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Surgical Technology - E-Book

Surgical Technology - E-Book

Joanna Kotcher


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Book Details


Learn to deliver the best patient care before, during, and after surgery with Surgical Technology: Principles and Practice, 7th Edition. Within its pages you’ll find comprehensive coverage of all the updated AST Core Curriculum components — including all aspects of health care sciences; technological sciences; patient care concepts; preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative care; surgical procedures; and professional practice. But what you won’t find in any other surg tech book is an incredibly reader-friendly approach featuring conversational, mentor-like guidance and loads of full-color pictures and illustrations. You’ll also have an abundance of helpful learning features at your disposal — like case studies, review questions, and online learning activities — that will help you easily master important concepts and apply that learning to professional practice. No other surgical technology text better prepares you for the challenges of professional practice!

  • Comprehensive coverage addresses all areas of the AST Core Curriculum for Surgical Technology.
  • Reader-friendly writing style and organization utilizes a mentoring approach to present content within the building blocks of fundamentals, aseptic technique, the role and function of the surgical technologist, and surgical procedures. 
  • Consistent chapter format breaks down each surgical procedure in an easy-to-understand way making it easy for students to comprehend the key elements of more than 70 procedures.
  • Experienced author/consulting editor team lends a breadth of experience for a well-rounded view of life in the operating room and multiple perspective focused on quality patient care.
  • Over 1,200 full-color illustrations and clinical photos bring concepts and procedures to life.
  • Robust practice opportunities include review questions and case studies at the end of each chapter along with crosswords, additional review questions, and surgical practice videos found on the Evolve companion website.
  • Learning objectives serve as checkpoints for comprehension and as study tools in preparation for examinations.
  • Key terminology appears in boldface and in color within chapter discussions and are defined and cross-referenced to chapters in a back-of-book glossary. 
  • Key concepts are covered in a bulleted list at the end of each chapter discussion to summarize and rephrase chapter concepts.
  • References and bibliographies provide a listing of in-text and additional citations of scientific research.
  • Pathology appendix summarizes the most commonly seen pathological processes and organizes them by body system.
  • Website mentions are highlighted within the text to draw readers’ attention to available videos in the Evolve Resources and suggested websites to visit for additional information on content covered.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front cover Cover
Evolve IFC
You’ve just purchased more than a textbook! IFC
Front matter iii
Surgical technology: Principles and practice iii
Copyright iv
Contributors/reviewers v
Contributors v
Reviewers v
Preface vii
Acknowledgements xi
Table of Contents xiii
Surgical Technology Principles 1
1 The surgical technologist 1
Learning objectives 1
Terminology 1
Reference 9
Bibliography 9
2 Communication teamwork and professionalism 10
Learning objectives 10
Terminology 10
Bibliography 29
3 Law, documentation, and professional ethics 30
Learning objectives 30
Terminology 30
References 50
Bibliography 50
4 The health care facility 51
Learning objectives 51
Terminology 51
Section I: The perioperative environment 53
Principles of operating room design 53
Infection control 53
Environmental safety 53
Efficiency 53
Traffic patterns 53
Unrestricted area 54
Semirestricted area 54
Sterile or restricted area 54
Operating room floor plans 54
The surgical suite 55
Equipment and furniture 55
Special procedure room 57
Environmental controls and systems 57
Airflow and ventilation 57
Humidity and temperature 57
Lighting 57
