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Robbins Basic Pathology E-Book

Robbins Basic Pathology E-Book

Vinay Kumar | Abul K. Abbas | Jon C. Aster


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Book Details


Part of the trusted Robbins and Cotran family, Robbins Basic Pathology provides a readable, well-illustrated and concise overview of the principles of human pathology that's ideal for today's busy students. This thoroughly revised edition continues with a strong emphasis on pathogenesis and the clinical features of disease, adding new artwork and more schematic diagrams to further aid in summarizing key pathologic processes and expand the already impressive illustration program.

  • Excellent art program boasts high-quality photomicrographs, gross photos, and radiologic images to supplement the world-class illustrations.

  • Bulleted summary boxes provide quick access to key information and easy review of key concepts.

  • Highlights pathogenesis, morphology, and pathophysiologic content throughout.
  • Includes increased and updated clinical topics.

  • New artwork and more schematic diagrams summarize key pathologic processes.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover cover
Student Consult ad IFC1
Robbins Basic Pathology i
Copyright Page iv
Dedication v
Contributors vi
Clinical Consultants viii
Preface ix
Acknowledgments x
Online Resources for Instructors and Students xi
Resources for Instructors xi
Image Collection xi
Test Bank xi
Resources for Students xi
Textbook Online xi
Targeted Therapy Boxes xi
Videos xi
Clinical Cases xi
Self-Assessment Questions xi
Table Of Contents xiii
1 The Cell as a Unit of Health and Disease 1
Chapter Outline 1
The Genome 1
Noncoding DNA 1
Histone Organization 3
Micro-RNA and Long Noncoding RNA 4
Gene Editing 5
Cellular Housekeeping 6
Plasma Membrane: Protection and Nutrient Acquisition 8
Passive Membrane Diffusion 9
Carriers and Channels 9
Receptor-Mediated and Fluid-Phase Uptake 9
Cytoskeleton 11
Cell-Cell Interactions 12
Biosynthetic Machinery: Endoplasmic Reticulum and Golgi Apparatus 12
Waste Disposal: Lysosomes and Proteasomes 13
Cellular Metabolism and Mitochondrial Function 13
Cellular Activation 16
Cell Signaling 16
Signal Transduction Pathways 16
Modular Signaling Proteins, Hubs, and Nodes 18
Transcription Factors 19
Growth Factors and Receptors 19
Extracellular Matrix 21
Components of the Extracellular Matrix 22
Maintaining Cell Populations 24
Proliferation and the Cell Cycle 24
Stem Cells 25
Regenerative Medicine 28
Concluding Remarks 28
Suggested Readings 29
Genetics and Epigenetics 29
Cellular Housekeeping 29
Cellular Metabolism and Mitochondrial Function 29
Cellular Activation 29
Maintaining Cell Populations 29
2 Cell Injury, Cell Death, and Adaptations 31
Chapter Outline 31
Introduction to Pathology 31
Overview of Cellular Responses to Stress and Noxious Stimuli 31
Causes of Cell Injury 32
Sequence of Events in Cell Injury and Cell Death 33
Reversible Cell Injury 33
Cell Death 34
Necrosis 35
Morphologic Patterns of Tissue Necrosis 36
Apoptosis 37
Causes of Apoptosis 37
Mechanisms of Apoptosis 38
Other Pathways of Cell Death 40
Autophagy 40
Mechanisms of Cell Injury and Cell Death 41
Hypoxia and Ischemia 42
Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury 43
Oxidative Stress 43
Generation and Removal of Reactive Oxygen Species 43
Cell Injury Caused by Reactive Oxygen Species 45
Cell Injury Caused by Toxins 45
Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress 45
DNA Damage 47
Inflammation 47
Common Events in Cell Injury From Diverse Causes 47
Mitochondrial Dysfunction 47
Defects in Membrane Permeability 47
Cellular Adaptations to Stress 48
Hypertrophy 48
Hyperplasia 49
Atrophy 50
Metaplasia 50
Intracellular Accumulations 51
Pathologic Calcification 53
Cellular Aging 54
Suggested Readings 56
3 Inflammation and Repair 57
Chapter Outline 57
Overview of Inflammation: Definitions and General Features 57
Causes of Inflammation 59
Recognition of Microbes and Damaged Cells 59
Acute Inflammation 60
Reactions of Blood Vessels in Acute Inflammation 60
Changes in Vascular Flow and Caliber 60
Increased Vascular Permeability (Vascular Leakage) 61
Responses of Lymphatic Vessels and Lymph Nodes 62
Leukocyte Recruitment to Sites of Inflammation 62
Leukocyte Adhesion to Endothelium 62
Leukocyte Migration Through Endothelium 65
Chemotaxis of Leukocytes 65
Phagocytosis and Clearance of the Offending Agent 66
Phagocytosis 67
Intracellular Destruction of Microbes and Debris 68
Neutrophil Extracellular Traps 69
Leukocyte-Mediated Tissue Injury 69
Other Functional Responses of Activated Leukocytes 70
Termination of the Acute Inflammatory Response 70
Mediators of Inflammation 70
Vasoactive Amines: Histamine and Serotonin 71
Arachidonic Acid Metabolites 71
