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Mike Brogden


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Book Details


Overall, the book provides a valuable insight into attitudes to and perceptions of older people. It is especially helpful to have a rigorously researched sociological text that covers the interplay between societies and the killing older members who have contributed, developed and supported those societies. Its usefulness to the literature on abuse is clear... I would recommend this book to readers.'

- Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect

'This book goes beyond the abuse of the elderly, and "is about, bluntly, the killing of old people" (p.11). For sociologists, criminologists, social workers and carers of the elderly, this book is well worth reading as it is thought provoking and therefore refreshing.'

- International Journal of the Sociology of Law

'This is a thought-provoking book. It uses a variety of strategies to forward its central thesis: older people have always been regarded as a residual group by other members of society presumed to be more productive… This book is a good read and has an important point to make.'

- European Journal of Social Work

'This book addresses elderly homicide and euthanasia, and puts it in a historial and social context. Mike Brogden provides a useful and appropriate critique on the concept of geronticide. The book does assist with the urgency of the need for a major cultural shift in the way we perceive and treat the elderly.'

- International Journal of the Sociology of Law

'This dramatically titled book is a powerful one... Geronticide is a modern term but the concept is ages old. Brogden takes us via history, literature, science, religion, demography, economics, sociology, anthropology, social history and the law... This is not a book for holiday packing but a potent one to remind us of the pervasive and pernicious influence of ageism; society's and our own.'

-International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry

'Mike Brogden's book on geronticide is both thought-provoking and an eye-opener. His work is a comprehensive study into one of the greatest and most difficult challenges facing our modern world. How will our society cope with the rapidly growing population of the oldest old, and the care for the increasing numbers of old, seriously ill and dying people. The book deals with the sociological, anthropological and literary aspects, revealing the fact that killing older people, on either a voluntary or involuntary basis, has been a theme throughout history... My sincere wish is that this very powerful and useful book should reach all the politicians, administrators and others involved in planning the future with regards to older people, all over the world, in the hope that it would enable us to understand the serious consequences our decisions may have for a very valuable but vulnerable group of still equally worthy members of our society.'

- British Journal of Social Work

'We live in a different world after Harold Shipman. The trial and the resulting public anxiety about trust in professionals has meant that the deliberate and systematic killing of older people is no longer seen as remote or part of other societies. Mike Brogden's overview of the subject starts and finishes with Shipman, but his main discussion explores how geronticide has been and continues to be a feature of "care" for the aged... This book, then, is compelling on its' level of sweeping themes and illuminating in its' often harrowing reports of individual abuse and death. It may also encourage further reading on this subject. At a time when the National Service Framework has made strong calls for anti-ageist values, this book provides evidence of the excess of ageism.'

- Community Care

The increasing elderly population poses many economic and ethical questions for modern society. One of the most topical and controversial of these is the debate about euthanasia. Drawing on a variety of historical, contemporary, anthropological and literary sources, this book considers the present day debates about the sanctity of elderly lives and the question of euthanasia. The book shows that killing the elderly, voluntarily or involuntarily, has been a feature of many societies, from the primitive to the present day. Elderly homicide and euthanasia today are most commonly concealed in the home or the care institution, a situation which is attracting increasing professional concern. Geronticide: Killing the Elderly seeks to place the current debate in a wider historical and social context, while providing a comprehensive overview of current academic and professional concerns. This thorough, authoritative book will be a useful, thought-provoking read for anyone involved in working with the elderly.

