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Biological Science, Global  Edition

Biological Science, Global Edition

Scott Freeman | Kim Quillin | Lizabeth Allison | Michael Black | Emily Taylor | Author


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For introductory courses for biology majors.


Uniquely engages biology students in active learning, scientific thinking, and skill development.

Scott Freeman’s Biological Science is beloved for its Socratic narrative style, its emphasis on experimental evidence, and its dedication to active learning. Science education research indicates that true mastery of content requires a move away from memorization towards active engagement with the material in a focused, personal way. Biological Science is designed to equip students with strategies to assess their level of understanding and identify the types of cognitive skills that need improvement.


With the Sixth Edition, content has been streamlined with an emphasis on core concepts and core competencies from the Vision and Change in Undergraduate Biology Education report. The text’s unique BioSkills section is now placed after Chapter 1 to help students develop key skills needed to become a scientist, new “Making Models” boxes guide learners in interpreting and creating models, and new “Put It all Together” case studies conclude each chapter and help students see connections between chapter content and current, real-world research questions. New, engaging content includes updated coverage of global climate change, advances in genomic editing, and recent insights into the evolution of land plants.


MasteringBiology not included. Students, if MasteringBiology is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. MasteringBiology should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.

MasteringBiology is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment product designed to personalize learning and improve results. With a wide range of interactive, engaging, and assignable activities, students are encouraged to actively learn and retain tough course concepts.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Brief Contents IFC-1
Title Page 15
Copyright Page 16
Detailed Contents 17
1 Biology and the Tree of Life 45
1.1 What Does It Mean to Say That Something Is Alive? 46
1.2 Life Is Cellular 46
All Organisms Are Made of Cells 46
Where Do Cells Come From? 47
Life Replicates Through Cell Division 48
1.3 Life Evolves 48
What Is Evolution? 48
What Is Natural Selection? 48
1.4 Life Processes Information 49
The Central Dogma 49
Life Requires Energy 50
1.5 The Tree of Life 50
Using Molecules to Understand the Tree of Life 50
How Should We Name Branches on the Tree of Life? 52
1.6 Doing Biology 53
The Nature of Science 53
Why Do Giraffes Have Long Necks? an Introduction to Hypothesis Testing 53
How Do Ants Navigate? An Introduction to Experimental Design 55
Chapter Review 58
Big Picture Doing Biology 60
BioSkills 62
B.1 Using the Metric System and Significant Figures 63
Metric System Units and Conversions 63
Significant Figures 64
B.2 Reading and Making Graphs 65
Getting Started 65
Types of Graphs 67
Getting Practice 67
B.3 Interpreting Standard Error Bars and Using Statistical Tests 68
Standard Error Bars 68
Using Statistical Tests 69
Interpreting P Values and Statistical Significance 69
B.4 Working with Probabilities 70
The Both-And Rule 70
The Either-Or Rule 70
B.5 Using Logarithms 71
B.6 Separating and Visualizing Molecules 72
Using Electrophoresis to Separate Molecules 72
Using Thin Layer Chromatography to Separate Molecules 73
Visualizing Molecules 73
B.7 Separating Cell Components by Centrifugation 75
B.8 Using Spectrophotometry 77
B.9 Using Microscopy 77
Light and Fluorescence Microscopy 77
Electron Microscopy 78
Studying Live Cells and Real-Time Processes 79
Visualizing Cellular Structures in 3-D 79
B.10 Using Molecular Biology Tools and Techniques 80
Making and Using DNA Libraries 80
Amplifying DNA Using the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) 81
Dideoxy Sequencing 82
Shotgun Sequencing 83
DNA Microarray 84
B.11 Using Cell Culture and Model Organisms as Tools 85
Cell and Tissue Culture Methods 85
Model Organisms 86