Prostaglandins 71
Leukotrienes 73
Lipoxins 73
Pharmacologic Inhibitors of Prostaglandins and Leukotrienes 73
Cytokines and Chemokines 73
Tumor Necrosis Factor and Interleukin-1 73
Chemokines 74
Other Cytokines in Acute Inflammation 75
Complement System 75
Other Mediators of Inflammation 77
Platelet-Activating Factor 77
Products of Coagulation 77
Kinins 77
Neuropeptides 77
Morphologic Patterns of Acute Inflammation 78
Serous Inflammation 78
Fibrinous Inflammation 78
Purulent (Suppurative) Inflammation, Abscess 78
Ulcers 79
Outcomes of Acute Inflammation 79
Chronic Inflammation 81
Causes of Chronic Inflammation 81
Morphologic Features 81
Cells and Mediators of Chronic Inflammation 82
Role of Macrophages 82
Role of Lymphocytes 83
Other Cells in Chronic Inflammation 84
Granulomatous Inflammation 85
Systemic Effects of Inflammation 86
Tissue Repair 87
Overview of Tissue Repair 87
Cell and Tissue Regeneration 88
Cell Proliferation: Signals and Control Mechanisms 88
Mechanisms of Tissue Regeneration 88
Liver Regeneration 89
Repair by Scarring 89
Steps in Scar Formation 89
Angiogenesis 90
Activation of Fibroblasts and Deposition of Connective Tissue 91
Remodeling of Connective Tissue 92
Factors That Impair Tissue Repair 93
Clinical Examples of Abnormal Wound Healing and Scarring 93
Defects in Healing: Chronic Wounds 93
Excessive Scarring 93
Fibrosis in Parenchymal Organs 94
Suggested Readings 95
4 Hemodynamic Disorders, Thromboembolism, and Shock 97
Chapter Outline 97
Hyperemia and Congestion 97
Edema 98
Increased Hydrostatic Pressure 99
Reduced Plasma Osmotic Pressure 99
Lymphatic Obstruction 99
Sodium and Water Retention 100
Clinical Features 100
Hemorrhage 100
Hemostasis and Thrombosis 101
Normal Hemostasis 101
Platelets 102
Coagulation Cascade 103
Factors That Limit Coagulation. 105
Endothelium 106
Thrombosis 106
Endothelial Injury 107
Abnormal Blood Flow 108
Hypercoagulability 108
Fate of the Thrombus 110
Clinical Features 111
Venous Thrombosis (Phlebothrombosis) 111
Arterial and Cardiac Thrombosis 111
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) 111
Embolism 112
Pulmonary Thromboembolism 112
Systemic Thromboembolism 112
Fat Embolism 112
Amniotic Fluid Embolism 113
Air Embolism 113
Infarction 114
Factors That Influence Infarct Development 115
Shock 115
Pathogenesis of Septic Shock 116
Stages of Shock 118
Clinical Features 119
Suggested Readings 119
5 Diseases of the Immune System 121
Chapter Outline 121
The Normal Immune Response 121
Innate Immunity 122
Receptors of Innate Immunity 122
Toll-Like Receptors 123
NOD-Like Receptors and the Inflammasome 123
Other Receptors for Microbial Products 123
Reactions of Innate Immunity 123
Adaptive Immunity 124
Cells and Tissues of the Immune System 124
Lymphocytes 124
T Lymphocytes 124
Major Histocompatibility Complex Molecules: The Peptide Display System of Adaptive Immunity 126
B Lymphocytes 127
Natural Killer Cells and Innate Lymphoid Cells 128
Antigen-Presenting Cells 128
Dendritic Cells 128
Other Antigen-Presenting Cells 129
Lymphoid Tissues 129
Peripheral Lymphoid Organs 129
Cytokines: Messenger Molecules of the Immune System 130
Overview of Lymphocyte Activation and Adaptive Immune Responses 130
Capture and Display of Antigens 130
Cell-Mediated Immunity: Activation of T Lymphocytes and Elimination of Intracellular Microbes 132
Humoral Immunity: Activation of B Lymphocytes and Elimination of Extracellular Microbes 132
Decline of Immune Responses and Immunologic Memory 134
Hypersensitivity: Immunologically Mediated Tissue Injury 134
Causes of Hypersensitivity Reactions 135
Classification of Hypersensitivity Reactions 135
Immediate (Type I) Hypersensitivity 136
Sequence of Events in Immediate Hypersensitivity Reactions 136
Development of Allergies 137
Clinical and Pathologic Manifestations 138
Antibody-Mediated Diseases (Type II Hypersensitivity) 139
Mechanisms of Antibody-Mediated Diseases 139
Immune Complex–Mediated Diseases (Type III Hypersensitivity) 140
Systemic Immune Complex Disease 141
Formation of Immune Complexes. 141
Deposition of Immune Complexes. 141
Inflammation and Tissue Injury. 142
Local Immune Complex Disease (Arthus Reaction) 142
T Cell–Mediated Diseases (Type IV Hypersensitivity) 142
CD4+ T Cell–Mediated Inflammation 142
Clinical Examples of CD4+ T Cell–Mediated Inflammatory Reactions 143
CD8+ T Cell–Mediated Cytotoxicity 145
Autoimmune Diseases 145
Immunologic Tolerance 145
Central Tolerance 146
Peripheral Tolerance 146
Mechanisms of Autoimmunity: General Principles 147
Genetic Factors in Autoimmunity 147
Role of Infections, Tissue Injury, and Other Environmental Factors 148
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 150
Spectrum of Autoantibodies in SLE 150
Anti-Nuclear Antibodies 151
Other Autoantibodies 151
Pathogenesis 152
Genetic Factors 152