`This book goes beyond the abuse of the elderly, and 'is about, bluntly, the killing of old people' (p.11). For sociologists, criminologists, social workers and carers of the elderly, this book is well worth reading as it is thought provoking and therefore refreshing.'
International Journal of the Sociology of Law
`This is a thought-provoking book. It uses a variety of strategies to forward its central thesis: older people have always been regarded as a residual group by other members of society presumed to be more productive… This book is a good read and has an important point to make.'
European Journal of Social Work
`This dramatically titled book is a powerful one…Geronticide is a modern term but the concept is ages old. Brogden takes us via history, literature, science, religion, demography, economics, sociology, anthropology, social history and the law…This is not a book for holiday packing but a potent one to remind us of the pervasive and pernicious influence of ageism; society's and our own.'
International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
`This book addresses elderly homicide and euthanasia, and puts it in a historial and social context. Mike Brogden provides a useful and appropriate critique on the concept of geronticide. The book does assist with the urgency of the need for a major cultural shift in the way we perceive and treat the elderly.'
International Journal of the Sociology of Law
`Overall, the book provides a valuable insight into attitudes to and perceptions of older people. It is especially helpful to have a rigorously researched sociological text that covers the interplay between societies and the killing older members who have contributed, developed and supported those societies. Its usefulness to the literature on abuse is clear…I would recommend this book to readers.'
Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect
`We live in a different world after Harold Shipman. The trial and the resulting public anxiety about trust in professionals has meant that the deliberate and systematic killing of older people is no longer seen as remote or part of other societies. Mike Brogden's overview of the subject starts and finishes with Shipman, but his main discussion explores how geronticide has been and continues to be a feature of 'care' for the aged… This book, then, is compelling on its' level of sweeping themes and illuminating in its' often harrowing reports of individual abuse and death. It may also encourage further reading on this subject. At a time when the National Service Framework has made strong calls for anti-ageist values, this book provides evidence of the excess of ageism.'
Community Care
`Mike Brogden's book on geronticide is both thought-provoking and an eye-opener. His work is a comprehensive study into one of the greatest and most difficult challenges facing our modern world. How will our society cope with the rapidly growing population of the oldest old, and the care for the increasing numbers of old, seriously ill and dying people. The book deals with the sociological, anthropological and literary aspects, revealing the fact that killing older people, on either a voluntary or involuntary basis, has been a theme throughout history…My sincere wish is that this very powerful and useful book should reach all the politicians, administrators and others involved in planning the future with regards to older people, all over the world, in the hope that it would enable us to understand the serious consequences our decisions may have for a very valuable but vulnerable group of still equally worthy members of our society.'
British Journal of Social Work
Mike Brogden is a professor of Criminal Justice at the Queen's University of Belfast. He has recently conducted varied original work on crimes of private space - elder, spouse and child abuse work.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Geronticide: Killing the Elderly 4
Contents 6
Acknowledgements 9
1. Living too Long? 12
Introduction 12
The social context of ageing and geronticide 14
Is longer life possible? 14
Science and increasing the lifespan 16
Ageing and decline: Consequences of extending the lifespan 18
Outline of the book 22
Geronticide and the elderly: Definitions 23
2. Death by Demography and Longevity 28
The Problem of Longevity 29
Population ageing in Western society 30
Non-industrial societies and the demographic time bomb 32
The dependency ratio and the social crisis 33
Gender and the demography of ageing 34
Social class and demography 36
Ethnicity and the ageing population 37
Demography and a finite food supply 38
The social costs of the increasing elderly dependent population 39
The cost of care 42
Death-hastening by rationing 44
Depression and self-killing amongst the elderly 48
Limitations to the demographic time bomb thesis 50
Responding to the critics 52
Continuity in geronticide 53
3. Death by Social Obligation: The Political Economy Thesis 56
Political economy: The elderly as non-producers 56
Insights from patriarchy and from Marxist studies 58
Nostalgia over primitive society 60
The hunter-gatherer thesis 61
The young-old versus the old-old 63
Death-hastening in primitive society 64
Ritual demarcation allowing geronticide: Concluding liminal status 67
The liminal status passage 68
Infanticide and geronticide 69
Criticisms of political economy 71
4. Death by Attrition: Modernisation and the Workhouse 79
Introduction 79
The modernisation process 81
Modernisation and social differentiation 83
Modernisation and convergence 85
Ageist ideology’s contribution to death-hastening 88
Inequality and uneven exposure to geronticide 106
5. Death by Degrees: Bureaucratisation in Care Institutions 109
Introduction: The bureaucratisation of death 110
Dying in ‘care’ 114
Making ready for death: the community–institution divide 116
Abuse in institutional settings 120
Making death ‘ordinary’ 122
Ethnography of elderly death-hastening 125
Direct death-hastening: ‘Do not resuscitate’ 127
Regulation and inspection 129
Elderly care as a business enterprise: ‘Culling sheep or cattle’ 46 132
Overview 136
6. Death in Literary Discourse 139
Killing the elderly in literature 141
Elderly defence against geronticide: Ashliman’s collection 144
Past to future: Science fiction and geronticide 146
Death-hastening in the care and nursing home 150
Ageism and the liminal status of the elderly 151
Voluntary euthanasia 153
Overview 154
7. Death by Choice?: Physician-assisted Suicide and Voluntary Euthanasia 156
Introduction 156
A brief history of suicide and voluntary euthanasia 158
The situation today 160
Voluntarism: Ageism, material and cultural pressures 165
From physician-assisted suicide to voluntary euthanasia 169
Aspects of the debate 172
Vagueness of professional controls 174
Pain relief ? Or alleviation of psychosocial problems? 177
The long-term care alternative 179
Patient autonomy versus medical autonomy 180
Overview 181
8. Dr Shipman, Social Rights, and Preventing Geronticide 183
Who kills the elderly? 184
Professionalism and the case of Dr Harold Shipman 184
Checking Geronticide 188
References 201
Subject Index 212
Author Index 219