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Sensitive Pasts

Sensitive Pasts

Carla van Boxtel | Maria Grever | Stephan Klein


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Heritage, as an area of research and learning, often deals with difficult historical questions, due to the strong emotions and political commitments that are often at stake. In this, it poses particular challenges for teachers, museum educators and the publics they serve. Guided by a shared focus on these “sensitive pasts,” the contributors to this volume draw on new theoretical and empirical research to provide valuable insights into heritage pedagogy. Together they demonstrate the potential of heritage as a historical-educational domain that transcends myopic patriotism, parochialism and simplistic relativism, helping to enhance critical and sophisticated historical thinking.

Carla van Boxtel is Professor of History Education at the Research Institute of Child Development and Education and the Amsterdam School of Historical Studies, University of Amsterdam. She is also director of the Dutch Center for Social Studies Education.

Maria Grever is Professor of Theory and Methodology of History, and director of the Center for Historical Culture, Erasmus University Rotterdam. She has led several research projects; currently she leads “War! Popular Culture and European Heritage of Major Armed Conflicts.”

Stephan Klein is a lecturer/researcher of history teaching and historical culture at ICLON, Leiden University Graduate School of Teaching. He led ‘Slave Trade in the Atlantic World’ (, an education project based on a dynamic approach to heritage studies.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Sensitive Pasts iii
Contents v
Illustrations viii
Introduction The Appeal of Heritage in Education 1
Part I Reflections on Heritage and Historical Consciousness 19
Chapter 1 Are Heritage Education and Critical Historical Thinking Compatible? 21
Chapter 2 The Continuous Threat of Excess? 40
Chapter 3 Antiquarianism and Historical Consciousness in the New Media Age 59
Part II Experiencing Heritage and Authenticity 73
Chapter 4 Why do Emotions Matter in Museums and Heritage Sites? 75
Chapter 5 Dutch Dealings with the Slavery Past 92
Chapter 6 Tagging Borobudur 108
Chapter 7 Unlocking Essences and Exploring Networks 130
Chapter 8 Archaeological Heritage Education and the Making of Regional Identities 153
Epilogue Part II History, Heritage and the Spaces Inbetween 171
Part III Teaching and Learning about Sensitive Heritage 179
Chapter 9 Holocaust Heritage Nearby 181
Chapter 10 Engaging Experiences of the Second World War 199
Chapter 11 An Intriguing Historical Trace or Heritage? 218
Chapter 12 Increasing Understanding or Undermining National Heritage 240
Chapter 13 Voicing Dissonance 261
Epilogue Part III Taking Students’ Ideas Seriously 280
Index 289