Environmental Factors 152
Immunologic Factors 153
A Model for the Pathogenesis of SLE 153
Mechanisms of Tissue Injury 153
Clinical Features 157
Chronic Discoid Lupus Erythematosus 157
Drug-Induced Lupus Erythematosus 157
Rheumatoid Arthritis 158
Sjögren Syndrome 158
Pathogenesis 158
Clinical Features 158
Systemic Sclerosis (Scleroderma) 159
Pathogenesis 159
Clinical Features 161
Inflammatory Myopathies 162
Mixed Connective Tissue Disease 162
Polyarteritis Nodosa and Other Vasculitides 162
IgG4-Related Disease 162
Rejection of Transplants 162
Recognition and Rejection of Allografts 162
Recognition of Graft Alloantigens 162
Mechanisms of Graft Rejection 163
Methods of Increasing Graft Survival 165
Transplantation of Hematopoietic Stem Cells 166
Graft-Versus-Host Disease 166
Immune Deficiencies 168
Immunodeficiency Syndromes 168
Primary (Inherited) Immunodeficiencies 168
Severe Combined Immunodeficiency 168
X-Linked Agammaglobulinemia 170
DiGeorge Syndrome (Thymic Hypoplasia) 170
Hyper-IgM Syndrome 170
Common Variable Immunodeficiency 171
Isolated IgA Deficiency 171
Other Defects in Lymphocyte Activation 171
Immunodeficiencies Associated With Systemic Diseases 171
Defects in Innate Immunity 172
Defects in Leukocyte Function 172
Deficiencies Affecting the Complement System 172
Secondary (Acquired) Immunodeficiencies 173
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome 173
Epidemiology 173
Properties of HIV 174
Structure of HIV 174
Pathogenesis of HIV Infection and AIDS 175
Life Cycle of HIV 175
Infection of Cells by HIV 175
Viral Replication 175
Mechanism of T-Cell Depletion in HIV Infection 176
HIV Infection of Non–T Immune Cells 177
Macrophages. 177
Dendritic Cells. 177
B Cell Function in HIV Infection. 177
Pathogenesis of Central Nervous System Involvement 177
Natural History and Course of HIV Infection 178
Clinical Features of AIDS 180
Opportunistic Infections 180
Tumors 180
Kaposi Sarcoma. 180
Lymphomas. 181
Other Tumors. 181
Central Nervous System Disease 181
Effect of Anti-Retroviral Drug Therapy on the Course of HIV Infection 181
Amyloidosis 182
Pathogenesis of Amyloid Deposition 183
Classification of Amyloidosis and Mechanisms of Amyloid Formation 183
Primary Amyloidosis: Plasma Cell Proliferations Associated With Amyloidosis. 183
Reactive Systemic Amyloidosis. 184
Heredofamilial Amyloidosis. 185
Hemodialysis-Associated Amyloidosis. 185
Localized Amyloidosis. 185
Endocrine Amyloid. 185
Amyloid of Aging. 185
Clinical Features 187
Suggested Readings 187
6 Neoplasia 189
Chapter Outline 189
Nomenclature 190
Benign Tumors 190
Malignant Tumors 190
Characteristics of Benign and Malignant Neoplasms 192
Differentiation and Anaplasia 192
Local Invasion 194
Metastasis 195
Epidemiology 196
Cancer Incidence 197
Environmental Factors 197
Age and Cancer 199
Acquired Predisposing Conditions 199
Interactions Between Environmental and Genetic Factors 200
Cancer Genes 200
Genetic Lesions in Cancer 201
Driver and Passenger Mutations 201
Point Mutations 201
Gene Rearrangements 201
Deletions 202
Gene Amplifications 203
Aneuploidy 203
MicroRNAs and Cancer 203
Epigenetic Modifications and Cancer 203
Carcinogenesis: A Multistep Process 204
Hallmarks of Cancer 204
Self-Sufficiency in Growth Signals 205
Growth Factors 206
Growth Factor Receptors 206
Downstream Signal-Transducing Proteins 206
RAS 206
ABL 207
Nuclear Transcription Factors 207
Cyclins and Cyclin-Dependent Kinases 207
Insensitivity to Growth Inhibitory Signals: Tumor Suppressor Genes 208
RB: Governor of the Cell Cycle 208
TP53: Guardian of the Genome 211
Transforming Growth Factor-β Pathway 213
Contact Inhibition, NF2, and APC 213
Altered Cellular Metabolism 214
Autophagy 216
Oncometabolism 216
Evasion of Cell Death 217
Limitless Replicative Potential (Immortality) 218
Sustained Angiogenesis 219
Invasion and Metastasis 220
Invasion of Extracellular Matrix 220
Vascular Dissemination and Homing of Tumor Cells 222
Metastasis 223
Evasion of Immune Surveillance 223
Tumor Antigens. 224
Effective Immune Responses to Tumor Antigens. 224
Immune Evasion by Cancers. 224
Genomic Instability as an Enabler of Malignancy 226
Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colon Cancer Syndrome 227
Xeroderma Pigmentosum 227
Diseases With Defects in DNA Repair by Homologous Recombination 227
Cancers Resulting From Mutations Induced by Regulated Genomic Instability: Lymphoid Neoplasms 227
Tumor-Promoting Inflammation as an Enabler of Malignancy 228
Etiology of Cancer: Carcinogenic Agents 228
Chemical Carcinogens 228
Direct-Acting Agents 229
Indirect-Acting Agents 229
Mechanisms of Action of Chemical Carcinogens 230
Radiation Carcinogenesis 231
Viral and Microbial Oncogenesis 231
Oncogenic RNA Viruses 231
Oncogenic DNA Viruses 232
Human Papillomavirus 232
Epstein-Barr Virus 233
Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C Viruses 234
Helicobacter pylori 235
Clinical Aspects of Neoplasia 235
Effects of Tumor on Host 235
Cancer Cachexia 236
Paraneoplastic Syndromes 236
Grading and Staging of Cancer 236
Laboratory Diagnosis of Cancer 237
Morphologic Methods 238
Tumor Markers 238
Molecular Diagnosis 239
Molecular Profiling of Tumors: The Future of Cancer Diagnostics 239
Suggested Readings 241
7 Genetic and Pediatric Diseases 243
Chapter Outline 243
Genetic Diseases 243
Nature of Genetic Abnormalities Contributing to Human Disease 244
Mutations in Protein-Coding Genes 244
Alterations in Protein-Coding Genes Other Than Mutations 244
Alterations in Non-Coding RNAs 244
Mendelian Disorders: Diseases Caused by Single-Gene Defects 245
Transmission Patterns of Single-Gene Disorders 246
Disorders of Autosomal Dominant Inheritance 246
Disorders of Autosomal Recessive Inheritance 246
X-Linked Disorders 246
Diseases Caused by Mutations in Genes Encoding Structural Proteins 247
Marfan Syndrome 247
Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes 248
Diseases Caused by Mutations in Genes Encoding Receptor Proteins or Channels 248
Familial Hypercholesterolemia 248
Normal Cholesterol Metabolism. 248
Pathogenesis 249
Cystic Fibrosis 250
Pathogenesis 251
Clinical Course 253
Diseases Caused by Mutations in Genes Encoding Enzyme Proteins 254
Phenylketonuria (PKU) 254
Galactosemia 255
Lysosomal Storage Diseases 255
Tay-Sachs Disease (GM2 Gangliosidosis: Deficiency in Hexosaminidase β Subunit) 256
Niemann-Pick Disease Types A and B 257
Niemann-Pick Disease Type C 258
Gaucher Disease 258
Mucopolysaccharidoses 259
Glycogen Storage Diseases (Glycogenoses) 260
Diseases Caused by Mutations in Genes Encoding Proteins That Regulate Cell Growth 261
Complex Multigenic Disorders 261
Cytogenetic Disorders 262
Numeric Abnormalities 262
Structural Abnormalities 263
General Features of Chromosomal Disorders 264
Cytogenetic Disorders Involving Autosomes 264
Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome) 264
22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome 266
Cytogenetic Disorders Involving Sex Chromosomes 267
Klinefelter Syndrome 267
Turner Syndrome 267
Single-Gene Disorders With Atypical Patterns of Inheritance 269
Triplet Repeat Mutations 269
Fragile X Syndrome 269
Pathogenesis 269
Fragile X Tremor/Ataxia 270
Diseases Caused by Mutations in Mitochondrial Genes 271
Diseases Caused by Alterations of Imprinted Regions: Prader-Willi and Angelman Syndromes 271
Pediatric Diseases 273
Congenital Anomalies 273
Etiology 275
Pathogenesis 276
Perinatal Infections 277
Prematurity and Fetal Growth Restriction 277
Respiratory Distress Syndrome of the Newborn 278
Pathogenesis 278
Clinical Features 278
Necrotizing Enterocolitis 279
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) 280
Pathogenesis 280
Fetal Hydrops 282
Immune Hydrops 283
Nonimmune Hydrops 283
Clinical Course 284
Tumors and Tumorlike Lesions of Infancy and Childhood 285
Benign Neoplasms 285
Malignant Neoplasms 286
Neuroblastoma 286
Clinical Course and Prognosis 287
Retinoblastoma 289
Clinical Features 289
Wilms Tumor 289
Clinical Course 291
Molecular Diagnosis of Mendelian and Complex Disorders 291
Indications for Genetic Analysis 292
Molecular Diagnosis of Copy Number Abnormalities 292
Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization 292
Array-Based Genomic Hybridization 293
Direct Detection of DNA Mutations by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Analysis 294
Next Generation Sequencing 295
Linkage Analysis and Genomewide Association Studies 295
Linkage Analysis 296
Genomewide Association Studies (GWASs) 296
Suggested Readings 296
8 Environmental and Nutritional Diseases 299
Chapter Outline 299
Health Effects of Climate Change 299
Toxicity of Chemical and Physical Agents 301
Environmental Pollution 302
Air Pollution 302
Outdoor Air Pollution 302
Indoor Air Pollution 303
Metals as Environmental Pollutants 304
Lead 304
Mercury 305
Arsenic 305
Cadmium 306
Industrial and Agricultural Exposures 306
Effects of Tobacco 307
Effects of Alcohol 310
Injury by Therapeutic Drugs and Drugs of Abuse 312
Injury by Therapeutic Drugs: Adverse Drug Reactions 312
Exogenous Estrogens and Oral Contraceptives 313
Menopausal Hormone Therapy (MHT) 313
Oral Contraceptives 314
Acetaminophen 314
Aspirin (Acetylsalicylic Acid) 314
Injury by Nontherapeutic Agents (Drug Abuse) 315
Cocaine 315
Heroin and Other Opioids 316
Marijuana 317
Other Illicit Drugs 317
Injury by Physical Agents 317
Mechanical Trauma 317
Thermal Injury 318
Thermal Burns 318
Hyperthermia 319
Hypothermia 319
Electrical Injury 319
Injury Produced by Ionizing Radiation 320
Main Determinants of the Biologic Effects of Ionizing Radiation 320
DNA Damage and Carcinogenesis 321
Fibrosis 321
Effects on Organ Systems 322
