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Self-fulfilment with Dyslexia

Self-fulfilment with Dyslexia

Margaret Malpas


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Book Details


Dyslexia won't stop you from writing your own success story.

Discover the ten key traits which people with dyslexia have harnessed in order to reach success and self-fulfilment. Dyslexia brings both challenges and the potential gift of a unique skill set - through a combination of academic research and case studies, this book shows how you can use all of this to your advantage. From increasing your self-esteem to imaginative problem solving, each of the ten secrets to success is explained and brought to life through interviews with accomplished people describing how they have profited from a single star characteristic in realizing their goals.

Approach the obstacles of dyslexia pro-actively, and unlock your potential with this inspiring step by step guide.

Royalties from the sale of this book will be donated to the British Dyslexia Association.

An inspiring and really practical book, well written by someone who clearly has the expertise and experience of working with many wonderful people with dyslexia. This book is for anyone wanting examples of how talent, perseverance and commitment can lead to great success.
Professor Amanda Kirby, Chair in Developmental Disorders at University of South Wales and author of How to Succeed in employment with specific learning difficulties
This book contains fascinating information for people with dyslexia and anyone interested in helping them to achieve. Margaret Malpas makes it clear that high grades at school are not the only route to a fulfilling life, with detail on the significance of determination, rapport, listening skills and creativity. She even explains how procrastination can be useful. There are some truly inspiring nuggets in here to inspire and encourage, plus handy summaries for those not wanting to read it all at once.
Margaret Rooke, author of Creative, Successful, Dyslexic: 23 High Achievers Share Their Stories
This is an interesting and insightful book which has been well researched and includes relevant case studies to illustrate key traits for the successful dyslexic. My own struggle with undiagnosed dyslexia at school certainly made me more determined and this has played an integral role in my achievements and success.
Alais Winton, author of The Self Help Guide for Teens with Dyslexia and private tutor for young dyslexics
This book provides a 'road map' for the 10% of the world's population who experience some degree of dyslexia, to help them fulfil their true potential. So have courage, be inspired, harness your energies and build positive strategies. The world needs the strengths and talents that dyslexic individuals can bring.
Dr. Kate Saunders, C.E.O., British Dyslexia Association
Margaret Malpas is Joint Chair of the British Dyslexia Association and a successful entrepreneur. In 2012, Margaret set up the Dyslexia Adult Network, bringing together charities involved with adults with dyslexia to collaborate on promoting governmental change for adults with dyslexia.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Self-Fulfilment with Dyslexia: A Blueprint for Success by Margaret D. Malpas MBE 5
Preface 9
Chapter 1 - You Must Have Determination 17
Chapter 2 - You Must Have Self-esteem 36
Chapter 3 - You Must Have \nPassion 50
Chapter 4 - You Need to Find Your Niche 62
Chapter 5- You Need to Use Your Atypical Problem‑Solving Skills 81
Chapter 6 - You Need to Make the Most of Your Creativity 98
Chapter 7 - You Need to Go with Your Empathy 121
Chapter 8 - You Need to Use Your Verbal Influencing Skills 142
Chapter 9 - You Need to Make Effective, Fluent Use of Coping Strategies 159
Chapter 10 - Family and Mentors’ Assistance Really Matters 177
Chapter 11 - To Be Self-fulfilled You Have to Find a Balance 190
Appendix A - Research Questionnaire into Issues for Adults with Dyslexia/Sp.L.D. 198
Appendix B - Notes on Dyslexia and Related Conditions 206
Bibliography 214
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