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The Status of English in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Status of English in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Louisa Buckingham


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When Yugoslavia disintegrated in the early 1990s, competence in English was not widespread. This book explores how English came to be equated with economic survival for many during and after the ensuing war through a range of diverse social and professional contexts, from the classroom to the military to the International Criminal Court. While English provided social mobility for many, its abrupt arrival also contributed to the marginalization of those without the adequate language skills. The high level of international intervention in Bosnia and Herzegovina over the last two decades has contributed to a sense of normalization of the presence of English. Viewed as a far more complex issue than simple linguistic imposition, this book explores the widespread adoption of English and its effects on a nation recovering from war.

This important and timely volume offers absorbing insights into the meanings, uses, and impacts of English as well as into issues faced by English language professionals during the war and in its aftermath in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Focusing on the development of English in this specific context, the book provides a fascinating, vivid and poignant portrait of the Bosnian society in transition.

Bojana Petrić, Birkbeck, University of London, UK

The greatest value of this book lies in local authors cogently documenting the permutations of the spread of English in Bosnia-Herzegovina as influenced by military, political, socio-economic and instructional factors. It provides excellent examples of how unique local functions of English can be embedded in the larger regional and international contexts.

Slobodanka Dimova, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Louisa Buckingham lectures at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. Her research interests include sociolinguistics, area studies and multilingualism.

This inspiring volume shows how and why English became a key to mobility and a language of hope in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The authors write with passion and insight about the rapid social and linguistic changes they have witnessed, as English moved from being a tool for survival in the 1990s to become a means of international engagement today.

Michael Kelly, University of Southampton, UK

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents v
Contributors vii
English and commerce in northern Bosnia xiii
Introduction 1
Part 1 English Language Teaching: Policy and Practice 7
1 The Status of English in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Past and Present 9
2 ‘English for Survival Purposes’ and the Predicament of Self-Taught Language Teachers 31
3 A Journey into the Mind: Exploring Metaphors of EFL Pre-Service Teachers in Bosnia and Herzegovina 49
4 Military English Matters 70
Part 2 English Language Publishing 99
5 Think Globally, Write Locally: ELT Materials Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina 101
6 Achieving Visibility in the International Scientific Community: Experiences of Bosnian Scholars Presenting and Publishing Research in English 115
7 Keeping Economics Local in the Academic Mainstream: Competitive Journal Management Practices in Bosnia and Herzegovina 138
Part 3 English in the Media and Politics 157
8 English, ‘Polyglot’ Politicians and Polyglot Businessmen: Language Ideologies in Contemporary Bosnian Press 159
9 The Impact of English on Language Use in the Bosnian Press 203
10 The High Representative’s Discourse on Minority Rightsin Bosnia and Herzegovina and its Representation in the National Print Media 227
Part 4 The Translation and Interpreting Profession 243
11 Translating Legislation From and Into English: An Overview of Legal Translation Development in Post-Dayton Bosnia and Herzegovina 245
12 Fictionalised Accounts of Translation and Interpreting for Peacebuilding Forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo: The Memoir–Novels of Veselin Gatalo and Tanja Jankovic 267
13 Translating Justice at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia 285
Index 307