B.12 Reading and Making Visual Models 89
Tips for Interpreting Models 89
Tips for Making your Own Models 90
Concept Maps 90
B.13 Reading and Making Phylogenetic Trees 91
Anatomy of a Phylogenetic Tree 91
How to Read a Phylogenetic Tree 92
How to Draw a Phylogenetic Tree 92
B.14 Reading Chemical Structures 93
B.15 Translating Greek and Latin Roots in Biology 94
B.16 Reading and Citing the Primary Literature 94
What Is the Primary Literature? 94
Getting Started 94
Citing Sources 96
Getting Practice 96
B.17 Recognizing and Correcting Misconceptions 96
B.18 Using Bloom’s Taxonomy for Study Success 97
Categories of Human Cognition 97
Six Study Steps to Success 97
Unit 1 The Molecular Origin and Evolution of Life 99
2 Water and Carbon: The Chemical Basis of Life 99
2.1 Atoms, Ions, and Molecules: The Building Blocks of Chemical Evolution 100
Basic Atomic Structure 100
How Does Covalent Bonding Hold Molecules Together? 102
Ionic Bonding, Ions, and the Electron-sharing Continuum 103
Some Simple Molecules Formed from C, H, N, and O 104
The Geometry of Simple Molecules 104
Representing Molecules 104
2.2 Properties of Water and the Early Oceans 105
Why Is Water Such an Efficient Solvent? 106
What Properties Are Correlated with Water’s Structure? 106
The Role of Water in Acid–Base Chemical Reactions 109
2.3 Chemical Reactions, Energy, and Chemical Evolution 111
How Do Chemical Reactions Happen? 111
What Is Energy? 112
What Makes a Chemical Reaction Spontaneous? 112
2.4 Model Systems for Investigating Chemical Evolution 114
Early Origin-of-Life Experiments 114
Recent Origin-of-Life Experiments 115
2.5 The Importance of Organic Molecules 117
Linking Carbon Atoms Together 117
Functional Groups 119
Chapter Review 119
3 Protein Structure and Function 122
3.1 Amino Acids and Their Polymerization 123
The Structure of Amino Acids 123
The Nature of Side Chains 123
How Do Amino Acids Link to Form Proteins? 125
3.2 What Do Proteins Look Like? 127
Primary Structure 128
Secondary Structure 129
Tertiary Structure 130
Quaternary Structure 131
3.3 Folding and Function 132
Normal Folding Is Crucial to Function 132
Protein Shape Is Flexible 133
3.4 Protein Functions Are as Diverse as Protein Structures 134
Why Are Enzymes Good Catalysts? 134
Did Life Arise from a Self-Replicating Enzyme? 135
Chapter Review 135
4 Nucleic Acids and the RNA World 137
4.1 What Is a Nucleic Acid? 138
Could Chemical Evolution Result in the Production of Nucleotides? 139
How Do Nucleotides Polymerize to Form Nucleic Acids? 139
4.2 DNA Structure and Function 141
What Is the Nature of DNA’s Secondary Structure? 141
The Tertiary Structure of DNA 143
Dna Functions as an Information-Containing Molecule 143
The DNA Double Helix Is a Stable Structure 144
4.3 RNA Structure and Function 145
Structurally, RNA Differs from DNA 145
RNA’s Versatility 146
RNA Can Function as a Catalytic Molecule 146
4.4 In Search of the First Life-Form 147
How Biologists Study the RNA World 148
The RNA World May Have Sparked the Evolution of Life 148
Chapter Review 149
5 An Introduction to Carbohydrates 151
5.1 Sugars as Monomers 152
What Distinguishes One Monosaccharide from Another? 152
Can Monosaccharides Form by Chemical Evolution? 153
5.2 The Structure of Polysaccharides 154
Starch: A Storage Polysaccharide in Plants 155
Glycogen: A Highly Branched Storage Polysaccharide in Animals 155
Cellulose: A Structural Polysaccharide in Plants 157
Chitin: A Structural Polysaccharide in Fungi and Animals 157
Peptidoglycan: A Structural Polysaccharide in Bacteria 157
Polysaccharides and Chemical Evolution 157
5.3 What Do Carbohydrates Do? 157
Carbohydrates Can Provide Structural Support 158
The Role of Carbohydrates in Cell Identity 158
Carbohydrates and Energy Storage 159
Chapter Review 161
6 Lipids, Membranes, and the First Cells 163
6.1 Lipid Structure and Function 164
How Does Bond Saturation Affect Hydrocarbon Structure? 164
A Look at Three Types of Lipids Found in Cells 165
How Membrane Lipids Interact with Water 166
Were Lipids Present During Chemical Evolution? 167
6.2 Phospholipid Bilayers 167
Artificial Membranes as an Experimental System 168
Selective Permeability of Lipid Bilayers 168
How Does Lipid Structure Affect Membrane Permeability? 169
