course for students of Chinese medicine on Western medicine and how it relates to TCM. She divides her working time between the practice of palliative care medicine, acupuncture and lecturing acupuncture students and is based in Oxfordshire, UK.
This book is the main Conventional Medical Sciences textbook we use at the College of Integrated Medicine for our students. There is no other textbook to touch it in terms of its clarity. It offers a "translation" of Western medical disease descriptions into Chinese medical terms and also provides a summary of 'Red Flags' of diseases for use in the clinic situation. It is also relevant for any practitioner of complementary medicine as its layout and terminology makes it such an easy book to use in order to understand from a Western medicine point of view the problems one's patients encounter. I cannot recommend it highly enough.
Peter Mole, Dean of the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine
Clare Stephenson has created a resource we have waited decades for; one that painstakingly and comprehensively straddles the different landscapes of western and Chinese medicine...This is an invaluable tool for practitioners and for students from the outset of their studies, both as an aid for learning and as a point of reference for assisting us and giving shape to how we might share information with our patients. Similarly, it offers an explanation of the pharmaceutical approach to disease and frames the clinical impact of medication through the lens of Chinese medicine. This offers the potential for a systematic course of learning as well as the text standing alone as a comprehensive body of knowledge...I think I'd have been much more enlightened and wakeful if I'd had it for guidance as an undergraduate. The online material is an excellent guide for the revision of essential knowledge of physiology and pathology...While this is a weight book, it is written with an elegant simplicity that illuminates the complex clinical language often used in scientific texts. It is accessible enough to be an absorbing and fascinating read. This book is insightful and yet methodical in layout, which makes extracting specific information straightforward and quick...With this book I believe she bridges the gap between our often incompatible ways of seeing and I applaud her great progress in doing this for our profession. This book is a phenomenal achievement and would make a valuable addition to the library of any acupuncture practitioner.
Vanessa Lampert
Acu, Issue 16, Autumn 2017

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
The Acupuncturist’s Guide to Conventional Medicine, Second Edition by Clare Stephenson ii
Foreword by Angela Hicks and John Hicks viii
Acknowledgements x
Introduction xii
Note to the Reader: Understanding Western Medical Terminology in Chinese Medicine Terms xiv
Stage 1: Introduction to Medical Sciences 1
1.1 Introduction to Medical Sciences 2
1.1a Introduction to physiology: systems of the 2
1.1b The cell: composition, respiration and division 5
1.1c Cell transport and homeostasis 8
1.1d The tissue types 11
1.1e Introduction to pathology and pharmacology 15
1.2 Conventional Clinical Practice 19
1.2a The conventional medicine approach 19
1.2b Conventional medical prescribing 24
1.2c Introduction to conventional drugs 27
1.3 Comparisons with Alternative Medical Viewpoints 31
1.3a Contrasting philosophies of health 31
1.3b Drugs from a complementary medical viewpoint 35
Notes 47
Stage 2: Introduction to Processes of Disease 49
2.1 Barriers to Disease and Susceptibility 50
2.1a Health and susceptibility: what makes us vulnerable to disease? 50
2.1b Barriers to disease: wound healing 53
2.1c Barriers to disease: blood clotting 57
2.1d Barriers to disease: the immune system 59
2.2 Processes of Disease 66
2.2a Introduction to processes of disease 66
2.2b Inflammation 70
2.2c Disorders of the immune system 74
2.2d Thrombosis, embolism and infarction 82
2.3 Cancer 86
2.4 Infectious Disease 96
2.4a Principles of infectious disease 96
2.4b The different types of infectious disease 100
2.4d Diagnosis, prevention and treatment of infectious disease 110
Notes 123
Stage 3: The Gastrointestinal, Cardiovascular and Respiratory System 125
3.1 The Gastrointestinal System 126
3.1a The physiology of the gastrointestinal system 126
3.1b The investigation of the gastrointestinal system 139
3.1c Diseases of the mouth, esophagus, stomach and duodenum 141
3.1d Diseases of the pancreas, liver and gallbladder 153
