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Why English?

Why English?

Pauline Bunce | Prof. Robert Phillipson | Vaughan Rapatahana | Ruanni Tupas



This book explores the ways and means by which English threatens the vitality and diversity of other languages and cultures in the modern world. Using the metaphor of the Hydra monster from ancient Greek mythology, it explores the use and misuse of English in a wide range of contexts, revealing how the dominance of English is being confronted and counteracted around the globe. The authors explore the language policy challenges for governments and education systems at all levels, and show how changing the role of English can lead to greater success in education for a larger proportion of children. Through personal accounts, poems, essays and case studies, the book calls for greater efforts to ensure the maintenance of the world’s linguistic and cultural diversity.

Pauline Bunce is an Australian teacher who has worked in Brunei Darussalam, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Sri Lanka. Her doctoral research examined the reading challenges posed by an alphabetic script for Chinese learners of English in Hong Kong.

Robert Phillipson is an Emeritus Professor at Copenhagen Business School, Denmark and was awarded the UNESCO Linguapax Prize in 2010. He has published extensively on language learning, linguistic imperialism, linguistic human rights, multilingual education and language policy.

Vaughan Rapatahana is from New Zealand and has taught in a number of international locations. He has been published extensively in a variety of genres and his PhD was in Existential Literary Criticism.

Ruanni Tupas teaches at the National Institute of Education, Singapore and was the Linguistic Society of the Philippines’ 2009 Andrew Gonzalez Distinguished Professorial Chair holder. 

In highlighting the dangers of linguistic imperialism associated with English and other dominant languages in this volume, the contributors draw our attention to the insidious effects of monster languages and their destructive power. Such a spotlighting of issues surrounding language endangerment in diverse parts of the world and calls for multilingual education by various contributors to this volume are vitally important in an increasingly globalized world. 

Peter I. De Costa, Michigan State University, USA

At a time when the merits of globalisation are being questioned, this volume presents a wideranging and thought-provoking set of articles questioning the received wisdom of such widespread acceptance of the merits of English and reasons for choosing to embrace English in the first place.

Robert Williams, University of Westminster, UK

This book demonstrates how a seductive ideology of English is built, by whom and for whose benefit. It also shows how a policy of using English alone in the school curriculum costs communities in multiple ways. The volume should create awareness among people, educators and policy makers about how to eliminate this enormous cost. This collection promotes a pedagogy that will add English to the language repertoire of people without them losing anything.

A book that must be read by each and every educator in Pakistan.

Zubeida Mustafa

The authors would doubtlessly view any irritation at the stridently polemical tone of this book as exactly what one would expect from the Financial Times, a prominent participant in the anglophone ascendancy. So we should say at once that Why English? has much to recommend it. With schools and universities in Latin America, continental Europe and Asia rushing to embrace English, it is appropriate to ask whether they are going about it in the right way and for the right reasons. A number of authors of this collection have taught English and have classroom experience of what is and isn’t working.

Michael Skapinker

The contributors to this volume expose the Orwellian overtones that mask the linguistic imperialism that is being peddled in terms of growth, development, partnership, volunteerism, and aid. The many examples of innovation and success stories they offer give hope that resistance is not futile after all. This volume is for anyone who cares about ethically sound and socially relevant pathways to (English) language education.

In stark contrast to the many books that celebrate uncritically the global spread of English, this thought-provoking volume explores and reflects on some of the more problematic aspects of this phenomenon. It does so innovatively in a variety of written styles and from a wide range of international perspectives. It will be of interest to the specialist and the general reader alike.

As anyone at all familiar with the academic discourse in the teaching of the English language will immediately understand, this is the latest endeavour by people who have not accepted the hegemony of English without question: rather, they have chosen to make people conscious that English has become a hydra, in the sense that it is weakening the other languages of the world...Indeed, writers, like Robert Phillipson and Tove Skutnabb-Kangas, have been raising key questions about this hegemony for a long time. 

Tariq Rahman

The varied styles, voices, and experiences of these authors across six continents show both the breadth of the ELT Hydra’s reach and the power of local peoples to resist its seemingly inevitable spread. I look forward to a third book in the series.

Traci L. Jordan, Indiana University, USA

Why English? Confronting the Hydra is a book with powerful messages and arguments that those involved in the English language teaching profession and educational policy-makers globally should be aware of. It is likely to stir their emotions as well as leading them to reflect.

John Knagg, former Head of Research and Consultancy for English and Global Head of English for Education Systems, British Council

This volume would be a great text for both educators and students to explore the multiple ways and means English has impacted on indigenous language loss.

Patrick Coleman, Lincoln University, New Zealand

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents v
Contributors ix
Series Editor’s Foreword xvii
Introduction 1
Part 1 Hydra at Large 21
1 The English Language in a Global Context: Between Expansion and Resistance 23
2 Promoting English: Hydras Old and New 35
3 English, Neocolonialism and Forgetting 47
4 The English Language as Naga in Indonesia 59
5 Offshore Call Centre Work is Breeding a New Colonialism 72
Part 2 Hydra Mythology 75
6 Confronting Language Myths, Linguicism and Racism in English Language Teaching in Japan 77
7 Mr Jones: Mi Laik Askim Yu Samting 88
8 Must the (Western) Hydra be Blond(e)? Performing Cultural‘Authenticity’ in Intercultural Education 93
9 Voluntary Overseas English Language Teaching: A Myopic, Altruistic Hydra 106
10 English Language as ‘Fatal Gadget’ in Iceland 118
11 The English Hydra as Invader on the Post-Communist ‘New Periphery’ in Bulgaria 129
12 The English Alphabet: Alpha-Best or Alpha-Beast? 142
13 ‘Languages’ 154
Part 3 Confronting the Hydra 157
14 Mauritian Kreol Confronts English and French Hydras 159
15 ‘Hydra Languages’ and Exclusion versus Local Languages and Community Participation in three African Countries 171
16 The Destruction of Nadia’s Dream: The English Language Tyrant in Pakistan’s Education System 185
17 The (Illusory) Promise of English in India 197
Part 4 Resistance and Cohabitation with the Hydra 209
18 A Personal Refl ection on Chican@ Language and Identity in the US-Mexico Borderlands: The English Language Hydra as Past and Present Imperialism 211
19 The Struggle to Raise Bilingual Children in the Belly of the English Hydra Beast: The United States of America 220
20 TEFL and International Politics: A Personal Narrative 231
21 Hungary: A Sham Fightback Against the Domination of English 234
22 The English Language as a Trojan Horse within the People’s Republic of China 242
23 TEFL as Hydra: Rescuing Brazilian Teacher Educators from ‘Privilege’ 255
24 Writing back (to the centre) 267
Afterword: Decentring the Hydra: Towards a more Equitable Linguistic Order 269