How Does Temperature Affect the Fluidity and Permeability of Membranes? 170
6.3 How Substances Move Across Lipid Bilayers: Diffusion and Osmosis 171
Diffusion 171
Osmosis 172
Membranes and Chemical Evolution 173
6.4 Proteins Alter Membrane Structure and Function 174
Development of the Fluid-mosaic Model 174
Systems for Studying Membrane Proteins 176
Channel Proteins Facilitate Diffusion 176
Carrier Proteins Facilitate Diffusion 178
Pumps Perform Active Transport 179
Plasma Membranes Define the Intracellular Environment 181
Chapter Review 182
Big Picture The Chemistry of Life 184
Unit 2 Cell Structure and Function 186
7 Inside the Cell 186
7.1 Bacterial and Archaeal Cell Structures and Their Functions 187
A Revolutionary New View 187
Prokaryotic Cell Structures: A Parts List 187
7.2 Eukaryotic Cell Structures and Their Functions 190
The Benefits of Organelles 190
Eukaryotic Cell Structures: A Parts List 190
7.3 Putting the Parts into a Whole 198
Structure and Function at the Whole-Cell Level 198
The Dynamic Cell 198
7.4 Cell Systems I: Nuclear Transport 199
Structure and Function of the Nuclear Envelope 199
How Do Molecules Enter the Nucleus? 200
7.5 Cell Systems II: The Endomembrane System Manufactures, Ships, and Recycles Cargo 201
Studying the Pathway through the Endomembrane System 201
Entering the Endomembrane System: The Signal Hypothesis 203
Moving from the ER to the Golgi Apparatus 204
What Happens Inside the Golgi Apparatus? 204
How Do Proteins Reach Their Destinations? 204
Recycling Material in the Lysosome 204
7.6 Cell Systems III: The Dynamic Cytoskeleton 207
Actin Filaments 207
Intermediate Filaments 208
Microtubules 208
Flagella and Cilia: Moving the Entire Cell 210
Chapter Review 212
8 Energy and Enzymes: An Introduction to Metabolism 215
8.1 What Happens to Energy in Chemical Reactions? 216
Chemical Reactions Involve Energy Transformations 216
Temperature and Concentration Affect Reaction Rates 217
8.2 Nonspontaneous Reactions May Be Driven Using Chemical Energy 219
Redox Reactions Transfer Energy via Electrons 219
ATP Transfers Energy via Phosphate Groups 221
8.3 How Enzymes Work 223
Enzymes Help Reactions Clear Two Hurdles 223
What Limits the Rate of Catalysis? 225
Do Enzymes Work Alone? 226
8.4 What Factors Affect Enzyme Function? 226
Enzymes Are Optimized for Particular Environments 226
Most Enzymes Are Regulated 227
8.5 Enzymes Can Work Together in Metabolic Pathways 228
Metabolic Pathways Are Regulated 229
Metabolic Pathways Evolve 229
Chapter Review 230
9 Cellular Respiration and Fermentation 233
9.1 An Overview of Cellular Respiration 234
What Happens When Glucose Is Oxidized? 234
Cellular Respiration Plays a Central Role in Metabolism 236
9.2 Glycolysis: Oxidizing Glucose to Pyruvate 237
Glycolysis Is a Sequence of 10 Reactions 237
How Is Glycolysis Regulated? 238
9.3 Processing Pyruvate to Acetyl CoA 240
9.4 The Citric Acid Cycle: Oxidizing Acetyl CoA to CO2 241
How Is the Citric Acid Cycle Regulated? 241
What Happens to the NADH and FADH2? 243
9.5 Electron Transport and Chemiosmosis: Building a Proton Gradient to Produce ATP 244
The Electron Transport Chain 245
The Discovery of ATP Synthase 247
The Chemiosmosis Hypothesis 247
Organisms Use a Diversity of Electron Acceptors 249
9.6 Fermentation 250
Many Different Fermentation Pathways Exist 250
Fermentation as an Alternative to Cellular Respiration 251
Chapter Review 252
10 Photosynthesis 254
10.1 Photosynthesis Harnesses Sunlight to Make Carbohydrate 255
Photosynthesis: Two Linked Sets of Reactions 255
Photosynthesis Occurs in Chloroplasts 256
10.2 How Do Pigments Capture Light Energy? 257
Photosynthetic Pigments Absorb Light 257
When Light Is Absorbed, Electrons Enter an Excited State 260
10.3 The Discovery of Photosystems I and II 262
How Does Photosystem II Work? 262
How Does Photosystem I Work? 264
The Z Scheme: Photosystems II and I Work Together 265
10.4 How Is Carbon Dioxide Reduced to Produce Sugars? 267
The Calvin Cycle Fixes Carbon 267
The Discovery of Rubisco 269
How Is Photosynthesis Regulated? 270
Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Pass Through Stomata 271
Mechanisms for Increasing CO2 Concentration 271
What Happens to the Sugar That Is Produced by Photosynthesis? 273
Chapter Review 274