Gases 57
Electricity 58
Work areas 58
Surgical offices 58
Locker room/lounge area 58
Preoperative patient care area 58
Scrub sinks 58
Substerile room 58
Sterile instrument room 59
Equipment storage 59
Utility workroom and decontamination area 59
Clean processing area 59
Anesthesia department 59
Postanesthesia care unit 59
Surgery waiting area 59
Integrated operating room systems 59
Section II: Health care facility departments and functions 60
Team approach to patient care 60
Pathology 60
Nuclear medicine and interventional radiology 60
Infection control 60
Biomedical engineering 60
Materials management 60
Central supply 60
Pharmacy 61
Laboratory 62
Blood bank 62
Risk management department 62
Communication systems 62
Medical records 62
Facilities maintenance 62
Environmental services 62
Security 63
Nutritional services 63
Section III: Health care administration 63
Health care providers 63
Health care financing 63
Government assistance 63
Private insurance 63
Payment systems 63
Management structure 64
Chain of command 64
Staff roles 64
Personnel policy 64
Perioperative professionals 65
Surgeon 65
Assistant surgeon 65
Anesthesia provider 65
Perioperative registered nurse 65
Physician assistant 65
Licensed practical nurse 65
Certified surgical technologist 65
Certified surgical technologist–certified surgical first assistant 65
Certified surgical assistant or nonphysician surgical assistant 65
Certified anesthesia technologist 65
Operating room educator 66
Surgical orderly or aide 66
Central sterile processing technician 66
Patient care technician 66
Ancillary technical staff 66
Radiology 66
Electroencephalogram technician 66
Medical industry representative 66
Cardiovascular perfusionist 66
Administrative personnel 66
Health care facility management 66
Chief operational officer 66
Director of surgical services/operating room supervisor 67
Perioperative nurse manager 67
Unit clerk/secretary 67
Key concepts 67
Review questions 67
Case studies 68
Case 1 68
Case 2 68
Case 3 68
Reference 68
Bibliography 68
5 The patient 69
Learning objectives 69
Terminology 69
Reference 81
Bibliography 81
6 Diagnostic and assessment procedures 82
Learning objectives 82
Terminology 82
Bibliography 99
7 Environmental hazards 100
Learning objectives 100
Terminology 100
References 101
Bibliography 106
8 Microbes and the process of infection 121
Learning objectives 121
Terminology 121
Bibliography 145
9 The principles and practice of aseptic technique 146
Learning objectives 146
Terminology 146
Bibliography 173
10 Decontamination, sterilization, and disinfection 179
Learning objectives 179
Terminology 179
Bibliography 205
11 Surgical instruments 206
Learning objectives 206
Terminology 206
Bibliography 227
12 Perioperative pharmacology 228
Learning objectives 228
Terminology 228
Section I: Pharmacology basics 229
Sources of drugs 229
Drug information resources 230
Regulation of drugs, substances, and devices 230
Prescription and over-the-counter drugs 230
Herbal remedies and food supplements 231
Controlled substances 231
Pregnancy categories 231
Drug nomenclature 231
Generic name 231
Trade (proprietary) name 232
Chemical name 232
Drug labels 232
Drug formats 232
How drugs work 234
Pharmacokinetics 234
Pharmacodynamics 235
Therapeutic window 235
Unit systems of measurement 236
Metric system 236
Apothecary system 236
The international unit 237
Roman numerals 237
International time 237
Devices for drug preparation and delivery 237
Syringes 237
Historical highlights 239
Needles 239
Dispensers, tubing, and pumps 239
Drug packaging 241
Section II: The medication process 243
Prescriptions and drug orders 243
Selection of drugs 244
Drug preparation and transfer to the surgical field 244
Guideline for drug transfer 244
Preparing drugs on the sterile field 245
Labeling 245
Measuring and mixing drugs on the sterile field 245
Transferring a drug to the surgeon 246
Drug administration 246
Assessment 247
Adverse reaction to a drug 247
Drug allergy 247
Documentation 248
Section III: Preventing drug errors 248
Section IV: Surgical drugs 250
Local anesthetics 250
Blood and blood derivatives 250
Blood and blood products 251
Hemostatic agents 251
The physiology of coagulation 251
Active hemostats 252
