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Is It OK to Ask Questions about Autism?

Is It OK to Ask Questions about Autism?

Abi Rawlins | Catherine Frizzell | Michael Barton


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Discussions with school children aged 5-11 reveal that there is still a degree of uncertainty amongst students about whether it is ok to ask questions about autism. Autism can be a sensitive topic, and is often not discussed in order to avoid awkward conversations. It is very important that children are made aware of what autism is, in order to encourage healthy friendships and understand that it is ok to talk about. By raising awareness of autism with children, it will become a less taboo subject, and will encourage more informed conversations amongst any age-group.

Based on the research of ongoing autism awareness workshops in schools, this book contains the most common questions asked by children about the subject. As well as detailed questions and answers from real children, the chapters contain useful tips for teachers and parents about how to engage with the topic of autism in a school environment and at home. Designed for children aged 5-11 with easy language and fun illustrations, there is also advice for adults on how to facilitate a safe and open conversation with their children.

If only this book was available a few years ago when I worked in mainstream schools with children on the spectrum. Informative and easy to understand for young children without any jargon. Great for helping young children understand a topic not often talked about positively in mainstream schools and for helping them understand why their friend/classmate may behave differently. Long overdue.
Gill D Ansell, author of Working with Asperger Syndrome in the Classroom
Abi Rawlins is an Art Psychotherapist, currently working in a medium secure forensic service. Abi has vast experience working with adults who have autism in community settings and has previously taught children with autism at a specialist ABA school in Wandsworth. Having worked for Mind in Croydon, supporting families affected by mental health issues, she was able to work with families who were living with autism and struggling to access appropriate support. Abi's personal relationship with temporal lobe epilepsy and resulting traits of autism as a child have made her particularly passionate about raising awareness in schools. With Catherine Frizzell, she co-founded Achieving with Autism, a social enterprise that raises awareness of autism in mainstream schools.
This is not just a great resource but a great read. The number of autistic pupils is going up and all teachers, governors, support staff, parents and especially fellow pupils need to understand autism. This book will really help autism awareness not just in schools but the wider neurotypical population so everyone can see that autistic people are different not broken and celebrate the autistic mind for what it is, one of the greatest gifts on earth.
Counsellor Andrew Rendle, Ashburton Ward - London Borough of Croydon, Champion for Autism
[In] this beautifully produced book, we have many answers to questions that children have often asked... The first two sections are aimed mostly at parents, teachers and interested adults... By section three, How Can I Be a Good Friends? We are into the questions that primary children often ask... The fourth section in a similar format is What Is It Like To Live With Autism... Serious and easily understood, the book also has humour, particularly in the illustrations, and there is much here to enjoy as well as learn. There is emphasis on kindness and understanding and the fact that autistic people are just different and have their own strengths and abilities.
Healthy Books

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Is It OK to Ask Ouestions about Autism? by Abi Rawlins 3
Foreword 6
Introduction 8
What is Autism? 11
Let's Learn about Autism 27
How Can I Be a Good Friend? 43
What is it Like to Live with Autism? 58
Is It OK for Me to Ask Questions? 74
Ten Tips for Teachers 90