Big Picture Energy for Life 276
11 Cell–Cell Interactions 278
11.1 The Cell Surface 279
The Structure and Function of an Extracellular Layer 279
The Extracellular Matrix in Animals 279
The Cell Wall in Plants 280
11.2 How Do Adjacent Cells Connect and Communicate? 282
Cell–Cell Attachments in Multicellular Eukaryotes 282
Cells Communicate via Cell–Cell Gaps 285
11.3 How Do Distant Cells Communicate? 287
Cell–Cell Signaling in Multicellular Organisms 287
Signal Reception 287
Signal Processing 288
Signal Response 292
Signal Deactivation 292
Crosstalk: Synthesizing Input from Many Signals 292
11.4 Signaling between Unicellular Organisms 293
Chapter Review 294
12 The Cell Cycle 297
12.1 How Do Cells Replicate? 298
What Is a Chromosome? 298
Cells Alternate between M Phase and Interphase 299
The Discovery of S Phase 299
The Discovery of the Gap Phases 299
The Cell Cycle 300
12.2 What Happens during M Phase? 301
Events in Mitosis 301
How Do Chromosomes Move during Anaphase? 304
Cytokinesis Results in Two Daughter Cells 306
Bacterial Cell Replication 306
12.3 Control of the Cell Cycle 307
The Discovery of Cell-Cycle Regulatory Molecules 307
Cell-Cycle Checkpoints Can Arrest the Cell Cycle 309
12.4 Cancer: Out-of-Control Cell Division 310
Properties of Cancer Cells 311
Cancer Involves Loss of Cell-Cycle Control 311
Chapter Review 313
Unit 3 Gene Structure and Expression 315
13 Meiosis 315
13.1 How Does Meiosis Occur? 316
Chromosomes Come in Distinct Sizes and Shapes 316
The Concept of Ploidy 317
An Overview of Meiosis 317
The Phases of Meiosis I 321
The Phases of Meiosis II 322
A Closer Look at Synapsis and Crossing over 323
Mitosis versus Meiosis 323
13.2 Meiosis Promotes Genetic Variation 324
Chromosomes and Heredity 325
The Role of Independent Assortment 325
The Role of Crossing over 326
How Does Fertilization Affect Genetic Variation? 326
13.3 What Happens When Things Go Wrong in Meiosis? 327
How Do Mistakes Occur? 327
Why Do Mistakes Occur? 328
13.4 Why Does Meiosis Exist? 328
The Paradox of Sex 328
The Purifying Selection Hypothesis 329
The Changing-Environment Hypothesis 329
Chapter Review 331
14 Mendel and the Gene 333
14.1 Mendel’s Experimental System 334
What Questions Was Mendel Trying to Answer? 334
The Garden Pea Served as the First Model Organism in Genetics 334
14.2 Mendel’s Experiments with a Single Trait 336
The Monohybrid Cross 336
Particulate Inheritance 338
14.3 Mendel’s Experiments with Two Traits 340
The Dihybrid Cross 340
Using a Testcross to Confirm Predictions 342
14.4 The Chromosome Theory of Inheritance 343
Meiosis Explains Mendel’s Principles 344
Testing the Chromosome Theory 344
14.5 Extending Mendel’s Rules 346
Linkage: What Happens When Genes Are Located on the Same Chromosome? 347
Quantitative Methods 14.1 Linkage and Genetic Mapping 349
How Many Alleles Can a Gene Have? 350
Are Alleles Always Dominant or Recessive? 350
Does Each Gene Affect Just One Trait? 350
Are All Traits Determined by a Gene? 351
Can Mendel’s Principles Explain Traits That Don’t Fall into Distinct Categories? 352
14.6 Applying Mendel’s Rules to Human Inheritance 354
Identifying Alleles as Recessive or Dominant 354
Identifying Traits as Autosomal or Sex-Linked 355
Chapter Review 356
15 DNA and the Gene: Synthesis and Repair 360
15.1 What Are Genes Made Of? 361
The Hershey–Chase Experiment 361
The Secondary Structure of DNA 362
15.2 Testing Early Hypotheses about DNA Synthesis 363
Three Alternative Hypotheses 364
The Meselson–Stahl Experiment 364
15.3 A Model for DNA Synthesis 364
Where Does Replication Start? 366
How Is the Helix Opened and Stabilized? 366
How Is the Leading Strand Synthesized? 368
How Is the Lagging Strand Synthesized? 368
15.4 Replicating the Ends of Linear Chromosomes 371
The End Replication Problem 371
Telomerase Solves the End Replication Problem 372
Effect of Telomere Length on Cell Division 373
15.5 Repairing Mistakes and DNA Damage 373
Correcting Mistakes in DNA Synthesis 374
Repairing Damaged DNA 374
Xeroderma Pigmentosum: A Case Study 375
Chapter Review 376
16 How Genes Work 379
16.1 What Do Genes Do? 380
The One-Gene, One-Enzyme Hypothesis 380
An Experimental Test of the Hypothesis 380
16.2 The Central Dogma of Molecular Biology 382
The Genetic Code Hypothesis 382
