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Digital Systems, Global Edition

Digital Systems, Global Edition

Ronald Tocci | Neal Widmer | Greg Moss


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Book Details


For all courses in digital electronics, from introductory through advanced. Like previous editions, this text will be used widely in technology classes ranging from high schools and two-year programs to four-year engineering, engineering technology, and computer science programs.


Take a journey in Digital Systems from novice to expert.

Written for all courses in digital electronics–from introductory to advanced, from high school to two- and four-year college programs–this Twelfth Edition of Digital Systems thoroughly prepares students for the study of digital systems and computer and microcontroller hardware. The text begins with the basics of digital systems, including the AHDL hardware description language, then gradually progresses to increasingly challenging topics, including the more complex VHDL.


The text is comprehensive yet highly readable, clearly introducing the purpose and fundamentals of each topic before delving into more technical descriptions. It is also definition-focused, with new terms listed in each chapter and defined in a glossary. This Twelfth Edition has been thoroughly revised and updated with new material on section-level learning outcomes, Quadrature Shaft Encoders used to obtain absolute shaft positions, troubleshooting prototype circuits using systematic fault isolation techniques, Time Division Multiplexing, expanded discussion of VHDL data objects and more!

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Title Page 1
Copyright Page 2
Preface 3
Contents 11
Chapter 1 Introductory Concepts 22
1-1 Introduction to Digital 1s and 0s 24
1-2 Digital Signals 29
Need for Timing 30
Highs and Lows Over Time 31
Periodic/Aperiodic 31
Period/Frequency 31
Duty Cycle 32
Transitions 32
Edges/Events 32
1-3 Logic Circuits and Evolving Technology 33
Logic Circuits 33
Digital Integrated Circuits 34
1-4 Numerical Representations 34
Analog Representations 35
Digital Representations 35
1-5 Digital and Analog Systems 37
Advantages of Digital Techniques 37
Limitations of Digital Techniques 38
1-6 Digital Number Systems 39
Decimal System 39
Decimal Counting 40
Binary System 41
Binary Counting 42
1-7 Representing Signals with Numeric Quantities 43
1-8 Parallel and Serial Transmission 45
1-9 Memory 47
1-10 Digital Computers 48
Major Parts of a Computer 48
Types of Computers 49
Memory 50
Digital Progress Today and Tomorrow 51
Chapter 2 Number Systems and Codes 56
2-1 Binary-to-Decimal Conversions 58
2-2 Decimal-to-Binary Conversions 59
Counting Range 61
2-3 Hexadecimal Number System 61
Hex-to-Decimal Conversion 62
Decimal-to-Hex Conversion 63
Hex-to-Binary Conversion 63
Binary-to-Hex Conversion 64
Counting in Hexadecimal 64
Usefulness of Hex 64
Summary of Conversions 65
2-4 BCD Code 66
Binary-Coded-Decimal Code 66
Comparison of BCD and Binary 67
2-5 The Gray Code 68
Quadrature Encoders 70
2-6 Putting it All Together 71
2-7 The Byte, Nibble, and Word 72
Bytes 72
Nibbles 72
Words 73
2-8 Alphanumeric Codes 73
ASCII Code 74
2-9 Parity Method For Error Detection 76
Parity Bit 77
Error Correction 78
2-10 Applications 79
Chapter 3 Describing Logic Circuits 88
3-1 Boolean Constants and Variables 91
3-2 Truth Tables 92
3-3 OR Operation with OR Gates 93
OR Gate 94
Summary of the OR Operation 95
3-4 AND Operation with AND Gates 97
AND Gate 98
Summary of the AND Operation 99