Total-Body Irradiation 323
Nutritional Diseases 323
Malnutrition 324
Severe Acute Malnutrition 324
Marasmus 325
Kwashiorkor 325
Secondary Malnutrition 326
Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia 326
Vitamin Deficiencies 326
Vitamin A 327
Function. 327
Deficiency States. 328
Vitamin A Toxicity. 329
Vitamin D 329
Metabolism. 329
Functions. 329
Deficiency States 330
Nonskeletal Effects of Vitamin D. 331
9 General Pathology of Infectious Diseases 341
Chapter Outline 341
General Principles of Microbial Pathogenesis 341
Categories of Infectious Agents 341
Prions 341
Viruses 341
Bacteria 342
Fungi 343
Protozoa 345
Helminths 345
Ectoparasites 346
The Microbiome 346
Techniques for Identifying Infectious Agents 346
Newly Emerging and Reemerging Infectious Diseases 347
Agents of Bioterrorism 348
Transmission and Dissemination of Microbes 349
Routes of Entry of Microbes 349
Skin 349
Gastrointestinal Tract 349
Respiratory Tract 350
Urogenital Tract 351
Spread and Dissemination of Microbes Within the Body 351
Transmission of Microbes 352
How Microorganisms Cause Disease 352
Mechanisms of Viral Injury 353
Mechanisms of Bacterial Injury 353
Bacterial Virulence 353
Bacterial Adherence to Host Cells 354
Bacterial Toxins 354
Injurious Effects of Host Immune Responses 355
Immune Evasion by Microbes 355
Spectrum of Inflammatory Responses to Infection 357
Mononuclear and Granulomatous Inflammation 357
Cytopathic-Cytoproliferative Reaction 357
Tissue Necrosis 358
Chronic Inflammation and Scarring 358
Infections in Individuals With Immunodeficiencies 358
Suggested Readings 359
10 Blood Vessels 361
Chapter Outline 361
Structure and Function of Blood Vessels 361
Vascular Organization 362
Endothelial Cells 363
Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells 364
Congenital Anomalies 364
Blood Pressure Regulation 364
Hypertensive Vascular Disease 366
Epidemiology of Hypertension 366
Pathogenesis 367
Mechanisms of Essential Hypertension 367
Vascular Wall Response to Injury 368
Intimal Thickening: A Stereotypical Response to Vascular Injury 368
Arteriosclerosis 369
Atherosclerosis 369
Epidemiology of Atherosclerosis 370
Constitutional Risk Factors 370
Modifiable Major Risk Factors 371
Additional Risk Factors 371
Pathogenesis 372
Endothelial Injury 372
Hemodynamic Disturbances 373
Lipids 373
Inflammation 374
SMC Proliferation and Matrix Synthesis 374
Clinicopathologic Consequences of Atherosclerosis 376
Atherosclerotic Stenosis 376
Acute Plaque Change 377
Aneurysms and Dissections 378
Pathogenesis 378
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm 379
Clinical Consequences 380
Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm 380
Aortic Dissection 380
Pathogenesis 381
Clinical Consequences 381
Vasculitis 382
Noninfectious Vasculitis 382
Immune Complex–Associated Vasculitis 382
Anti-Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies 384
Anti-Endothelial Cell Antibodies and Autoreactive T Cells 384
Giant Cell (Temporal) Arteritis 384
Pathogenesis 384
Clinical Features 385
Takayasu Arteritis 385
Clinical Features 386
Polyarteritis Nodosa 386
11 Heart 399
Chapter Outline 399
Overview of Heart Disease 399
Heart Failure 400
Left-Sided Heart Failure 401
Clinical Features 402
Right-Sided Heart Failure 402
Clinical Features 403
Congenital Heart Disease 403
Pathogenesis 403
Clinical Features 404
Malformations Associated With Left-to-Right Shunts 404
Atrial Septal Defects and Patent Foramen Ovale 405
Clinical Features 405
Ventricular Septal Defects 405
12 Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Systems 441
Chapter Outline 441
Red Cell Disorders 442
Anemia of Blood Loss: Hemorrhage 443
Hemolytic Anemia 443
Hereditary Spherocytosis 444
Pathogenesis 444
Clinical Features. 445
Sickle Cell Anemia 445
Pathogenesis 445
Clinical Features. 446
Thalassemia 447
Pathogenesis 447
β-Thalassemia 448
α-Thalassemia 448
Clinical Features. 449
Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency 450
Pathogenesis 450
Clinical Features. 450
Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria 450
Immunohemolytic Anemia 451
Warm Antibody Immunohemolytic Anemia 451
Cold Antibody Immunohemolytic Anemia 451
Hemolytic Anemia Resulting From Mechanical Trauma to Red Cells 451
Malaria 452
Pathogenesis 452
Clinical Features 453
Anemia of Diminished Erythropoiesis 453
Iron Deficiency Anemia 453
Pathogenesis 455
Clinical Features. 455
Anemia of Chronic Inflammation 455
13 Lung 495
Chapter Outline 495
Atelectasis (Collapse) 495
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome 496
Pathogenesis 496
Clinical Features 497
Obstructive Versus Restrictive Pulmonary Diseases 498
Obstructive Lung (Airway) Diseases 498
Emphysema 498
Pathogenesis 500
Clinical Features 501
Conditions Related to Emphysema 501
Chronic Bronchitis 502
Pathogenesis 502
