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Excellent Dementia Care in Hospitals

Excellent Dementia Care in Hospitals

Jo James | Jules Knight | Bethany Cotton | Rita Freyne | Josh Pettit | Lucy Gilby | Nicci Gerard | Julia Jones | Tommy Dunne


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Book Details


Hospital workers are increasingly expected to have the knowledge and skills to care for people with dementia. This best-practice guide presents key information and strategies for working with people with dementia in hospitals to manage common issues. With a focus on person-centred care, this is an essential resource for healthcare staff.

Jo James, Jules Knight, Bethany Cotton, Rita Freyne, Josh Pettit and Lucy Gilby comprise the Dementia Care Team at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust. The team provides support and expert advice for staff in the trust as well as patients, families and carers using the services.

Nicci Gerrard and Julia Jones are authors and founders of John's Campaign which advocates for the right to stay with people with dementia in hospital.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Excellent Dementia Care in Hospitals: A Guide to Supporting People with Dementia and their Carers by Jo James, Beth Cotton, Jules Knight, Rita Freyne, Josh Pettit and Lucy Gilby, with contributions by Nicci Gerrard and Julia Jones 3
Foreword - Tommy Dunne 9
Introduction 11
1. The Role and Importance of Carers in Hospital - Nicci Gerrard and Julia Jones 15
2. Principles Underpinning Good Care 23
3. Sylvia – The Importance of Community Support and Discharge 36
4. Sarah – Making Decisions 44
5. Patrick – Communication 58
6. John – Physical Health Needs 69
7. Jaheem – Delirium 80
8. Bridget – Pain 90
9. Myrtle – Eating and Drinking 101
10. Geoffrey – Getting Someone to Move (Enabling, Goal Setting and Engaging) 112
11. Kenny – Different Behaviour 122
12. Frank – Environment 133
13. Miriam – Boredom in Hospital 143
14. Nicky and Denise – Approaching the End of Life 150
15. Stan – Touch 162
List of Tables and Figures 173
Bibliography 175
Useful Websites 185
Subject Index 186
Author Index 191
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