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This innovative and original book provides valuable insights into the interorganisational dynamics of collaboration in tourism marketing. Specific attention is given to global airline alliances, international hotel consortia, and destination collaboration between nations. The book begins by providing a detailed understanding of tourism marketing principles and practice within the context of inter-organisational collaboration. The impact of collaboration on tourism marketing strategy and the implementation of marketing programmes is then explored.
Issues for discussion include the benefits and drawbacks of collaboration marketing, the internal processes, resource implications and external impacts of collaboration marketing, and the challenge of managing parallel competitive and collaborative marketing strategies. Tourism Marketing: A Collaborative Approach offers a strategic marketing framework for application in interorganisational settings within the tourism industry. The existing marketing paradigm is questioned in an industry where rarely does any one organisation own or control all elements of the tourism product.
Both Alan Fyall and Brian Garrod have published widely in the area of tourism. Together, they have recently edited the book Managing Visitor Attractions: New Directions with Anna Leask, while Brian has also edited the book Marine Ecotourism: Issues and Experiences with Julie C. Wilson, published by Channel View Publications.
“This well-written, innovative, ground-breaking text lifts our knowledge of tourism marketing to another level and adds scholarly insight into our understanding of the topic. This is a strong addition to the tourism literature and I recommend it without reservation.”