Mechanical hemostatic agents 252
Absorbable gelatin 252
Oxidized cellulose 252
Collagen absorbable hemostat 252
Bone hemostat 254
Flowable hemostats and adhesives 254
Anticoagulants and thrombolytic 254
Heparins 254
Warfarin (coumadin) 254
Thrombolytic 254
Central nervous system agents 254
Anesthetics 255
Inhalation anesthetics 255
Neuromuscular blocking agents 256
Analgesics 256
Opiates 256
Non-opiate analgesics 257
Sedatives and hypnotics 257
Dissociative anesthesia 257
Barbiturates 257
Benzodiazepines 257
Contrast media 257
Colored dyes and stains 258
Antiinfective agents 258
Penicillin 259
Cephalosporins 259
Macrolides 259
Lincosamide, vancomycin, and ketolides 259
Tetracycline 259
Aminoglycosides 259
Quinolones 259
Sulfonamides 259
Antifungals 259
Antineoplastic agents 260
Drugs that affect the autonomic nervous system 260
Anticholinergics 260
Adrenergics 260
Fluid balance and electrolytes 261
Chrystalloids 261
Colloids 261
Irrigation fluids 261
Ophthalmic drugs 261
Cardiac drugs 264
Diuretics 264
Gastrointestinal drugs 264
Histamine-2 receptor antagonists and proton-pump inhibitors 264
Antacids 264
Antiemetic agents 265
Hormones and synthetic substitutes 265
Corticosteroids 265
Antidiabetic drugs 265
Prostaglandins 265
Drugs used in obstetrics 265
Gonadal steroids 265
Emergency drugs 265
Key concepts 266
Review questions 266
Case studies 266
Case 1 266
Case 2 267
Reference 267
Bibliography 267
13 Anesthesia and physiological monitoring 268
Learning objectives 268
Terminology 268
References 293
Bibliography 294
14 Postanesthesia recovery 295
Learning objectives 295
Terminology 295
Bibliography 304
15 Death and dying 305
Learning objectives 305
Terminology 305
Bibliography 312
16 Physics and information technology 313
Learning objectives 313
Terminology 313
Section I: Physics 314
Matter 314
Atomic structure 314
Elements and molecules 315
States of matter 316
Electromagnetic radiation 316
Electricity 316
Nature of electricity 317
Magnetism and electricity 317
Conductivity 317
Static electricity 317
Electrical circuits 318
Light 319
Sight 319
Refraction 319
Reflection 319
Coherence 319
Lenses 319
Heat 320
Sound 321
Doppler effect 321
Section II: Information technology 321
Computers in the perioperative environment 321
Computer learning tools 321
How computers work 322
Computer terms and language 322
Hardware (physical components) 322
Computer software 322
Operating system 323
Computer programs 323
Basic computer use 323
Computer motor skills 323
Elementary operations 323
Files and folders 324
Windows 324
Toolbar 324
Menu 324
Scrolling 324
Word processing 324
Graphics 325
Saving data 325
Printing documents 325
Computer networks 326
Navigating the internet 326
Email 326
Key concepts 327
Review questions 327
Case studies 327
Case 1 327
Case 2 327
Bibliography 327
17 Energy sources in surgery 328
Learning objectives 328
Terminology 328
Bibliography 339
18 Moving, handling, and positioning the surgical patient 344
Learning objectives 344
Terminology 344
Section I: Transport and transfers 345
Patient identification 345
Examples for verbal patient identification 345
Safety first 346
Communication and teamwork count 346
Transport by gurney 347
Performing assisted lateral transfers 349
Performing the log roll and assisted lateral transfer 350
Wheelchair transferring and transport 351
Safety guidelines for wheelchair transport 352
Assisting a patient from bed to wheelchair 352
Sitting to standing position 353
Standing position to wheelchair 353
Wheelchair to bed 353
Assisting an ambulatory patient 354
Assisting a falling patient 354
Special patient populations 354
Pediatric patients 354
Hearing- or sight-impaired patients 355
Bariatric patients 355
Patients in police custody 356
Section II: Positioning the surgical patient 356
Principles of safe positioning 356
Role of the surgical technologist in positioning 356
Patient safety during positioning 356
Normal range of motion 357
Potential patient injuries 357
General operating table 360
Positioning AIDS 361
Surgical positions 362
Supine (dorsal recumbent) 362
Trendelenburg 362
Reverse trendelenburg 362
Lithotomy 362
Modified fowler 366
Lateral decubitus 367
The orthopedic table 368
Prone 368
Jackknife (kraske) position 369
