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Language Learners in Study Abroad Contexts

Language Learners in Study Abroad Contexts

Dr. Margaret A. DuFon | Dr. Eton E. Churchill


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Examining the overseas experience of language learners in diverse contexts through a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches, studies in this volume look at the acquisition of language use, socialization processes, learner motivation, identity and learning strategies. In this way, the volume offers a privileged window into learner experiences abroad while addressing current concerns central to second language acquisition.

Illustrating diverse approaches to the study of language socialization and acquisition, this volume will surely become a key reference for applied linguistics research on education abroad, the most celebrated and least understood among environments for language learning.

Professor Celeste Kinginger, Department of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies & Department of French and Francophone Studies, Pennsylvania State University

Margaret A. DuFon is an Assistant Professor in Linguistics at California State University-Chico. As a result of her own language learning abroad in both Spain and Indonesia, she became interested in investigating the acquisition of pragmatic competence through language socialization via interactions with host culture members during a sojourn abroad.

Eton Churchill is an Assistant Professor of English at Kanagawa University in Yokohama, Japan. He has twenty years teaching experience in foreign languages and has accompanied students abroad on several occasions. His research interests include pragmatics, sociolinguistics, study abroad and the role of interaction and context in language learning.

This is an excellent compendium of research on study abroad. The variety of theoretical perspectives employed and the methodological diversity exhibited provide a richness that many other edited volumes lack. The authors provide solid justification of their methodological choices and demonstrate academic rigor that is both informative and instructive, making this volume an excellent resource for graduate student coursework in SLA and/or foreign language education.

Lisa DeWaard Dykstra

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents v
Preface vii
Acknowledgements x
Contributors xi
Transcription Conventions xiii
Chapter 1 Evolving Threads in Study Abroad Research 1
Part 1: The Acquisition of Pragmatic Competence During Study Abroad 29
Chapter 2 Learning to Take Leave in Social Conversations: A Diary Study 31
Chapter 3 Learning to Say ‘You’ in German: The Acquisition of Sociolinguistic Competence in a Study Abroad Context 59
Part 2: Interaction and Socialization at the Host Dinner Table 89
Chapter 4 The Socialization of Taste during Study Abroad in Indonesia 91
Chapter 5 Joint Construction of Folk Beliefs by JFL Learners and Japanese Host Families 120
Chapter 6 Norms of Interaction in a Japanese Homestay Setting: Toward a Two-Way Flow of Linguistic and Cultural Resources 151
Part 3: From Home to School in the Study Abroad Environment 175
Chapter 7 Negotiation in a Japanese Study Abroad Setting 177
Chapter 8 Variability in the Study Abroad Classroom and Learner Competence 203
Part 4: The Influence of Individual and Program Variables on SLA Abroad 229
Chapter 9 Study Abroad Social Networks, Motivation and Attitudes: Implications for Second Language Acquisition 231
Chapter 10 Language Learning Strategies in the Study Abroad Context 259
References 294
Index 319