RNA as the Intermediary between Genes and Proteins 382
Dissecting the Central Dogma 383
16.3 The Genetic Code 385
How Long Is a “Word” in the Genetic Code? 385
How Did Researchers Crack the Code? 386
16.4 What Are the Types and Consequences of Mutation? 387
Point Mutations 388
Chromosome Mutations 389
Chapter Review 390
17 Transcription, RNA Processing, and Translation 392
17.1 An Overview of Transcription 393
Initiation: How Does Transcription Begin in Bacteria? 393
Elongation and Termination 395
Transcription in Eukaryotes 395
17.2 RNA Processing in Eukaryotes 397
The Startling Discovery of Split Eukaryotic Genes 397
Rna Splicing 397
Adding Caps and Tails to Transcripts 398
17.3 An Introduction to Translation 399
Ribosomes Are the Site of Protein Synthesis 399
Translation in Bacteria and Eukaryotes 399
How Does an mRNA Triplet Specify an Amino Acid? 400
17.4 The Structure and Function of Transfer RNA 400
What Do tRNAs Look Like? 401
How Are Amino Acids Attached to tRNAs? 402
How Many tRNAs Are There? 402
17.5 The Structure of Ribosomes and Their Function in Translation 403
Initiating Translation 405
Elongation: Extending the Polypeptide 405
Terminating Translation 406
Post-Translational Modifications 407
Chapter Review 408
18 Control of Gene Expression in Bacteria 411
18.1 An Overview of Gene Regulation and Information Flow 412
Mechanisms of Regulation 412
Metabolizing Lactose—A Model System 413
18.2 Identifying Regulated Genes 414
18.3 Negative Control of Transcription 416
The Operon Model 417
How Does Glucose Regulate the lac Operon? 418
Why Has the lac Operon Model Been So Important? 419
18.4 Positive Control of Transcription 419
18.5 Global Gene Regulation 420
Chapter Review 421
19 Control of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes 423
19.1 Gene Regulation in Eukaryotes—An Overview 424
19.2 Chromatin Remodeling 424
What Is Chromatin’s Basic Structure? 425
Evidence That Chromatin Structure Is Altered in Active Genes 426
How Is Chromatin Altered? 426
Chromatin Modifications Can Be Inherited 427
19.3 Initiating Transcription: Regulatory Sequences and Proteins 428
Promoter-Proximal Elements Are Regulatory Sequences Near the Core Promoter 429
Enhancers Are Regulatory Sequences Far from the Core Promoter 429
The Role of Transcription Factors in Differential Gene Expression 430
How Do Transcription Factors Recognize Specific Dna Sequences? 430
A Model for Transcription Initiation 431
19.4 Post-Transcriptional Control 432
Alternative Splicing of Primary Transcripts 432
How Is Translation Controlled? 433
Post-Translational Control 435
19.5 How Does Gene Expression Compare in Bacteria and Eukaryotes? 435
19.6 Linking Cancer to Defects in Gene Regulation 436
The Genetic Basis of Uncontrolled Cell Growth 436
The p53 Tumor Suppressor: A Case Study 436
Chapter Review 437
Big Picture Genetic Information 440
20 The Molecular Revolution: Biotechnology and Beyond 442
20.1 Recombinant DNA Technology 443
Using Plasmids in Cloning 443
Using Restriction Endonucleases and DNA Ligase to Cut and Paste DNA 443
Transformation: Introducing Recombinant Plasmids into Bacterial Cells 445
Using Reverse Transcriptase to Produce cDNAs 445
Biotechnology in Agriculture 445
20.2 The Polymerase Chain Reaction 445
Requirements of PCR 445
DNA Fingerprinting 446
A New Branch of the Human Family Tree 446
20.3 DNA Sequencing 447
Whole-Genome Sequencing 448
Bioinformatics 448
Which Genomes Are Being Sequenced, and Why? 448
Which Sequences Are Genes? 448
20.4 Insights from Genome Analysis 449
The Natural History of Prokaryotic Genomes 450
The Natural History of Eukaryotic Genomes 451
Insights from the Human Genome Project 454
20.5 Finding and Engineering Genes: the Huntington Disease Story 455
How Was the Huntington Disease Gene Found? 455
How Are Human Genes Found Today? 456
What Are the Benefits of Finding a Disease Gene? 456
Can Gene Therapy Provide a Cure? 457
20.6 Functional Genomics, Proteomics, and Systems Biology 458
What Is Functional Genomics? 458
What Is Proteomics? 458
What Is Systems Biology? 458
Chapter Review 459
21 Genes, Development, and Evolution 462
21.1 Shared Developmental Processes 463
Cell Division 463
Cell–Cell Interactions 464
Cell Differentiation 464
