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Preventing Violence in Relationships

Preventing Violence in Relationships

Gerry Heery


Additional Information

Book Details


The Preventing Violence in Relationships programme has been developed by Gerry Heery through his independent work in this area. It is intended for those men who are beginning to realise that they have a problem with their behaviour and who are motivated to engage in a challenging programme of change. It has been designed in co-operation with other agencies working with the victims of domestic violence, and has incorporated the views of women who have experienced this behaviour. The first part of the book outlines the values upon which the programme rests - the belief that adult education and greater self-awareness can assist people to make positive changes in their lives. The second part is a practical guide to implementing the PVR programme. It contains detailed outlines of the 26 sessions of the one year programme, offering a practical, structured way of working with controlling and abusive men, and examples of sessions from the programme. This is a realistic, honest and practical book, which will be a useful tool for anyone working with controlling and violent men and their partners.
This is presented as a well-tested programme for men who feel they have a problem with their use of both controlling and violent behaviour... An optimistic perspective on the scope for change and includes photocopiable material, such as worksheets and handouts, which make it a useful resource for anyone interested in running or developing such a programme for themselves.
The Journal of Critical Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy
Gerry Heery has worked as a social worker and probation officer in Northern Ireland since 1981. He has a great deal of experience in working with males who use violent and aggressive behaviour generally and in their close relationships. He is currently delivering the programme in the Belfast area.
Having read many publications on domestic violence, I had not, until now, found a book that managed to offer a clear and understandable exploration of issues and successfully relate these to practice.
Probation Journal

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Preventing Violence in Relationships 5
Contents 7
Acknowledgements 10
Introduction 11
Part I: The Foundation of Practice: The Value, Knowledge and Skills Base 15
1. Principles for Practice 17
2. Understanding Domestic Violence 21
3. The Learning Process and Theory for Practice 31
4. Preventative Programmes and Risk Issues 45
Part II: The Preventing Violence in Relationships Programme 55
5. Stage 1: Raising Awareness 57
6. Stage 2: Working at Change 125
7. Stage 3: Maintaining the Change 168
8. Programme Integrity and Evaluation 204
9. Conclusion and the Way Forward 214
Appendix 1. Information Session 218
Appendix 2. Use of Role Play 223 224
References 226
Subject Index 232
Author Index 236