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Rethinking Second Language Learning

Rethinking Second Language Learning

Marisa Cordella | Hui Huang


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This book evaluates a project where formal classroom learning of a second language was supplemented with informal, natural interactions with older native speakers of the target language, delivering a number of pedagogical and societal benefits. The authors introduce a model of intergenerational, intercultural encounters which aims to promote the use of community language resources; enrich the experiences of young learners; foster greater understanding between generations; break down cultural stereotypes; encourage appreciation of different cultures and enhance the quality of life and community engagement of older people with a bi/multilingual background. It draws on theories of language acquisition, discourse analysis and psychosocial perspectives to propose a model of language learning for students that can be used for any language or locality. It is therefore an essential resource for graduate students, researchers and language teachers as well as for education, aged and youth care policy makers, practitioners and community services workers who are interested in innovative language pedagogy.

One of the challenges for language study and revitalisation has been generational connections: users and learners, speakers and acquirers, cultural insiders and entrants. Few studies have systematically investigated these critical relationships and their effects on learning, identity and community formation. This book is an important instalment in how to validate and benefit from intergenerational community resources, giving meaning and depth to the adjective 'community' or 'heritage' qualifying the noun ‘languages'.

The project this book presents is a rare and beautiful combination of high-quality inter-disciplinary research coupled with a genuine desire to foster cross-cultural and intergenerational understanding in an innovative model of socially inclusive second language learning.

This deeply humane and well-informed study of students learning a new language from older adults of other cultures has broad implications for education, research and social policy. It shows how one human interaction at a time can enrich individuals' development, bring people of different ages and cultural backgrounds into mutually supportive relationships and, ultimately, create an inclusive society.

Marisa Cordella is Associate Professor in Spanish Linguistics at The University of Queensland, Australia. Her research expertise lies in the areas of discourse analysis (e.g. critical discourse analysis, interactional sociolinguistics), intercultural and intergenerational communication, teaching methodologies, medical communication and translation studies. She is the author of two books on discourse analysis and medical communication.

Hui Huang is Lecturer in the School of Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics at Monash University, Australia. Her research interests and publications cover the areas of second language acquisition and sociolinguistics, particularly the teaching of Chinese as a second/heritage language, ICT in language teaching, cross-cultural communication and immigrant identity.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents vii
Figures and Tables ix
Transcription Conventions xi
Acknowledgements xiii
Contributors xv
Introduction xix
Part 1 Setting the Scene: Many Cultures, Many Opportunities 1
1 The Immigrant Potential: Multiculturalism, Language Skills and Community Resources 3
2 Contemporary Intergenerational Relationships 25
3 Community Resources on our Doorstep: Language Learning in Action 37
Part 2 Constructing Identity: The Self-Presentation of Older Native Speakers 49
4 Taking a Stance: Older Native Speakers with Young Language Learners 51
5 The Migration Experience and the Ethos of Self 66
6 ‘Who Are We?’ Self-Referencing in Chinese and German Conversations Using the First Person Plural 85
7 Creating, Maintaining and Challenging Rapport Across Languages and Age Groups 110
8 ‘I feel very happy that I can contribute to society’: Exploring the Value of the Project for Older People 149
Part 3 Situated Learning: Enhancing the Opportunities for L2 Students 169
9 Gaining L2 Self-Confidence in Conversations with Native Speakers 171
10 Developing Interactional Competence in Dyadic Conversations: Cross-language Evidence 187
11 An Innovative Model for Second Language Learning and Social Inclusion 226
Index 239