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Understanding Business in the Global Economy

Understanding Business in the Global Economy

Jonathan Swift


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Book Details


Focussing on the way in which relationships at various levels underpin international business activities this book presents a contemporary and realistic analysis of International Business in action. The concept of change permeates the text, highlighting the dynamic and often turbulant nature of international business and management.
Jonathan Swift is a Senior Lecturer in International Business and Marketing at Salford Business School, University of Salford, UK.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover\r Cover
Contents vii
List o\rf Figures x
List o\rf Tables xi
List o\rf Boxes xii
Acknowledgements xiii
Introduction 1
0.1 A Multi-level Relation Ship Approach 1
0.2 Smes And Multinationals In International Business 5
0.3 Chapter Structure 7
Part I The Background to International Business 9
1 Why Nations Trade 9
1.1 Introduction 11
1.2 Natural Resource Advantage 12
1.3 Mercantilism 13
1.4 Absolute Advantage 14
1.5 Comparative Advantage 17
1.6 Factor Proportions Theory 18
1.7 The Leontief Paradox 19
1.8 New Trade Theory 20
1.9 The Competitive Advantage of Nations 22
1.10 The Eclectic Paradigm 25
1.11 Trade and National Development 25
1.12 International Business Summary 30
1.13 Review Questions 31
1.14 Further Reading 32
Chapter 1: Practical Exercise 32
2 The Development of International Trade 33
2.1 Introduction 33
2.2 The Ancient World (bc 3000–0) 34
2.3 The Middle Ages (ad 0–1450) 35
2.4 The Age of Exploration (1450–1650) 37
2.5 The Expansion of Empires (1650–1815) 40
2.6 The Balance of Power in Europe (1815–1914) 41
2.7 The Interwar Years (1918–1939) 44
2.8 War and Peace (post -1939) 48
2.9 International Business Summary 51
2.10 Review Questions 51
2.11 Further Reading 52
Chapter Case Study ‘the International Exploitation of A Non-renewable Resource: Politics and Power in the 19th-century Peruvian Guano Industry’ 52
Part II Relations at the National Level 57
3 Bilateral and Multilateral Relations 59
3.1 Introduction 59
3.2 Bilateral Relations 59
3.3 The Influence of Culture on National Relations 63
3.4 Special Relationships 68
3.5 Multilateral Organisations 68
3.6 Trade Blocs 72
3.7 The ‘g’ Gro Ups 77
3.8 International Business Summary 78
3.9 Review Questions 79
3.10 Further Reading 79
Chapter Case Study ‘the European Union: Ubi nos eamus hinc?’ 79
4 International Trade Law 88
4.1 Introduction 88
4.2 Systems of Law and Enforcement in International Trade 89
4.3 The Framework for International Trade Contracts 94
4.4 The Primary Contract: The Relationship Underpinning the Transaction 99
4.5 International Payment Systems 104
4.6 Competition Law 105
4.7 International Business Sumary 107
4.8 Review Questions 108
4.9 Further Reading 108
Chapter Case Study ‘bse and the European Export Ban on British Beef’ 108
5 International Banking and Finance 111
5.1 Introduction 111
5.2 Value Exchange 111
5.3 The World Banking System 115
5.4 Foreign Exchange 118
5.5 A Single Currency: The Euro 123
5.6 A Return to Barter? 127
5.7 International Business Sumary 127
5.8 Review Questions 128
5.9 Further Reading 128
Chapter Case Study ‘the Euro: Bringing Europe Together or Tearing It Apart?’ 129
Part III Relationships at the Corporate Level 135
6 The Internationalisation of Business 137
6.1 Introduction 137
6.2 The External Environment 137
6.3 Risk and the External Environment 140
6.4 Culture 143
6.5 The Proces of Internationalisation 148
6.6 The Decision-making Process 150
6.7 Market Entry 153
6.8 International Business Summary 158
6.9 Review Questions 158
6.10 Further Reading 158
Market Research Exercise: ‘The Olde Distillerie – A Singular Single Malt’ 159
7 Business-to-business Relationships 161
7.1 Introduction 161
7.2 What are Business Relationships? 161
7.3 The Development of Business Relationships 163
7.4 The Role of Culture 165
7.5 Relationship Marketing and Networks 167
7.6 Business Relationship Variables 171
7.7 The Stages of Relationship Development 175
7.8 I Nternational Business Summary 181
7.9 Review Questions 182
7.10 Further Reading 182
Chapter Case Study ‘developing Business Relationships In Slovakia’ 182
8 Corporate Communications 191
8.1 What is Communication? 191
8.2 Communication Models 192
8.3 Internal Corporate Communications 200
8.4 External Corporate Communications 204
8.5 International Business Summary 211
8.6 Review Questions 211
8.7 Further Reading 211
Chapter Case Study ‘attracting Students to Study Abroad: What to Say, to Whom, When, and How?’ 212
Part IV Relationships at the Individual Level 223
9 Personal Comunications 225
9.1 Introduction 225
9.2 Non-verbal Comunication 225
9.3 Verbal Comunication 229
9.4 The Functions of Language 238
9.5 Foreign Language Competence 241
9.6 English: The Language of International Business ? 253
9.8 Review Questions 257
9.7 International Business Sumary 257
9.9 Further Reading 258
Chapter Case Study ‘language and Culture : Doing Business in Romania’ 258
10 Managing People in the Global Environment 265
10.1 Introduction 265
10.2 What is International Management? 266
10.3 Management Recruitment and Selection 273
10.4 Cross-cultural Training 279
10.5 International Business Sumary 285
10.6 Review Questions 287
10.7 Further Reading 288
Chapter Case Study ‘singaporean Expatriates Working in France’ 288
Conclusion: The Future of Business Relationships? 304
References 306
Author Index 337
Subject Index 345