Clinical Features 502
Asthma 503
Pathogenesis 503
Atopic Asthma 503
Non-Atopic Asthma 503
Drug-Induced Asthma 503
Occupational Asthma 503
Clinical Features 505
Bronchiectasis 505
Pathogenesis 506
Clinical Features 506
Chronic Interstitial (Restrictive, Infiltrative) Lung Diseases 506
Fibrosing Diseases 507
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis 507
Pathogenesis 507
Clinical Features 508
Other Fibrosing Diseases 508
Pneumoconioses 508
Pathogenesis 509
Coal Worker’s Pneumoconiosis 509
Clinical Features 509
Silicosis 510
14 Kidney and Its Collecting System 549
Chapter Outline 549
Clinical Manifestations of Renal Diseases 549
Glomerular Diseases 550
Mechanisms of Glomerular Injury and Disease 552
Glomerulonephritis Caused by Circulating Immune Complexes 552
Glomerulonephritis Caused by Immune Complexes Formed in Situ 553
Anti-Glomerular Basement Membrane Antibody–Mediated Glomerulonephritis 554
Glomerular Diseases Caused by Complement Activation 554
Mediators of Immune Injury 554
Non-immune Mechanisms of Glomerular Injury 554
Podocyte Injury 554
Nephron Loss 555
Minimal-Change Disease 555
Pathogenesis 555
Clinical Features 555
Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis 556
Pathogenesis 556
Clinical Course 557
Membranous Nephropathy 557
Pathogenesis 558
Clinical Features 558
Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis 559
Pathogenesis 559
Clinical Features 559
C3 Glomerulopathy 560
15 Oral Cavities and Gastrointestinal Tract 583
Chapter Outline 583
Oral Cavity 583
Diseases of Teeth and Supporting Structures 584
Caries 584
Gingivitis 584
Periodontitis 584
Oral Inflammatory Lesions 584
Aphthous Ulcers (Canker Sores) 584
Herpes Simplex Virus Infections 584
Oral Candidiasis (Thrush) 585
Proliferative and Neoplastic Lesions of the Oral Cavity 585
Fibrous Proliferative Lesions 585
Leukoplakia and Erythroplakia 585
Squamous Cell Carcinoma 586
Pathogenesis 586
Diseases of Salivary Glands 587
Xerostomia 587
Sialadenitis 588
Neoplasms 588
Pleomorphic Adenoma 589
Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma 589
Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors 590
Esophagus 590
Obstructive and Vascular Diseases 590
Mechanical Obstruction 590
Functional Obstruction 591
Ectopia 591
Esophageal Varices 591
Pathogenesis 591
Clinical Features 591
Esophagitis 591
Esophageal Lacerations, Mucosal Injury, and Infections 591
Chemical and Infectious Esophagitis 591
Reflux Esophagitis 593
Pathogenesis 594
Clinical Features 594
Eosinophilic Esophagitis 594
Barrett Esophagus 595
Clinical Features 595
Esophageal Tumors 596
Adenocarcinoma 596
16 Liver and Gallbladder 637
Chapter Outline 637
The Liver and Bile Ducts 637
General Features of Liver Disease 638
Mechanisms of Injury and Repair 638
Liver Failure 639
Acute Liver Failure 639
Clinical Features 639
Chronic Liver Failure and Cirrhosis 640
Clinical Features 641
Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure 642
Infectious Disorders 642
Viral Hepatitis 642
Hepatitis A Virus (HAV) 642
Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) 643
Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) 645
Hepatitis D Virus (HDV) 647
Hepatitis E Virus (HEV) 647
Clinicopathologic Syndromes of Viral Hepatitis 648
Acute Asymptomatic Infection With Recovery. 648
Acute Symptomatic Infection With Recovery. 648
Fulminant Hepatic Failure. 648
Chronic Hepatitis. 648
The Carrier State. 648
HIV and Chronic Viral Hepatitis. 648
Bacterial, Parasitic, and Helminthic Infections 650
Autoimmune Hepatitis 651
Clinicopathologic Features 651
Drug- and Toxin-Induced Liver Injury 651
Alcoholic and Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease 652
Alcoholic Liver Disease 653
Pathogenesis 653
Clinical Features 654
Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease 655
Pathogenesis 655
Clinical Features 655
Inherited Metabolic Liver Diseases 656
Hemochromatosis 656
Pathogenesis 656
Clinical Features 657
Wilson Disease 657
Clinical Features 658
α1-Anti-Trypsin Deficiency 658
Pathogenesis 658
Clinical Features 659
Cholestatic Syndromes 659
Bilirubin and Bile Formation 659
Pathophysiology of Jaundice 660
Defects in Hepatocellular Bilirubin Metabolism 661
Neonatal Jaundice 661
Hereditary Hyperbilirubinemias 661
Cholestasis 661
Bile Duct Obstruction and Ascending Cholangitis 661
Neonatal Cholestasis 662
Biliary Atresia 663
17 Pancreas 679
Chapter Outline 679
Congenital Anomalies 680
Agenesis 680
Pancreas Divisum 680
Annular Pancreas 680
Ectopic Pancreas 680
Congenital Cysts 680
Pancreatitis 680
Acute Pancreatitis 680
Etiology 680
Pathogenesis 681
Clinical Features 682
Pancreatic Pseudocysts 683
Chronic Pancreatitis 683
Etiology 683
Pathogenesis 684
Clinical Features 684
Pancreatic Neoplasms 685
Cystic Neoplasms 685
Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasms 686