Cell Movement and Changes in Shape 465
Programmed Cell Death 465
21.2 Genetic Equivalence and Differential Gene Expression in Development 466
Evidence that Differentiated Plant Cells Are Genetically Equivalent 466
Evidence that Differentiated Animal Cells Are Genetically Equivalent 466
How Does Differential Gene Expression Occur? 467
21.3 Regulatory Cascades Establish the Body Plan 468
Morphogens Set Up the Body Axes 468
Regulatory Genes Provide Increasingly Specific Positional Information 470
Regulatory Genes and Signaling Molecules Are Evolutionarily Conserved 472
One Regulator Can Be Used Many Different Ways 473
21.4 Cells Are Determined Before They Differentiate 473
Commitment and Determination 474
Master Regulators of Differentiation and Development 474
Stem Cell Therapy 475
21.5 Changes in Developmental Gene Expression Drive Evolutionary Change 475
Chapter Review 476
Unit 4 Evolutionary Patterns and Processes 479
22 Evolution by Natural Selection 479
22.1 The Rise of Evolutionary Thought 480
Plato and Typological Thinking 480
Aristotle and the Scale of Nature 480
Lamarck and the Idea of Evolution as Change through Time 481
Darwin and Wallace and Evolution by Natural Selection 481
22.2 The Pattern of Evolution: Have Species Changed, and Are They Related? 481
Evidence for Change through Time 481
Evidence of Descent from a Common Ancestor 484
Evolution’s “Internal Consistency”— The Importance of Independent Data Sets 487
Unit 5 The Diversification of Life 562
26 Bacteria and Archaea 562
26.1 Why Do Biologists Study Bacteria and Archaea? 563
Biological Impact 563
Some Prokaryotes Thrive in Extreme Environments 563
Medical Importance 564
Role in Bioremediation 566
26.2 How Do Biologists Study Bacteria and Archaea? 567
Using Enrichment Cultures 567
Using Metagenomics 568
Investigating the Human Microbiome 568
Evaluating Molecular Phylogenies 568
26.3 What Themes Occur in the Diversification of Bacteria and Archaea? 569
Genetic Variation through Gene Transfer 569
Morphological Diversity 570
Metabolic Diversity 572
Ecological Diversity and Global Impacts 575
26.4 Key Lineages of Bacteria and Archaea 578
Bacteria 578
Archaea 578
Chapter Review 581
27 Protists 583
27.1 Why Do Biologists Study Protists? 584
Impacts on Human Health and Welfare 584
Ecological Importance of Protists 586
27.2 How Do Biologists Study Protists? 587
Microscopy: Studying Cell Structure 588
Evaluating Molecular Phylogenies 588
Discovering New Lineages Via Direct Sequencing 589
27.3 What Themes Occur in the Diversification of Protists? 590
What Morphological Innovations Evolved in Protists? 590
How Do Protists Obtain Food? 595
How Do Protists Move? 596
How Do Protists Reproduce? 596
27.4 Key Lineages of Protists 600
Amoebozoa 600
Excavata 600
Plantae 600
Rhizaria 600
Alveolata 602
Stramenopila (Heterokonta) 602
Chapter Review 602
28 Green Algae and Land Plants 605
28.1 Why Do Biologists Study Green Algae and Land Plants? 606
Plants Provide Ecosystem Services 606
Plants Provide Humans with Food, Fuel, Fiber, Building Materials, and Medicines 607
28.2 How Do Biologists Study Green Algae and Land Plants? 608
Analyzing Morphological Traits 608
Using the Fossil Record 609
Evaluating Molecular Phylogenies 610
28.3 What Themes Occur in the Diversification of Land Plants? 612
The Transition to Land, I: How Did Plants Adapt to Dry Conditions with Intense Sunlight? 612
Mapping Evolutionary Changes on the Phylogenetic Tree 615
The Transition to Land, II: How Do Plants Reproduce in Dry Conditions? 615
The Angiosperm Radiation 624
28.4 Key Lineages of Green Algae and Land Plants 625
Green Algae 625
Nonvascular Plants 626
Seedless Vascular Plants 626
Seed Plants: Gymnosperms and Angiosperms 626
Chapter Review 632
29 Fungi 634
29.1 Why Do Biologists Study Fungi? 635
Fungi Have Important Economic and Ecological Impacts 635
Mycorrhizal Fungi Provide Nutrients for Land Plants 636
Saprophytic Fungi Accelerate the Carbon Cycle on Land 637
29.2 How Do Biologists Study Fungi? 637
Analyzing Morphological Traits 638
Evaluating Molecular Phylogenies 640
29.3 What Themes Occur in the Diversification of Fungi? 642
Fungi Often Participate in Symbioses 643
What Adaptations Make Fungi Such Effective Decomposers? 646
Variation in Reproduction 647
