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Royal Tourism

Royal Tourism

Philip E Long | Nicola J Palmer


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There are multiple and complex relationships between royalty and tourism which have received little attention in the academic literature. This book draws on historical, sociological and cultural perspectives in its collection of chapters that examine the royal tourism phenomenon in several international and theoretical contexts. Authors in this volume examine for example: the history, development and trajectories of 'royal tourism'; 'royal tourism' and national identities; the interpretation of royalty to tourists; the image(s) and representations of 'royal tourism'; tourist perceptions of royalty and royal properties and sites; royalty, tourism and national image, identity and citizenship.

"This is a timely, authoritative and valuable study into Royalty and Tourism. At a time when it has been calculated that the British Royal Family are responsible for bringing in over £9billion every year in overseas tourism spending, the relationship between tourism and Royalty requires understanding, appreciation and serious study; this book provides that."

Bernard Donoghue, Head of Government and Public Affairs, Visit Britain (with responsibility for liaison with the Royal Households)

The book is to be welcomed by tourism scholars and is likely to provoke more research into what can be a noteworthy component of tourism for many destinations.

Joan C. Henderson, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, in Tourism Recreation Research 34(1) 2009

This volume offers a great deal of information to a broad spectrum of academics and scholarly students. Additionally, several essays explore a variety of perspectives and interpretations involving the symbolism and significance of the tourism of royalty as expressed by the consumption of the British ruling class, among other European monarchies. Overall this work offers an interesting, useful exploration of this important tourism niche. Recommended.

Philip Long (PhD, PGCLT, BA Hons, MTMI) is a Principal Research Fellow at the Centre for Tourism and Cultural Change at Leeds Metropolitan University, UK. Philip has research interests in the tourism dimensions of festivals and cultural events, tourism - media relationships and, social exclusion from tourism participation. He is also interested in research-based professional development for the destination management and festivals sectors.

Nicola Palmer (PhD, PGCLT, BA Hons, M.Inst.TT is a Senior Lecturer in the Centre for International Tourism Research (CITouR), Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK. Nicola has research interests in destination image, tourist perceptions and the role of tourism in national identity building. She is also interested in public policy and the relationships between the state and tourism agencies. Geographically, her research focus spans from the UK to Central Asia.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents v
The Contributors vii
Introduction 1
Chapter 1 The Construction of the Past and the Origins of Royal Tourism in 19th-Century Britain 26
Chapter 2 The History and Development of Royal Tourism in Scotland: Balmoral, the Ultimate Holiday Home? 51
Chapter 3 Imprinting the Crown on Irish Holiday-ground: Marking and Marketing the Duke of York Route 1897 62
Chapter 4 Franco and the Spanish Monarchy: A Discourse Analysis of the Tourist Guides Published by the Patrimonio Nacional (1959–1987) 80
Chapter 5 ‘Eternally Will Austria Stand …’: Imperial Tourism in Austria between Timeless Predisposition and Political Statement 107
Chapter 6 Colonisation and ‘Taking the Waters’ in the 19th Century: The Patronage of Royalty in Health Resorts of Opatija, Habsburg Empire and Rotorua, New Zealand 128
Chapter 7 Morbid Tourism: The Case of Diana, Princess of Wales and Althorp House 142
Chapter 8 By Royal Association: British Monarchy as a Place Representation Tool 159
Chapter 9 Who’s King of Monmouthshire’s Castles? Using Royal Heritage in Tourism Businesses to Develop a Sense of Place 181
Chapter 10 ‘Just Like Our Family’: Royalty, National Identity and Tourism 194
Chapter 11 Monarchy, Citizenship and Tourism 214
Chapter 12 International Royal Tourist Expectations, Experiences and Reflections on Royal Encounters: A Demand-side Perspective 232
Conclusions 252
Index 256