3-5 NOT Operation 100
NOT Circuit (INVERTER) 101
Summary of Boolean Operations 101
3-6 Describing Logic Circuits Algebraically 102
Operator Precedence 102
Circuits Containing INVERTERs 103
3-7 Evaluating Logic-Circuit Outputs \r 104
Analysis Using a Table 105
3-8 Implementing Circuits from Boolean Expressions 107
3-9 NOR Gates and NAND Gates \r 108
NOR Gate 108
NAND Gate 110
3-10 Boolean Theorems 112
Multivariable Theorems 113
3-11 DeMorgan’s Theorems 115
Implications of DeMorgan’s Theorems 117
3-12 Universality of NAND Gates and NOR Gates 119
3-13 Alternate Logic-Gate Representations 122
Logic-Symbol Interpretation 124
Summary 124
3-14 Which Gate Representation to Use 125
Which Circuit Diagram Should Be Used? 127
Bubble Placement 127
Analyzing Circuits 128
Asserted Levels 130
Labeling Active-LOW Logic Signals 130
Labeling Bistate Signals 130
3-15 Propagation Delay 131
3-16 Summary of Methods to Describe Logic Circuits 132
3-17 Description Languages Versus Programming Languages 134
VHDL and AHDL 135
Computer Programming Languages 135
3-18 Implementing Logic Circuits with PLDs 137
3-19 HDL Format and Syntax 138
3-20 Intermediate Signals 141
Chapter 4 Combinational Logic Circuits 156
4-1 Sum-of-Products Form 158
Product-of-Sums 158
4-2 Simplifying Logic Circuits 159
4-3 Algebraic Simplification 160
4-4 Designing Combinational Logic Circuits 165
Complete Design Procedure 167
4-5 Karnaugh Map Method 172
Karnaugh Map Format 172
Looping 174
Looping Groups of Two (Pairs) 174
Looping Groups of Four (Quads) 175
Looping Groups of Eight (Octets) 176
Complete Simplification Process 177
Filling a K Map from an Output Expression 180
Don’t-Care Conditions 181
Summary 183
4-6 Exclusive-OR and Exclusive-NOR Circuits 183
Exclusive-OR 183
Exclusive-NOR 185
4-7 Parity Generator and Checker 189
4-8 Enable/Disable Circuits 190
4-9 Basic Characteristics of Legacy Digital ICs 193
Bipolar and Unipolar Digital ICs 194
TTL Family 195
CMOS Family 196
Power and Ground 196
Logic-Level Voltage Ranges 197
Unconnected (Floating) Inputs 197
Logic-Circuit Connection Diagrams 198
4-10 Troubleshooting Digital Systems 200
4-11 Internal Digital IC Faults 202
Malfunction in Internal Circuitry 202
Input Internally Shorted to Ground or Supply 202
Output Internally Shorted to Ground or Supply 203
Open-Circuited Input or Output 203
Short Between Two Pins 205
4-12 External Faults 206
Open Signal Lines 206
Shorted Signal Lines 207
Faulty Power Supply 207
Output Loading 208
4-13 Troubleshooting Prototyped Circuits 210
4-14 Programmable Logic Devices 214
PLD Hardware 215
Programming a PLD 216
Development Software 217
Design and Development Process 220
4-15 Representing Data in HDL 222
Bit Arrays/Bit Vectors 223
Ahdl Bit Array Declarations 224
4-16 Truth Tables Using Hdl 227
4-17 Decision Control Structures in HDL 230
Chapter 5 Flip-Flops and Related Devices 256
5-1 NAND Gate Latch 259
Setting the Latch (FF) 260
Resetting the Latch (FF) 260
Simultaneous Setting and Resetting 261
Summary of NAND Latch 261
Alternate Representations 262
Terminology 262
5-2 NOR Gate Latch 265
Flip-Flop State on Power-Up 267
5-3 Troubleshooting Case Study 267
5-4 Digital Pulses 269
5-5 Clock Signals and Clocked Flip-Flops 271
Clocked Flip-Flops 272
Setup and Hold Times 272
5-6 Clocked S-R Flip-Flop 274
Internal Circuitry of the Edge-Triggered S-R Flip-Flop 276
5-7 Clocked J-K Flip-Flop 278
Internal Circuitry of the Edge-Triggered J-K Flip-Flop 279
5-8 Clocked D Flip-Flop 280
Implementation of the D Flip-Flop 281
Parallel Data Transfer 282
5-9 D Latch (Transparent Latch) 282