Spinal table 370
Key concepts 370
Review questions 371
Case studies 371
Case 1 371
Case 2 371
Case 3 371
Case 4 371
Case 5 371
Bibliography 371
19 Surgical skin prep and draping 372
Learning objectives 372
Terminology 372
Bibliography 399
20 Case planning and intraoperative routines 400
Learning objectives 400
Terminology 400
References 414
Bibliography 426
21 Management of the surgical wound 427
Learning objectives 427
Terminology 427
Bibliography 464
22 Minimally invasive endoscopic and robotic surgery 465
Learning objectives 465
Terminology 465
Section I: Minimally invasive surgery 466
Technology and techniques 466
Imaging system 466
Light source and fiberoptic cable 466
Rigid telescope 468
Video camera 469
Camera head 469
Camera control unit 470
Video cables 470
Documentation system 470
Monitor 471
Equipment cart 471
Integrated operating room 471
Trocar-cannula system 471
Enhancing visualization during mis 473
Insufflation 473
Continuous irrigation and fluid distention 473
Balloon dissection 473
Specimen retrieval 474
Hemostasis and tissue approximation 475
Mis instruments 476
Care of mis instruments 476
Intraoperative care 478
Specialty telescopes 478
Energy sources in mis 478
Electrosurgical risks 479
Insulation failure  479
Direct and capacitative coupling  479
Risk reduction and prevention  479
Ultrasonic energy 479
High-frequency bipolar electrosurgery 479
Laser 479
Preoperative preparation 480
Patient positioning 480
Skin prep and draping 480
Maintaining patient normothermia 480
Surgical setup for mis 480
Conversion to an open case 480
Section II: Flexible endoscopy 481
Principles 481
Equipment used in flexible endoscopy 481
Flexible endoscope 481
Imaging system 481
Technique 481
Reprocessing endoscopes and instruments 482
Protocols and standards 482
Precleaning of rigid endoscopes 482
Guidelines for precleaning instruments 482
Precleaning optical parts and lenses 482
Flexible endoscope reprocessing 482
Disinfection and sterilization 483
Section III: Robotic surgery 483
Robotic movement 483
Classification of robots 484
Da vinci surgical system 484
Advantages and disadvantages of robotic surgery 484
Advantages 484
Disadvantages 484
Training for robotics 485
Robotic training topics and methods 485
Components of the robotic system: Structure and purpose 485
Patient cart 486
Base and power drive 486
Setup joints 486
Patient cart arms 486
Monitor 487
Da vinci instruments 487
Instrument design and type 487
Classification of robotic instruments 487
Reprocessing 487
Online resources for reprocessing 487
Surgeon’s console 487
Vision system 487
Components 487
Setup and sequence for robotic surgery 489
Room setup 489
Sequence of operation 490
Special roles of the surgical team 490
Surgeon 490
Surgical assistant 490
Surgical technologist 490
Circulator and robotics coordinator 490
Key concepts 491
Review questions 491
Case studies 491
Case 1 491
Case 2 492
Bibliography 492
Surgical Technology Practice 493
23 General surgery 493
Learning objectives 493
Terminology 493
Section I: The abdomen 494
Structure and regions of the abdomen 494
Abdominal tissue layers 494
Inguinal region 496
Abdominal incisions 497
General surgery instruments 497
Hernia repair 503
Case planning 503
Open repair of an indirect inguinal hernia 504
Pathology 504
APPENDIX A Common pathology by system 1027
APPENDIX B Drugs and substances associated with surgery 1034
APPENDIX C Math review 1041
APPENDIX D Screen shots for introduction to computers 1049
Glossary 1053
Index 1069
A 1069
B 1071
C 1072
D 1075
E 1077
F 1079
G 1080
H 1081
I 1082
J 1084
K 1084
L 1084
M 1085
N 1087
O 1087
P 1088
Q 1091
R 1091
S 1092
T 1096
U 1097
V 1097
W 1099
X 1099
Y 1099
Z 1099
Surgical procedures ES3
Chapter 23 general surgery ES3
Chapter 24 gynecological and obstetrical surgery ES3
Chapter 25 genitourinary surgery ES3
Chapter 26 ophthalmic surgery ES3
Chapter 27 surgery of the ear, nose, pharynx, and larynx ES3
Chapter 28 oral and maxillofacial surgery ES3
Chapter 29 plastic and reconstructive surgery ES3
Chapter 30 orthopedic surgery ES4
Chapter 31 peripheral vascular surgery ES4
Chapter 32 thoracic and pulmonary surgery ES4
Chapter 33 cardiac surgery ES4
Chapter 34 pediatric surgery ES4
Chapter 35 neurosurgery ES4