Pancreatic Carcinoma 686
Pathogenesis 687
Clinical Features 688
Suggested Readings 689
18 Male Genital System and Lower Urinary Tract 691
Chapter Outline 691
Penis 691
Malformations 691
Inflammatory Lesions 691
Neoplasms 691
Scrotum, Testis, and Epididymis 692
Cryptorchidism and Testicular Atrophy 692
Inflammatory Lesions 693
Vascular Disturbances 693
Testicular Neoplasms 693
Clinical Features 696
Prostate 697
Prostatitis 697
19 Female Genital System and Breast 713
Chapter Outline 713
Vulva 713
Vulvitis 713
Nonneoplastic Epithelial Disorders 714
Lichen Sclerosus 714
Lichen Simplex Chronicus 714
Tumors 714
Condylomas 714
Carcinoma of the Vulva 715
Extramammary Paget Disease 715
Vagina 716
Vaginitis 716
Malignant Neoplasms 716
Squamous Cell Carcinoma 716
Clear Cell Adenocarcinoma 716
Sarcoma Botryoides 717
Cervix 717
Cervicitis 717
Neoplasia of the Cervix 717
Pathogenesis 717
Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion (SIL, Cervical Intraepithelial Lesion) 718
Invasive Carcinoma of the Cervix 720
Clinical Features 720
Endocervical Polyp 720
Uterus 721
Endometritis 721
Adenomyosis 721
Endometriosis 721
Clinical Features 722
Abnormal Uterine Bleeding 722
Proliferative Lesions of the Endometrium and Myometrium 723
Endometrial Hyperplasia 723
Endometrial Carcinoma 724
Pathogenesis 724
Clinical Features 724
Endometrial Polyps 724
Leiomyoma 725
Leiomyosarcoma 726
Fallopian Tubes 726
Ovaries 727
Follicle and Luteal Cysts 727
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome 727
Tumors of the Ovary 727
Surface Epithelial Tumors 727
Serous Tumors 728
Mucinous Tumors 729
Endometrioid Tumors 729
Brenner Tumor 729
Other Ovarian Tumors 730
Teratomas 730
Benign (Mature) Cystic Teratomas 730
Immature Malignant Teratomas 730
Specialized Teratomas 730
Clinical Features 731
Diseases of Pregnancy 732
Placental Inflammations and Infections 732
Ectopic Pregnancy 732
Gestational Trophoblastic Disease 733
Hydatidiform Mole: Complete and Partial 733
Invasive Mole 733
Gestational Choriocarcinoma 734
Clinical Features 734
Placental Site Trophoblastic Tumor 735
Preeclampsia/Eclampsia (Toxemia of Pregnancy) 735
Clinical Features 735
Breast 736
Clinical Presentations of Breast Disease 736
Inflammatory Processes 737
Stromal NEOPLASMS 738
Benign Epithelial Lesions 738
Carcinoma 739
Epidemiology and Risk Factors 741
Age and Gender. 741
Family History of Breast Cancer. 741
Geographic Factors. 741
Race/Ethnicity. 741
Reproductive History. 741
Ionizing Radiation. 741
Other Risk Factors. 741
Pathogenesis 741
Genetic. 741
Hormonal Influences. 742
Environmental Factors. 742
Clinical Features 744
Suggested Readings 747
20 Endocrine System 749
Chapter Outline 749
Pituitary 750
Anterior Pituitary Tumors 750
Pituitary Adenomas: General Features 750
Pathogenesis 751
Functioning Adenomas and Hyperpituatarism 753
Lactotroph Adenomas 753
Somatotroph Adenomas 753
Corticotroph Adenomas 754
Other Anterior Pituitary Neoplasms 754
Hypopituitarism 754
Posterior Pituitary Syndromes 755
Thyroid 755
Hyperthyroidism 756
Hypothyroidism 757
Autoimmune Thyroid Disease 758
Chronic Lymphocytic (Hashimoto) Thyroiditis 758
Pathogenesis 758
Clinical Features 759
Subacute Granulomatous (de Quervain) Thyroiditis 759
Clinical Features 760
Subacute Lymphocytic Thyroiditis 760
Other Forms of Thyroiditis 760
Graves Disease 760
Pathogenesis 760
Clinical Features 761
Diffuse and Multinodular Goiter 762
Pathogenesis 762
Clinical Features 763
Thyroid Neoplasms 763
Adenomas 763
Pathogenesis 763
Clinical Features 764
Carcinomas 764
Pathogenesis 764
Environmental Factors. 765
Papillary Carcinoma 765
Clinical Features 766
Follicular Carcinoma 766
Clinical Features 767
Anaplastic Carcinoma 767
21 Bones, Joints, and Soft Tissue Tumors 797
Chapter Outline 797
Bone 797
Basic Structure and Function of Bone 797
Matrix 797
Cells 797
Development 798
Homeostasis and Remodeling 799
Congenital Disorders of Bone and Cartilage 799
Achondroplasia 800
Thanatophoric Dysplasia 800
Type I Collagen Diseases (Osteogenesis Imperfecta) 800
Osteopetrosis 800
Metabolic Disorders of Bone 801
Osteopenia and Osteoporosis 801
Pathogenesis 801
Clinical Course 802
Rickets and Osteomalacia 802
Hyperparathyroidism 802
Pathogenesis 802
Clinical Course 803
Paget Disease of Bone (Osteitis Deformans) 803
Pathogenesis 804
Clinical Course 804
Fractures 805
Healing of Fractures 805
Osteonecrosis (Avascular Necrosis) 806
Clinical Course 806
Osteomyelitis 806
Pyogenic Osteomyelitis 806
Clinical Course 807
Mycobacterial Osteomyelitis 807
Bone Tumors and Tumorlike Lesions 808
Bone-Forming Tumors 808
Osteoid Osteoma and Osteoblastoma 808
Osteosarcoma 809
Pathogenesis 809
Clinical Course 810
Cartilage-Forming Tumors 810
Osteochondroma 810
Pathogenesis 810
Clinical Course 811
Chondroma 811
22 Peripheral Nerves and Muscles 835