5-10 Asynchronous Inputs 284
Designations for Asynchronous Inputs 286
5-11 Flip-Flop Timing Considerations 287
Setup and Hold Times 287
Propagation Delays 288
Maximum Clocking Frequency, fMAX 288
Clock Pulse HIGH and LOW Times 288
Asynchronous Active Pulse Width 289
Clock Transition Times 289
5-12 Potential Timing Problem in FF Circuits 289
5-13 Flip-Flop Applications 291
5-14 Flip-Flop Synchronization 292
5-15 Detecting an Input Sequence 293
5-16 Detecting a Transition or “Event” 295
5-17 Data Storage and Transfer 296
Parallel Data Transfer 297
5-18 Serial Data Transfer: Shift Registers 298
Hold Time Requirement 299
Serial Transfer Between Registers 300
Shift-Left Operation 301
Parallel Versus Serial Transfer 301
5-19 Frequency Division and Counting 302
Counting Operation 303
State Transition Diagram 304
MOD Number 304
5-20 Application of Flip-Flops with Timing Constraints 306
Timing Issues 310
5-21 Microcomputer Application 313
5-22 Schmitt-Trigger Devices 314
5-23 One-Shot (Monostable Multivibrator) 316
Nonretriggerable One-Shot 316
Retriggerable One-Shot 317
Actual Devices 318
Monostable Multivibrator 318
5-24 Clock Generator Circuits 319
Schmitt-Trigger Oscillator 319
555 Timer Used as an Astable Multivibrator 319
Crystal-Controlled Clock Generators 322
5-25 Troubleshooting Flip-Flop Circuits 322
Open Inputs 323
Shorted Outputs 324
Clock Skew 325
5-26 Sequential Circuits in PLDs Using Schematic Entry 327
5-27 Sequential Circuits Using HDL 331
The D Latch 334
5-28 Edge-Triggered Devices 335
5-29 HDL Circuits with Multiple Components 340
Chapter 6 Digital Arithmetic: Operations and Circuits 360
6-1 Binary Addition and Subtraction 362
Binary Addition 362
Binary Subtraction 363
6-2 Representing Signed Numbers 363
1’s-Complement Form 364
2’s-Complement Form 365
Representing Signed Numbers Using 2’s Complement 365
Sign Extension 367
Negation 367
Special Case in 2’s-Complement Representation 368
6-3 Addition in the 2’s-Complement System 371
6-4 Subtraction in the 2’s-Complement System 372
Arithmetic Overflow 373
Number Circles and Binary Arithmetic 374
6-5 Multiplication of Binary Numbers 375
Multiplication in the 2’s-Complement System 376
6-6 Binary Division 377
6-7 BCD Addition 377
Sum Equals 9 or Less 378
Sum Greater than 9 378
BCD Subtraction 379
6-8 Hexadecimal Arithmetic 380
Hex Addition 380
Hex Subtraction 381
Hex Representation of Signed Numbers 382
6-9 Arithmetic Circuits 383
Arithmetic/Logic Unit 383
6-10 Parallel Binary Adder 384
6-11 Design of a Full Adder 386
K-Map Simplification 388
Half Adder 389
6-12 Complete Parallel Adder with Registers 389
Register Notation 390
Sequence of Operations 391
6-13 Carry Propagation 392
6-14 Integrated-Circuit Parallel Adder 393
Cascading Parallel Adders 393
6-15 2’s-Complement Circuits 395
Addition 395
Subtraction 395
Combined Addition and Subtraction 397
6-16 ALU Integrated Circuits 398
The 74LS382/74HC382 ALU 399
Expanding the ALU 401
Other ALUs 402
6-17 Troubleshooting Case Study 402
6-18 Using Altera Library Functions 404
Megafunction LPMs for Arithmetic Circuits 405
Using a Parallel Adder to Count 409
6-19 Logical Operations on Bit Arrays with HDLs 410
6-20 HDL Adders 412
6-21 Parameterizing the Bit Capacity of a Circuit 414
Chapter 7 Counters and Registers 428
7-1 Asynchronous (Ripple) Counters 430
Signal Flow 431
MOD Number 432
Frequency Division 432
Duty Cycle 433
7-2 Propagation Delay in Ripple Counters 434
7-3 Synchronous (Parallel) Counters 436
Circuit Operation 438
Advantage of Synchronous Counters over Asynchronous 438
Actual ICs 438
7-4 Counters with Mod Numbers <2N 439
