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Street Fashion Moscow

Street Fashion Moscow

Elena Siemens


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Book Details


Few cities in the world offer the diversity of stunning visuals that can be found on the streets of Moscow, from famous landmarks like Red Square to the Boulevard Ring and Kamergersky Lane and the residential areas beyond the Garden Ring. For this book, former Moscow resident Elena Siemens travelled them all as an urban flâneur, taking photographs of contemporary fashion in action and setting it alongside explorations of modern and historic representations of fashion and beauty as seen in a wide variety of products of Russian culture. Through her photos and analysis, Siemens considers the question of how contemporary Russians understand their post-Soviet identity and express it through the ways they present themselves in public.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Half Title 1
Title 3
Copyright 4
Contents 5
Foreword 7
Street Fashion Moscow 9
Red Square and Surroundings 21
Gorky Park to the Hermitage Gardens 53
Winter on the Boulevard Ring 87
Beyond the Garden Ring 119
Acknowledgements 155
References 157
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