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Doing Relationship-Based Social Work

Doing Relationship-Based Social Work

Mary McColgan | Cheryl McMullin | John Mclaughlin | James Marshall | Julia Alexander | Mary Henihan | James Todd | Stephen Clarke | Uel McIlveen | Geraldine Campbell | Maria Somerville | Brenda Horgan | Lynn Connor | Adrian McKinney | Paul Harvey | Denise MacDermott | Susannah McCall | Siobhan Wylie


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Book Details


Relationships and communication are the foundation of good social work practice. This book offers a new model, drawn from research and practical experience, which describes how to carry out effective relationship-based social work.

Doing Relationship-Based Social Work provides a refreshing and realistic approach to social work practice. The model itself is built around four stages: engagement, negotiation, enabling change and valuing endings. Underpinned by motivational interviewing techniques, strengths focused practice, emotional intelligence and empowerment, the approach is supported by case examples and explanations of the importance of relationships at each stage.

Informative and practical, this book will be an invaluable text for undergraduate and postgraduate social work students as well as all social work and allied professionals committed to enabling positive change.

There is a clear need for a book on relationship-based social work, and how it may be operationalised as a model drawn from research and practice. The book opens up the case for re-establishing relationships in current practices and includes case analyses in a multitude of settings, and a multitude of different voices. By combining an academic and practice focus, and by making relationships explicit in social work through different steps, this book is useful for any student studying social work
Ilse Julkun, University of Helsinki
It is always enriching to see theory and practice in close conversation which this timely book offers - and does so well. The wealth of knowledge and practice experience covered in its pages highlights the central place that relationships hold within social work, and how relationship-based practice can lead to more in-depth understanding and new possibilities to be explored. The multi-disciplinary perspectives offered, and the real-life experiences that it describes make this book unique, memorable - and a pleasure to read.
Pamela Trevithick - Visiting Professor in Social Work, Buckinghamshire New University.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Doing Relationship-Based Social Work: A Practical Guide to BuildingRelationships and Enabling Change, edited by Mary McColgan and Cheryl McMullin 3
Introduction - Professor Mary McColgan 9
1. Building Relationships in Social Work: A 4 Stage Relationship Model - Cheryl McMullin 15
2. Relationship-Based Practice: Challenges and Opportunities in Contemporary Social Work - John McLaughlin 32
3. Relationship-Based Social Work in Family and Childcare Practice - James Marshall 44
4. Building Relationships with Young People - Cheryl McMullin 61
5. Mentoring Young Offenders in the Republic of Ireland - Mary Henihan and Julia Alexander 75
6. Relationship-Based Practice: Working with Older People - E. James Todd 90
7. Building Relationships to Help Improve Mental Wellbeing - Stephen Clarke 103
8. Building Relationships to Enable Change: A Journey with Service Users and Carers - Uel McIlveen, Geraldine Campbell, Maria Somerville and Brenda Horgan 118
9. Residential Childcare: Relationships in the Group Care Environment - Lynn Connor, Adrian McKinney, and Paul Harvey 133
10. The Supervisory Relationship within Practice Learning - Denise MacDermott and Susannah McCall 147
11. Developing and Sustaining Relationships in Multidisciplinary Working - Mary McColgan 163
12. Looking Through the Lens at Endings: Service User, Student, Carer and Practice Educator Perspectives on Endings within Social Work Training - Siobhan Wylie and Denise MacDermott 177
Author Biographies 193
Subject Index 198
Author Index 202
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