State Transition Diagram 441
Displaying Counter States 441
Changing the MOD Number 443
General Procedure 443
Decade Counters/BCD Counters 445
7-5 Synchronous Down and Up/Down Counters 446
7-6 Presettable Counters 448
Synchronous Presetting 450
7-7 IC Synchronous Counters 450
The 74ALS160-163/74HC160-163 Series 450
The 74ALS190-191/74HC190-191 Series 454
Multistage Arrangement 459
7-8 Decoding a Counter 460
Active-HIGH Decoding 461
Active-LOW Decoding 462
BCD Counter Decoding 462
7-9 Analyzing Synchronous Counters 464
7-10 Synchronous Counter Design 467
Basic Idea 467
J-K Excitation Table 468
Design Procedure 469
Stepper Motor Control 472
Synchronous Counter Design with D FF 474
7-11 Altera Library Functions for Counters 476
7-12 HDL Counters 480
State Transition Description Methods 481
Behavioral Description 484
Simulation of Basic Counters 487
Full-Featured Counters in HDL 487
Simulation of Full-Featured Counter 491
7-13 Wiring HDL Modules Together 493
MOD-100 BCD Counter 496
7-14 State Machines 501
Simulation of State Machines 504
Traffic Light Controller State Machine 505
Choosing HDL Coding Techniques 511
7-15 Register Data Transfer 513
7-16 IC Registers 513
Parallel In/Parallel Out—The 74ALS174/74HC174 514
Serial In/Serial Out—The 74ALS166/74HC166 516
Parallel In/Serial Out—The 74ALS165/74HC165 518
Serial In/Parallel Out—The 74ALS164/74HC164 520
7-17 Shift-Register Counters 522
Ring Counter 522
Starting a Ring Counter 522
Johnson Counter 523
Decoding a Johnson Counter 525
IC Shift-Register Counters 526
7-18 Troubleshooting 526
7-19 Megafunction Registers 529
7-20 HDL Registers 533
7-21 HDL Ring Counters 539
7-22 HDL One-Shots 541
Nonretriggerable One-Shot Simulation 543
Retriggerable, Edge-Triggered One-Shots in HDL 544
Edge-Triggered Retriggerable One-Shot Simulation 547
Chapter 8 Integrated-Circuit Logic Families 570
8-1 Digital IC Terminology 572
Current and Voltage Parameters (See Figure 8-1) 572
Fan-Out 573
Propagation Delays 574
Power Requirements 574
Noise Immunity 575
Invalid Voltage Levels 577
Current-Sourcing and Current-Sinking Action 577
IC Packages 578
8-2 The TTL Logic Family 581
Circuit Operation—LOW State 581
Circuit Operation—HIGH State 582
Current-Sinking Action 584
Current-Sourcing Action 584
Totem-Pole Output Circuit 584
TTL NOR Gate 585
Summary 585
8-3 TTL Data Sheets 586
Supply Voltage and Temperature Range 587
Voltage Levels 587
Maximum Voltage Ratings 588
Power Dissipation 588
Propagation Delays 588
8-4 TTL Series Characteristics 589
Standard TTL, 74 Series 590
Schottky TTL, 74S Series 590
Low-Power Schottky TTL, 74LS Series (LS-TTL) 591
Advanced Schottky TTL, 74AS Series (AS-TTL) 591
Advanced Low-Power Schottky TTL, 74ALS Series 591
74F—Fast TTL 591
Comparison of TTL Series Characteristics 592
8-5 TTL Loading and Fan-Out 593
Determining the Fan-Out 594
8-6 Other TTL Characteristics 598
Unconnected Inputs (Floating) 598
Unused Inputs 598
Tied-Together Inputs 599
Biasing TTL Inputs Low 600
Current Transients 601
8-7 MOS Technology 602
The MOSFET 603
Basic MOSFET Switch 603
8-8 Complementary MOS Logic 605
CMOS Inverter 606
CMOS NAND Gate 606
CMOS NOR Gate 607
8-9 CMOS Series Characteristics 608
4000/14000 Series 608
74HC/HCT (High-Speed CMOS) 609
74AC/ACT (Advanced CMOS) 609
74AHC/AHCT (Advanced High-Speed CMOS) 609
BiCMOS 5-V Logic 609
Power-Supply Voltage 610
Logic Voltage Levels 610
Noise Margins 610
Power Dissipation 611
PD Increases with Frequency 611
Fan-Out 612
Switching Speed 612
Unused Inputs 613
Static Sensitivity 613
Latch-Up 614
8-10 Low-Voltage Technology 614
