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Troy House

Troy House

Ann Benson


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Book Details


The architectural history of Troy House in Monmouthshire is positioned at the centre of this extensive new research volume, to support a consideration of how the surrounding land was refashioned over time. Investigating the estate’s main components, first individually and then by cross-referencing the findings, extends our current understanding of them as discreet and at the same time interrelating entities. Previously unrecorded historical features are discovered that belong to the house and its landscape, and comprehensive evidence is applied to challenge current understandings. The house and its pleasure gardens, the walled garden, the farm and the surrounding parkland are demonstrated together by this research to be a rare surviving example, in Wales especially, of a complete Tudor estate with Jacobean and Carolean aggrandisement. As such, Troy House occupies a significant place in history.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover\r Front Cover
Title Page\r iii
Copyright Page\r iv
Dedication\r v
Contents\r vii
Preface and Acknowledgements\r ix
List of Figures\r xi
List of Abbreviations xvii
Chapter One:\rTroy House Estate: an Enigma 1
Chapter Two: A History of the\rEstate’s Ownership:\rIdentifying the Key Periods\rof Estate Development\r 13
Chapter Three:\rTroy House: a Building History 73
Chapter Four:\rTroy House Gardens:\rLocation and Nature\rAcross Time 111
Chapter Five: The Walled Garden West of Troy House 145
Chapter Six:\rKey Built Features of the Estate’s Fieldscape 167
Chapter Seven: Troy House Estate: \rits Historical Significance 181
Appendix I:\rTroy’s History: the Existing Literature, 2015 187
Appendix II:\rThe Somerset Family Tree 192
Select Bibliography 195
Index 199
Back Cover\r Back Cover