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Learning to Practise Social Work

Learning to Practise Social Work

Mark Doel | Steven Shardlow


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Book Details


This important and accessible book deals with current issues in practice teaching and learning in social work for practitioners, students and academics. Written from an international perspective, this book draws together the knowledge and experiences of those from different countries working in a variety of social work settings.

The contributors highlight the links and collaboration between college-based and practice-based learning, and discuss the diversity of the settings in which social work takes place. The book as a whole demonstrates the existence of universal issues and opportunities as well as detailing differences in practice teaching and learning. In this way it is an essential guide to the working of social work for practice teachers, practitioners and students.

The book is interesting and makes worthwhile reading for social work educators, and practice teachers in particular. The readers are exposed to a wide range of possible arrangements conducive to student learning in fieldwork placements. The authors share their ideas, experience, reflection and insights - providing plenty of food for thought to its readers.
The Hong Kong Journal of Social Work

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Learning to Practise Social Work 4
Contents 6
List of Figures and Tables 8
Acronyms 10
Introduction: International Themes in Educating Social Workers for Practice 12
Part I Social Work Students: A Force for Change 6
1 University–Community Partnerships: Practicum Learning for Community Revitalization 26
2 Social Work Placements in Police Stations: a Force for Change 44
3 Integrating People and Services: A Practice and Learning Experience through Field Instruction 60
4 Learning Opportunities and Placements with Asylum Seekers 78
Part II Social Work Learning: Models and Methods 92
5 Student Supervision in Context: A Model for External Supervisors 94
6 Student Practice Placements as Gatekeepers to the Profession 111
7 Becoming a Social Worker: Using Student Job Descriptions in Child Care and Family Support Placements 131
8 Practice Teaching Using the Case Record 148
Part III Social Work Learning in Different Settings 166
9 Practice Learning in Hospital-based Settings 168
10 Practice Learning in the Voluntary Sector 180
11 Culturally Competent Mental Health Services for Latinos: An Examination of Three Practice Settings 201
12 Field Instruction in University Teaching Hospitals 223
Keywords 238
About the Authors 243
Bibliography 251
Subject Index 262
Author Index 270