CMOS Family 615
BiCMOS Family 616
8-11 Open-Collector/Open-Drain Outputs 617
Open-Collector/Open-Drain Outputs 618
Open-Collector/Open-Drain Buffer/Drivers 620
IEEE/ANSI Symbol for Open-Collector/Drain Outputs 621
8-12 Tristate (Three-State) Logic Outputs 622
Advantage of Tristate 622
Tristate Buffers 623
Tristate ICs 625
IEEE/ANSI Symbol for Tristate Outputs 625
8-13 High-Speed Bus Interface Logic 625
8-14 CMOS Transmission Gate (Bilateral Switch) 627
8-15 IC Interfacing 629
Interfacing 5-V TTL and CMOS 631
CMOS Driving TTL 632
CMOS Driving TTL in the HIGH State 632
CMOS Driving TTL in the LOW State 632
8-16 Mixed-Voltage Interfacing 634
Low-Voltage Outputs Driving High-Voltage Loads 634
High-Voltage Outputs Driving Low-Voltage Loads 634
8-17 Analog Voltage Comparators 636
8-18 Troubleshooting 637
Using a Logic Pulser and Probe to Test a Circuit 638
Finding Shorted Nodes 638
8-19 Characteristics of an FPGA 639
Power-Supply Voltage 639
Logic Voltage Levels 640
Power Dissipation 640
Maximum Input Voltage and Output Current Ratings 641
Switching Speed 641
Chapter 9 MSI Logic Circuits 658
9-1 Decoders 659
ENABLE Inputs 660
BCD-to-Decimal Decoders 664
BCD-to-Decimal Decoder/Driver 665
Decoder Applications 665
9-2 BCD-to-7-Segment Decoder/Drivers 667
Common-Anode Versus Common-Cathode LED Displays 668
9-3 Liquid-Crystal Displays 669
Driving an LCD 670
Types of LCDs 671
9-4 Encoders 673
Priority Encoders 675
74147 Decimal-to-BCD Priority Encoder 675
Switch Encoder 676
9-5 Troubleshooting 679
9-6 Multiplexers (Data Selectors) 682
Basic Two-Input Multiplexer 683
Eight-Input Multiplexer 684
Four-Input Multiplexer 684
Quad Two-Input MUX (74ALS157/HC157) 686
9-7 Multiplexer Applications 688
Data Routing 688
Parallel-to-Serial Conversion 689
Operation Sequencing 689
Logic Function Generation 692
9-8 Demultiplexers (Data Distributors) 693
1-Line-to-8-Line Demultiplexer 694
Security Monitoring System 695
Synchronous Data Transmission System 697
Time Division Multiplexing 699
9-9 More Troubleshooting 703
9-10 Magnitude Comparator 707
Data Inputs 708
Outputs 708
Cascading Inputs 708
Applications 709
9-11 Code Converters 710
Basic Idea 711
Conversion Process 711
Circuit Implementation 712
Other Code Converter Implementations 714
9-12 Data Busing 714
9-13 The 74ALS173/HC173 Tristate Register 716
9-14 Data Bus Operation 718
Data Transfer Operation 719
Bus Signals 720
Simplified Bus Timing Diagram 721
Expanding the Bus 721
Simplified Bus Representation 723
Bidirectional Busing 724
9-15 Decoders Using HDL 725
9-16 The HDL 7-Segment Decoder/Driver 729
9-17 Encoders Using HDL 732
9-18 HDL Multiplexers and Demultiplexers 736
9-19 HDL Magnitude Comparators 740
9-20 HDL Code Converters 741
Chapter 10 Digital System Projects Using HDL 764
10-1 Small-Project Management 766
Definition 766
Strategic Planning/Problem Decomposition 766
Synthesis and Testing 767
System Integration and Testing 767
10-2 Stepper Motor Driver Project 767
Problem Definition 768
Strategic Planning/Problem Decomposition 769
Synthesis and Testing 770
10-3 Keypad Encoder Project 775
Problem Analysis 775
Strategic Planning/Problem Decomposition 777
10-4 Digital Clock Project 781
Top-Down Hierarchical Design 784
Building the Blocks from the Bottom Up 786
MOD-12 Design 789
Combining Blocks Graphically 793
Combining Blocks Using Only HDL 794
10-5 Microwave Oven Project 798
Definition of the Project 799
Strategic Planning/Problem Decomposition 800
Synthesis/Integration and Testing 804
10-6 Frequency Counter Project 805
Chapter 11 Interfacing with the Analog World 814
