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An Intercultural Approach to English Language Teaching

An Intercultural Approach to English Language Teaching

Prof. John Corbett


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Intercultural language education has redefined the modern languages agenda in Europe and North America.  Now intercultural learning is also beginning to impact on English Language Teaching.  This accessible book introduces teachers of EFL to intercultural language education by describing its history and theoretical principles, and by giving examples of classroom tasks.

John Corbett is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of English Language at the University of Glasgow.  He has taught EFL and British Cultural Studies, and been involved in teacher development in Italy, Russia, South America and the UK. His past publications are on ELT, Stylistics and Translation Studies.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents vii
Acknowledgements viii
Foreword ix
Chapter 1 An Intercultural Approach to Second Language Education 1
Chapter 2 Implementing an Intercultural Approach 31
Chapter 3 Culture and Conversational English 47
Chapter 4 Culture and Written Genres 68
Chapter 5 Ethnographic Approaches to Culture and Language 94
Chapter 6 Exploring Culture Through Interviews 118
Chapter 7 Developing Visual Literacy 139
Chapter 8 Using Literary, Media and Cultural Studies 166
Chapter 9 Assessing Intercultural Communication 191
Chapter 10 Prospects for Teaching and Learning Language and Culture 205
Bibliography 213
Index 225