Four Major Types of Life Cycles 649
29.4 Key Lineages of Fungi 652
Microsporidia 652
Chytrids 653
Zygomycetes 653
Glomeromycota 654
Basidiomycota 654
Ascomycota 654
Chapter Review 654
30 An Introduction to Animals 657
30.1 What Is an Animal? 658
30.2 What Key Innovations Occurred During the Origin of Animal Phyla? 659
Origin of Multicellularity 660
Origin of Embryonic Tissue Layers and Muscle 662
Origin of Bilateral Symmetry, Cephalization, and the Nervous System 663
Origin of the Coelom 665
Origin of Protostomes and Deuterostomes 666
Origin of Segmentation 667
30.3 What Themes Occur in the Diversification of Animals Within Phyla? 667
Sensory Organs 668
Feeding 669
Movement 670
Reproduction 672
Life Cycles 673
30.4 Key Lineages of Animals: Non-bilaterian Groups 674
Porifera (Sponges) 674
Ctenophora (Comb Jellies) 675
Cnidaria (Jellyfish, Corals, Anemones, Hydroids) 675
Chapter Review 676
31 Protostome Animals 678
31.1 What Is a Protostome? 679
The Water-to-land Transition 680
Modular Body Plans 681
31.2 What Is a Lophotrochozoan? 681
What Is a Flatworm? 684
What Is a Segmented Worm? 685
What Is a Mollusk? 685
31.3 What Is an Ecdysozoan? 688
What Is a Roundworm? 689
What Are Tardigrades and Velvet Worms? 689
What Is an Arthropod? 689
Arthropod Diversity 692
Arthropod Metamorphosis 696
Chapter Review 697
32 Deuterostome Animals 699
32.1 What Is an Echinoderm? 700
The Echinoderm Body Plan 700
Echinoderms Are Important Consumers 701
32.2 What Is a Chordate? 703
The Cephalochordates 704
The Urochordates 704
The Vertebrates 705
32.3 What Is a Vertebrate? 705
32.4 What Key Innovations Occurred During the Evolution of Vertebrates? 706
Urochordates: Outgroup to Vertebrates 706
First Vertebrates: Origin of the Cranium and Vertebrae 708
Gnathostomes: Origin of the Vertebrate Jaw 709
Origin of the Bony Endoskeleton 711
Tetrapods: Origin of the Limb 711
Amniotes: Origin of the Amniotic Egg 712
Mammals: Origin of Lactation and Fur 713
Reptiles: Origin of Scales and Feathers Made of Keratin 714
Parental Care 716
Take-Home Messages 717
32.5 The Primates and Hominins 717
The Primates 717
Fossil Humans 719
The Out-of-Africa Hypothesis 722
Have Humans Stopped Evolving? 723
Chapter Review 724
33 Viruses 726
33.1 Why Do Biologists Study Viruses? 727
Viruses Shape the Evolution of Organisms 727
Viruses Cause Disease 727
Current Viral Pandemics in Humans: Aids 727
33.2 How Do Biologists Study Viruses? 729
Analyzing Morphological Traits 730
Analyzing the Genetic Material 730
Analyzing the Phases of Replicative Growth 731
Analyzing How Viruses Coexist with Host Cells 737
33.3 What Themes Occur in the Diversification of Viruses? 738
Where Did Viruses Come From? 738
Emerging Viruses, Emerging Diseases 738
33.4 Key Lineages of Viruses 740
Chapter Review 744
Big Picture Diversity of Life 746
Unit 6 How Plants Work 748
34 Plant Form and Function 748
34.1 Plant Form: Themes with Many Variations 749
The Importance of Surface Area/volume Relationships 750
The Root System 751
The Shoot System 752
The Leaf 754
34.2 Plant Cells and Tissue Systems 757
The Dermal Tissue System 758
The Ground Tissue System 758
The Vascular Tissue System 760
34.3 Primary Growth Extends the Plant Body 762
How Do Apical Meristems Produce the Primary Plant Body? 762
How Is the Primary Root System Organized? 764
How Is the Primary Shoot System Organized? 764
34.4 Secondary Growth Widens Shoots and Roots 765
What Is a Cambium? 765
How Does a Cambium Initiate Secondary Growth? 766
What Do Vascular Cambia Produce? 767
What Do Cork Cambia Produce? 768
The Structure of Tree Trunks 768
Chapter Review 769
35 Water and Sugar Transport in Plants 771
35.1 Water Potential and Water Movement 772
What Is Water Potential? 772
What Factors Affect Water Potential? 772
Working with Water Potentials 773
Water Potentials in Soils, Plants, and the Atmosphere 774
35.2 How Does Water Move from Roots to Shoots? 776
Movement of Water and Solutes into the Root 776
Water Movement Via Root Pressure 777
Water Movement Via Capillary Action 778
The Cohesion-Tension Theory 778
35.3 Plant Features That Reduce Water Loss 781
Limiting Water Loss 781
Obtaining Carbon Dioxide Under Water Stress 782
35.4 Translocation of Sugars 782
Tracing Connections Between Sources and Sinks 782