11-1 Review of Digital Versus Analog 815
11-2 Digital-to-Analog Conversion 817
Analog Output 819
Input Weights 819
Resolution (Step Size) 820
Percentage Resolution 821
What Does Resolution Mean? 822
Bipolar DACs 824
11-3 DAC Circuitry 824
Conversion Accuracy 826
DAC with Current Output 826
R/2R Ladder 828
11-4 DAC Specifications 830
Resolution 830
Accuracy 830
Offset Error 831
Settling Time 831
Monotonicity 831
11-5 an Integrated-Circuit DAC 832
11-6 DAC Applications 833
Control 833
Automatic Testing 833
Signal Reconstruction 833
A/D Conversion 833
Digital Amplitude Control 833
Serial DACs 834
11-7 Troubleshooting DACs 834
11-8 Analog-to-Digital Conversion 836
11-9 Digital-Ramp ADC 837
A/D Resolution and Accuracy 840
Conversion Time, tC 841
11-10 Data Acquisition 842
Reconstructing a Digitized Signal 844
Aliasing 845
Serial ADCs 846
11-11 Successive-Approximation ADC 846
Conversion Time 849
An Actual IC: The ADC0804 Successive-Approximation ADC 849
11-12 Flash ADCs 854
Conversion Time 856
11-13 Other A/D Conversion Methods 856
Dual-Slope Integrating ADC 857
Voltage-to-Frequency ADC 858
Sigma/Delta Modulation 858
Pipelined ADC 860
11-14 Typical ADC Architectures for Applications 862
11-15 Sample-and-Hold Circuits 863
11-16 Multiplexing 864
11-17 Digital Signal Processing (DSP) 865
Digital Filtering 866
11-18 Applications of Analog Interfacing 869
Data Acquisition Systems 869
Digital Camera 870
Digital Cellular Telephone 870
Chapter 12 Memory Devices 886
12-1 Memory Terminology 888
12-2 General Memory Operation 892
Address Inputs 893
The WE input 893
Output enable (OE) 894
Memory Enable 894
12-3 CPU–Memory Connections 895
12-4 Read-Only Memories 897
ROM Block Diagram 897
The Read Operation 898
12-5 ROM Architecture 899
Output Buffers 900
Register Array 900
Address Decoders 900
12-6 ROM Timing 901
12-7 Types of ROMs 902
Mask-Programmed ROM 903
Programmable ROMs (PROMs) 905
Erasable Programmable ROM (EPROM) 906
Electrically Erasable PROM (EEPROM) 907
12-8 Flash Memory 909
A Typical CMOS Flash Memory IC 910
Flash Technology: NOR and NAND 911
12-9 ROM Applications 914
Embedded Microcontroller Program Memory 914
Data Transfer and Portability 914
Bootstrap Memory 914
Data Tables 915
Data Converter 915
Function Generator 915
12-10 Semiconductor RAM 916
12-11 RAM Architecture 917
Read Operation 918
Write Operation 918
Chip Select 918
Common Input/Output Pins 918
12-12 Static RAM (SRAM) 919
Static-RAM Timing 920
Read Cycle 920
Write Cycle 922
12-13 Dynamic RAM (DRAM) 922
12-14 Dynamic RAM Structure and Operation 924
Address Multiplexing 925
12-15 DRAM Read/Write Cycles 929
DRAM Read Cycle 929
DRAM Write Cycle 930
12-16 DRAM Refreshing 930
12-17 DRAM Technology 933
Memory Modules 933
12-18 Other Memory Technologies 935
Magnetic Storage 935
Optical Memory 936
Phase Change Ram (PRAM) 937
Ferroelectric RAM (FRAM) 937
12-19 Expanding Word Size and Capacity 937
Expanding Word Size 938
Expanding Capacity 940
Incomplete Address Decoding 943
Combining DRAM Chips 944
12-20 Special Memory Functions 945
Cache Memory 946
First-In, First-Out Memory (FIFO) 947
Circular Buffers 948
Chapter 13 Programmable Logic Device Architectures 960
13-1 Digital Systems Family Tree 962
More on PLDs 964
13-2 Fundamentals of PLD Circuitry 968
PLD Symbology 969
13-3 PLD Architectures 970
PROMs 970
Programmable Array Logic (PAL) 971
Field Programmable Logic Array (FPLA) 974
Generic Array Logic (GAL) 974
13-4 The Altera MAX and MAX II Families 975
13-5 Generations of HCPLDs 978
Glossary 982
Answers to Selected Problems 995
index of ICs 1003
Index 1006