3.1e Diseases of the small intestine and large intestine 164
3.2 The Cardiovascular System 176
3.2a The physiology of the cardiovascular system 176
3.2b The investigation of the cardiovascular system 187
3.2c Diseases of the blood vessels 192
3.2d Hypertension 202
3.2e Coronary heart disease 210
3.2f Heart failure and arrhythmias 219
3.2g Diseases of the heart muscle, pericardium and heart valves, and congenital heart disease 229
3.3 The Respiratory System 236
3.3a The physiology of the respiratory system 236
3.3b The investigation of the respiratory system 243
3.3c Diseases of the upper respiratory tract 244
3.3d Diseases of the bronchi and bronchioles 253
3.3e Diseases of the alveoli and pleura 262
3.4 The Blood 273
3.4a The physiology of the blood 273
3.4b The investigation of the blood 276
3.4c Anemia 278
3.4d Acute blood loss, transfusion and disorders of the spleen 286
3.4e Cancer of the blood cells 292
Notes 297
Stage 4: The Nervous, Musculoskeletal and Urinary Systems 299
4.1 The Nervous System 300
4.1a The physiology of the nervous system 300
4.1b The investigation of the nervous system 318
4.1c Disorders of the central nervous system: impairment of consciousness 321
4.1d Disorders of the central nervous system: hemorrhage, stroke and brain tumors 326
4.1e Disorders of the central nervous system: headache and infections 333
4.1f Disorders of the central nervous system: dementia, epilepsy and other disorders 341
4.1g Disorders of the spinal cord and peripheral nerves 353
4.2 The Musculoskeletal System 365
4.2a The physiology of the musculoskeletal system 365
4.2b The investigation of the musculoskeletal system 370
4.2c The treatment of musculoskeletal pain 372
4.2d Diseases of the bones 376
4.2e Localized diseases of the joints, ligaments and muscles 382
4.2f Generalized diseases of the joints, ligaments and muscles 393
4.3 The Urinary System 403
4.3a The physiology of the urinary system 403
4.3b The investigation of the urinary system 408
4.3c Diseases of the kidneys 410
4.3d Diseases of the ureters, bladder and the urethra 423
Notes 431
Stage 5: The Endocrine Reproductive Systems and and Child Health 433
5.1 The Endocrine System 434
5.1a The physiology of the endocrine system 434
5.1b The investigation of the endocrine system 440
5.1c Diseases of the thyroid gland 440
5.1d Diabetes mellitus 448
5.1e Diseases of the adrenal gland and the pituitary gland 456
5.2 The Reproductive System 461
5.2a The physiology of the reproductive system 461
5.2b The investigation of the reproductive system 469
5.2c Disorders of menstruation and the menopause 472
5.2d Sexual health and sexually transmitted disease 480
5.2e Contraception 489
5.2f Infertility 494
5.2g Structural disorders of the female reproductive system 500
5.3 Pregnancy and Childbirth 511
5.3a The physiology of pregnancy and childbirth 511
5.3b Routine care and investigation in pregnancy and childbirth 521
5.3c Abortion and bleeding in pregnancy 526
5.3d Other complications of pregnancy 532
5.3e Complications of childbirth and the puerperium 548
5.3f Lactation and disorders of the breast 556
5.4 Children’s Health 564
5.4a Introduction to children’s health 564
5.4b Assessment of child health and development 569
5.4c Congenital disorders 574
5.4d Infectious disease in childhood 592
5.4e Other common disorders of childhood 612
Notes 642
Stage 6: The Skin, Eye and Ear, Mental Health and Conclus 645
6.1 The Skin, the Eye and the Ear 646
6.1a The physiology of the skin, the eye and the ear 646
6.1b The investigation of the skin, the eye and the ear 654
6.1c Diseases of the skin 658
6.1d Diseases of the eye 686
6.1e Diseases of the ear 697
6.2 Mental Health 705
6.2a Introduction to mental health 705
6.2b Classification of mental health disorders 713
6.2c Assessment and treatment of mental health disorders 716
6.2d Anxiety, depression, somatoform disorders and eating disorders 728
6.2e Psychoses, personality disorders and learning disability 739
6.3 Conclusions 753
6.3a The red flags of disease: a review 753
6.3b Withdrawing from conventional medication 754
6.3c Communicating with conventional medical practitioners 762
6.3d Ethical issues 766
Notes 768
Appendix I The Functions of the Organs: Correspondence Tables 771
Appendix II Worked Examples of the Six-Step Method for Interpreting the Energetic Action of Drugs 778
Appendix III Red Flag Conditions: A Guide for Acupuncturists 781
Appendix IV Tables Showing Categories of Drugs for Withdrawal from Medication 817
Notes 823
Index 824
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