Chapter Outline 835
Disorders of Peripheral Nerves 835
Patterns of Peripheral Nerve Injury 835
Disorders Associated With Peripheral Nerve Injury 837
Guillain-Barré Syndrome 838
Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) 838
Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy 838
Toxic, Vasculitic, and Inherited Forms of Peripheral Neuropathy 838
Disorders of Neuromuscular Junction 839
Myasthenia Gravis 839
Lambert-Eaton Syndrome 839
Miscellaneous Neuromuscular Junction Disorders 839
Disorders of Skeletal Muscle 840
Patterns of Skeletal Muscle Injury and Atrophy 840
Inherited Disorders of Skeletal Muscle 841
Dystrophinopathies: Duchenne and Becker Muscular Dystrophy 842
Pathogenesis 843
Clinical Features 843
Other X-Linked and Autosomal Muscular Dystrophies 843
Channelopathies, Metabolic Myopathies, and Mitochondrial Myopathies 844
Acquired Disorders of Skeletal Muscle 844
Inflammatory Myopathies 844
Toxic Myopathies 845
Tumors of Skeletal Muscles 845
Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumors 846
Schwannomas and Neurofibromatosis Type 2 846
Neurofibromas 846
Neurofibromatosis Type 1 846
Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumors 846
Traumatic Neuroma 847
Suggested Readings 848
23 Central Nervous System 849
Chapter Outline 849
Edema, Herniation, and Hydrocephalus 850
Cerebral Edema 850
Hydrocephalus 851
Herniation 851
Cerebrovascular Diseases 852
Hypoxia, Ischemia, and Infarction 852
Global Cerebral Ischemia 852
Focal Cerebral Ischemia 853
Intracranial Hemorrhage 854
Primary Brain Parenchymal Hemorrhage 854
Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy 855
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage and Saccular Aneurysms 855
Vascular Malformations 855
Other Vascular Diseases 856
Hypertensive Cerebrovascular Disease 856
Vasculitis 857
Central Nervous System Trauma 857
Traumatic Parenchymal Injuries 857
Traumatic Vascular Injury 858
Epidural Hematoma 858
Subdural Hematoma 858
Congenital Malformations and Perinatal Brain Injury 860
Malformations 860
Neural Tube Defects 860
Forebrain Malformations 861
Posterior Fossa Anomalies 861
Perinatal Brain Injury 861
Infections of the Nervous System 862
Epidural and Subdural Infections 862
Meningitis 862
Acute Pyogenic Meningitis (Bacterial Meningitis) 863
Aseptic Meningitis (Viral Meningitis) 863
Chronic Meningitis 863
Tuberculous Meningitis 863
Spirochetal Infections 864
Fungal Meningitis 864
Parenchymal Infections 864
Brain Abscesses 865
Viral Encephalitis 865
Arboviruses 865
Herpesviruses 866
Cytomegalovirus 867
Poliovirus 867
Rabies Virus 867
Human Immunodeficiency Virus 867
Polyomavirus and Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy 867
Fungal Encephalitis 868
Other Meningoencephalitides 868
Cerebral Toxoplasmosis 868
Cysticercosis 868
Amebiasis 868
Prion Diseases 869
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) 869
Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease 870
Diseases of Myelin 870
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) 871
Pathogenesis 871
Clinical Features 871
Other Acquired Demyelinating Diseases 871
Leukodystrophies 872
Genetic Metabolic Diseases 873
Acquired Metabolic and Toxic Disturbances 873
Nutritional Diseases 873
Thiamine Deficiency 873
Vitamin B12 Deficiency 873
Metabolic Disorders 873
Hypoglycemia 873
Hyperglycemia 873
Hepatic Encephalopathy 873
Toxic Disorders 874
Neurodegenerative Diseases 874
Alzheimer Disease 874
Pathogenesis 875
Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration 877
Parkinson Disease 877
Pathogenesis 877
Clinical Features 879
Huntington Disease 879
Pathogenesis 879
Spinocerebellar Ataxias 879
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis 880
Pathogenesis 880
Tumors 881
Gliomas 881
Diffuse Astrocytoma 881
Oligodendroglioma 881
Genetics and Pathogenesis 882
Midline Glioma 882
Pilocytic Astrocytoma 883
Ependymoma 883
Neuronal Tumors 883
Embryonal (Primitive) Neoplasms 884
Medulloblastoma 884
Pathogenesis 884
Other Parenchymal Tumors 884
Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma 884
Germ Cell Tumors 885
Meningiomas 885
Metastatic Tumors 885
Familial Tumor Syndromes 886
Tuberous Sclerosis 886
von Hippel–Lindau Disease 887
Suggested Readings 887
Central Nervous System Trauma 887
Congenital Malformations and Perinatal Brain Injury 887
Infections of the Nervous System 887
Demyelinating Diseases 887
Neurodegenerative Diseases 887
Brain Tumors 888
24 Skin 889
Chapter Outline 889
Acute Inflammatory Dermatoses 889
Urticaria 889
Pathogenesis 889
Clinical Features 890
Acute Eczematous Dermatitis 890
Clinical Features 891
Erythema Multiforme 891
Index 909
A 909
B 911
C 912
D 916
E 916
F 918
G 918
H 920
I 922
J 923
K 923
L 923
M 925
N 926
O 927
P 928
Q 930
R 930
S 931
T 933
U 934
V 934
W 935
X 935
Y 935
Z 935