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Age and the Rate of Foreign Language Learning

Age and the Rate of Foreign Language Learning

Carmen Muñoz


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This book examines the various ways in which age affects the process and the product of foreign language learning in a school setting. It presents studies that cover a wide range of topics, from phonetics to learning strategies. It will be of interest to students and researchers working in SLA research, language planning and language teaching.

The collection provides invaluable guidance for educators and policy makers who must decide when to start L2 instruction in school programs. The volume also includes thorough reviews of previous research and theory on the relationship between age and language acquisition. It is a unique addition to the research on classroom second language learning.

Patsy M. Lightbown, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Concordia University, Montreal.

It is fascinating to read a collection of studies conducted over such a long period with a single, large data set.

D. Bradford Marshall

Apart from exploring questions of rate and attainment in low-proficiency learners, this volume also presents data and findings relevant to SLA in terms of methodology, interlanguage states or learners' perception of their own development. For this reason, it will be helpful not only for professionals in linguistics and FL curriculum planners, but also for researchers and language teachers interested in the description and measurement of the early stages of FL acquisition.

Imma Miralpeix, University of Barcelona

This book is very well-written and edited, and its various chapters provide not only enlightening results and interpretations but also clear and satisfying discussions of the relevant theories, past empirical findings, and research methodology.

Scott Jarvis, Ohio University

Carmen Muñoz received her MA in Applied Linguistics from the University of Reading, UK. and her PhD in English Linguistics from the University of Barcelona, Spain, where she is now a Professor of English Linguistics and Applied Linguistics. Her research interests include second and foreign language acquisition, as well as bilingual acquisition. She is the coordinator of the Barcelona Age Factor (BAF) Project. Her recent publications have focused on the age factor in foreign language acquisition, cross linguistic influence and individual differences.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents v
Acknowledgements vi
Introduction vii
Chapter 1 The Effects of Age on Foreign Language Learning: The BAF Project 1
Chapter 2 The Development of English (FL) Perception and Production Skills: Starting Age and Exposure Effects 41
Chapter 3 Age Effects on Oral Fluency Development 65
Chapter 4 Age and Vocabulary Acquisition in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) 89
Chapter 5 Accuracy Orders, Rate of Learning and Age in Morphological Acquisition 107
Chapter 6 Rate and Route of Acquisition in EFL Narrative Development at Different Ages 127
Chapter 7 Age and IL Development in Writing 156
Chapter 8 Age, Proficiency Level and Interactional Skills: Evidence from Breakdowns in Production 183
Chapter 9 Reported Strategy Use and Age 208
Chapter 10 Language Learning Motivation and Age 237
Appendix 1 269
Appendix 2 271
Appendix 3 272
Appendix 4 274
Index 277