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Engaging Superdiversity

Engaging Superdiversity

Karel Arnaut | Martha Sif Karrebæk | Dr. Massimiliano Spotti | Dr. Jan Blommaert



This book is the fruition of five years’ work in exploring the idea of superdiversity. The editors argue that sociolinguistic superdiversity could be a source of inspiration to a wide range of post-structuralist, post-colonial and neo-Marxist interdisciplinary research into the potential and the limits of human cultural creativity and societal renewal under conditions of increasing and complexifying global connectivity. Through case studies of language practices in spaces understood as inherently translocal and multi-layered (classrooms and schools, youth spaces, mercantile spaces and nation-states), this book explores the relevance of superdiversity for the social and human sciences and positions it as a research perspective in sociolinguistics and beyond.

Challenging the superdiversity sceptic, this broad and compelling collection of chapters carefully engages with superdiversity across time and space, from schools to mercantile spaces, from Indonesia to Denmark, showing the emergence of, as well as constraints upon, new convergences, new cultural practices, and new socialities.

This pioneering volume extends earlier use of the concept of superdiversity from describing linguistic and socio-demographic complexity occurring globally since about 1990 to a focus on specific spatial sites and post-panoptic tension between semiotic dispersal and recombination. It admirably succeeds in its aim of reaching out to a wider social science and humanities audience.

Karel Arnaut is Associate Professor and Research Coordinator at the Interculturalism, Migration and Minorities Research Centre (IMMRC), Leuven University, Belgium.

Martha Sif Karrebæk is Associate Professor in the Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

Massimiliano Spotti is Assistant Professor in the Department of Culture Studies and Deputy Director of Babylon, Center for the Study of Superdiversity at Tilburg University, the Netherlands.

Jan Blommaert is Professor in the Department of Culture Studies and Director of Babylon, Center for the Study of Superdiversity at Tilburg University, the Netherlands.


The volume represents a bold attempt to establish superdiversity as a key concept in post-variationist sociolinguistics. Based on a range of fascinating case studies – including African fortune-tellers in Paris, language workers in London call centres, discourses of food and integration in Danish schools, and ethnolinguistic stylizations in Indonesian soap operas – the chapters showcase an ethnographically oriented sociolinguistics that centres on heterogeneity, unexpectedness, complexity and reflexivity.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents v
Acknowledgements vii
Contributors ix
Introduction 1
1 Engaging Superdiversity: The Poiesis-Infrastructures Nexus and Language Practices in Combinatorial Spaces 3
2 Superdiverse Times and Places: Media, Mobility, Conjunctures and Structures of Feeling 25
3 Chronotopes, Scales and Complexity in the Study of Language in Society 47
Classrooms and Schools 63
4 ‘Taking up Speech’ in an Endangered Language: Bilingual Discourse in a Heritage Language Classroom 65
5 Rye Bread for Lunch, Lasagne for Breakfast: Enregisterment, Classrooms and National Food Norms in Superdiversity 90
Youth Contact Zones 121
6 ‘You Black Black’: Polycentric Norms for the Use of Terms Associated with Ethnicity 123
7 Social Status Relations and Enregisterment: Integrated Speech in Copenhagen 147
8 Languaging and Normativity on Facebook 170
Mercantile Spaces 197
9 Magic Marketing: Performing Grassroots Literacy 199
10 Superdiversity and a London Multilingual Call Centre 220
Nation-states 249
11 Superdiversity From Within: The Case of Ethnicity in Indonesia 251
12 ‘Designer Immigrant’ Students in Singapore: Challenges for Linguistic Human Rights in a Globalising World 277
13 Citizenship, Securitization and Suspicion in UK ESOL Policy 303
Index 321