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Life Story Books for Adopted and Fostered Children, Second Edition

Life Story Books for Adopted and Fostered Children, Second Edition

Joy Rees | Alan Burnell


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Book Details


Through words, pictures, photographs, certificates and other 'little treasures', a Life Story Book provides a detailed account of the child's early history and a chronology of their life.

Fully updated, this clear and concise book shows a unique family-friendly way to compile a Life Story Book which promotes a sense of permanency for the child, and encourages attachments within new families. Joy Rees' influential model works chronologically backwards rather than forwards, aiming to reinforce the child's sense of belonging and security before addressing the child's past and early trauma. The book contains simple explanations of complex concepts, practical examples, helpful suggestions and includes some simple checklists. This new edition has been expanded to include fostered children and those living in kinship care or with a special guardian.

Perfect for social workers, adoption agencies, adoptive parents, foster carers and kinship carers, Life Story Books for Adopted and Fostered Children is a refreshing, innovative and common-sense guide.

Joy Rees has 40 years' experience as a social worker specialising in children. She recently retired as manager of a London borough adoption and permanence team and is now an independent consultant and trainer.
Joy Rees has the gift of explaining theoretical concepts in a straightforward and jargon-free manner and of empowering adults - whether social workers, adopters or foster carers - to feel confident in tackling what is a complex and sensitive task. Joy's book is a practical guide and includes a wealth of examples of ways to frame sad and difficult stories without leaving the child feeling responsible.
Jeanne Kaniuk OBE, Managing Director, Coram Adoption
This book has been my go-to guide in terms of constructing family friendly life stories since its publication - I'm thrilled to see that this second edition broadens the scope to include children in foster care or special guardianship arrangements, as well as adoption, as Rees' model fits them perfectly. Busy practitioners will love the selection of sensitively written sample stories that will prove invaluable in ensuring all children who need them have timely access to a child-friendly life story book - a book that their adopters and carers will use with confidence to support their children to integrate their histories.
Katie Wrench, Co-author 'Life Story Work with Children who are Fostered and Adopted' (JKP, 2013) and author of 'Helping Vulnerable Children and Adolescents to Stay Safe – Building Protective Behaviours' (JKP, 2016)

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Life Story Books for Adopted and Fostered Children – A Family Friendly Approach, second edition by Joy Rees 3
Foreword 9
Acknowledgements 11
Introduction 13
Chapter 1. A New Approach 16
Chapter 2. A Life Story Book is Not… 19
Chapter 3. A Different Perspective 23
Chapter 4. The Inner Child and Subliminal Messages 26
Chapter 5. Involving Carers and Adoptive Parents 33
Chapter 6. Compiling a Life Story Book 36
Chapter 7. Sample Life Story Books 55
Chapter 8. Final Thoughts 134
Appendix A: Information from Permanent Carers or Adoptive Parents for the Child’s Life Story Book 137
Appendix B: Information from Previous Foster Carers for the Child’s Life Story Book 142
Appendix C: Information from Birth Parents for the Child’s Life Story Book 146
References 149
Further Reading 151