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The Tourism and Leisure Experience

The Tourism and Leisure Experience

Dr. Michael Morgan | Dr. Peter Lugosi | Prof. J.R. Brent Ritchie


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People do not buy products, or even services; they purchase the total experience that the product or service provides. Experience management is seen as the way to remain competitive in markets where globalisation and technology have turned products and services into commodities. This book draws together academic and practitioner insights into the consumer experience by combining the perspectives of the tourist consumer with that of experience managers, supported by examples from tourism, leisure, hospitality, sport and event contexts. With contributions from established and emerging international scholars, it is organised into three sections: understanding experiences, researching experiences and managing experiences. It aims to provide students, researchers and managers with a stimulating overview of the current research and managerial issues in the field and as well as a resource to guide their further reading.

Michael Morgan is Senior Lecturer at Bournemouth University and leader of the MA European Tourism Management programme delivered by a consortium of European universities. He has written and contributed to several books on Leisure and Tourism Marketing, including the latest edition (2009) of Marketing in Travel and Tourism with Victor Middleton and Alan Fyall. His current research activities into the experience of tourism have included the editing of special editions of the International Journal of Tourism Research and the Journal of Foodservice.

Peter Lugosi is Senior Lecturer at Bournemouth University. He has researched and published on a wide range of subjects including research ethics, hospitable spaces, consumer participation, hospitality and urban regeneration, entrepreneurship and organisational culture. His work appears in a number of journals including Qualitative Inquiry, Space and Culture, The Service Industries Journal and Urban Studies.

J. R. Brent Ritchie holds the Professorship in Tourism Management at the Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary, and serves as Chair of the University of Calgary's World Tourism Education & Research Centre.

This book is arguably by far the most comprehensive compilation of qualitative methods in tourism research.It is a thoroughly enjoyable book and is highly recommended.

Catheryn Khoo-Lattimore, School of Hospitality, Tourism, and Culinary Arts, Taylor University, Malaysia in Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 1206–1208, 2011

This book both represents an advance on Ryan's 'The Tourist Experience' and a response to Pine Jr and Gilmore's 'The Experience Economy' by offering both conceptual and empirical arguments about the central role of visitor experiences in tourism. This is done within a framework of differing research paradigms and managerial implications, but also it raises questions about our understandings of what will constitute tourism in the 21st century. To my mind tourism increasingly needs to be understood within new measures of mobility, migrant workers (professional and non-professional) and urban planning that brings together IT, recreation, leisure and new work patterns as well as conventional interpretations of tourism together in a new hybridity. This collection of papers helps us toward better understanding a new habitus of tourism.

The Tourism and Leisure Experience: Consumer and Managerial Perspectives makes an original contribution in the use of research philosophies which link existing literature with management and practical opportunities. The book will be useful for undergraduate students with an interest in research methodologies, postgraduate students and researchers in the range of methods and perspectives given consideration. The work extends understanding of research into experience encounters and provides a concise overview of developments in the field using a range of leisure and tourism examples.

Kay Dimmock, Southern Cross University, Australia in Annals of Leisure Research, 15:1 (2012), 110-111

A comprehensive exploration of the tourist experience, this book breaks new ground in conceptualising the topic. It proposes new and thoughtful research agendas and, through insightful case studies, reveals responses to the challenges of managing the tourist experience in a variety of contexts. An inspiring and essential read for those seeking a contemporary perspective on the subject.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Introduction xv
Part 1 Understanding the Consumer\rExperience in Tourism and Leisure:\rConcepts and Issues 1
Chapter 1 The Dimensions of the Tourist\rExperience 3
Chapter 2 Searching for Escape, Authenticity\rand Identity: Experiences of\r‘Lifestyle Travellers’ 27
Chapter 3 The Shaping of Tourist\rExperience: The Importance\rof Stories and Themes 43
Chapter 4 The Role and Meaning of Place\rin Cultural Festival Visitor\rExperiences 59
Part 2 Researching the Experience 79
Chapter 5 Research Processes for\rEvaluating Quality Experiences:\rReflections from the ‘Experiences’\rField(s) 81
Chapter 6 Researching Visual Culture:\rApproaches for the\rUnderstanding of Tourism\rand Leisure Experiences 99
Chapter 7 ‘Been There, Done That’:\rEmbracing our Post-trip\rExperiential Recollections\rthrough the Social Construction\rand Subjective Consumption of\rPersonal Narratives 117
Chapter 8 Capturing Sensory Experiences\rThrough Semi-Structured\rElicitation Questions 137
Part 3 Managing the Experience 161
Chapter 9 Delivering Quality Experiences for\rSustainable Tourism Development:\rHarnessing a Sense of Place in\rMonmouthshire 163
Chapter 10 Theatre in Restaurants:\rConstructing the Experience 182
Chapter 11 Tourism Memorabilia and the\rTourism Experience 202
Chapter 12 The Experience Economy 10 Years\rOn: Where Next for Experience\rManagement? 218
Index 231