The Anatomy of Phloem 784
The Pressure-Flow Hypothesis 784
Phloem Loading 785
Phloem Unloading 788
Chapter Review 789
36 Plant Nutrition 791
36.1 Nutritional Requirements of Plants 792
Which Nutrients Are Essential? 792
What Happens When Key Nutrients Are in Short Supply? 794
36.2 Soil: A Dynamic Mixture of Living and Nonliving Components 795
The Importance of Soil Conservation 795
What Factors Affect Nutrient Availability? 796
36.3 Nutrient Uptake 798
Mechanisms of Nutrient Uptake 798
Mechanisms of Ion Exclusion 800
36.4 Nitrogen Fixation 802
The Role of Symbiotic Bacteria 803
How Do Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria Infect Plant Roots? 803
36.5 Nutritional Adaptations of Plants 804
Parasitic Plants 804
Epiphytic Plants 805
Carnivorous Plants 806
Chapter Review 806
37 Plant Sensory Systems, Signals, and Responses 809
37.1 Information Processing in Plants 810
How Do Cells Receive and Process an External Signal? 810
How Do Cells Respond to Cell–Cell Signals? 810
37.2 Blue Light: The Phototropic Response 812
Phototropins as Blue-Light Receptors 812
Auxin as the Phototropic Hormone 813
37.3 Red and Far-Red Light: Germination, Stem Elongation, and Flowering 816
The Red/Far-Red “Wwitch” 816
Phytochrome Is a Red/Far-Red Receptor 816
Signals That Promote Flowering 817
37.4 Gravity: The Gravitropic Response 819
The Statolith Hypothesis 819
Auxin as the Gravitropic Signal 820
37.5 How Do Plants Respond to Wind and Touch? 821
Changes in Growth Patterns 821
Movement Responses 821
37.6 Youth, Maturity, and Aging: the Growth Responses 822
Auxin and Apical Dominance 822
Cytokinins and Cell Division 823
Gibberellins and ABA: Growth and Dormancy 823
Brassinosteroids and Body Size 826
Ethylene and Senescence 827
An Overview of Plant Growth Regulators 828
37.7 Pathogens and Herbivores: The Defense Responses 830
How Do Plants Sense and Respond to Pathogens? 830
How Do Plants Sense and Respond to Herbivore Attack? 832
Chapter Review 834
38 Plant Reproduction and Development 837
38.1 An Introduction to Plant Reproduction 838
Asexual Reproduction 838
Sexual Reproduction and the Plant Life Cycle 839
38.2 Reproductive Structures 840
The General Structure of the Flower 840
How Are Female Gametophytes Produced? 841
How Are Male Gametophytes Produced? 842
38.3 Pollination and Fertilization 843
Pollination 843
Fertilization 846
38.4 Seeds and Fruits 846
The Role of Drying in Seed Maturation 847
Fruit Development and Seed Dispersal 847
Seed Dormancy 849
Seed Germination 850
38.5 Embryogenesis and Vegetative Development 851
Embryogenesis 851
Meristem Formation 852
Which Genes Determine Body Axes in the Plant Embryo? 853
Which Genes Determine Leaf Structure and Shape? 854
38.6 Reproductive Development 854
The Floral Meristem and the Flower 855
The Genetic Control of Flower Structures 855
Chapter Review 857
Big Picture Plant and Animal Form and Function 860
Unit 7 How Animals WorkUntitled 862
39 Animal Form and Function 862
39.1 Form, Function, and Adaptation 863
The Role of Fitness Trade-Offs 863
Adaptation and Acclimatization 865
39.2 Tissues, Organs, and Systems: How Does Structure Correlate with Function? 865
Structure–Function Relationships at the Molecular and Cellular Levels 866
Tissues Are Groups of Cells That Function as a Unit 866
Organs and Organ Systems 869
39.3 How Does Body Size Affect Animal Physiology? 870
Surface Area/Volume Relationships: Theory 870
Surface Area/Volume Relationships: Data 871
Adaptations That Increase Surface Area 872
39.4 Homeostasis 873
Homeostasis: General Principles 873
The Role of Regulation and Feedback 874
39.5 Thermoregulation: A Closer Look 875
Mechanisms of Heat Exchange 875
Thermoregulatory Strategies 876
Comparing Endothermy and Ectothermy 876
Countercurrent Heat Exchangers 877
Chapter Review 878
40 Water and Electrolyte Balance in Animals 880
40.1 Osmoregulation and Excretion 881
What Is Osmotic Stress? 881
Osmotic Stress in Seawater, in Freshwater, and on Land 881
How Do Electrolytes and Water Move Across Cell Membranes? 883
Types of Nitrogenous Wastes: Impact on Water Balance 883
40.2 Water and Electrolyte Balance in Marine Fishes 884
Osmoconformation versus Osmoregulation in Marine Fishes 884
How Do Sharks Excrete Salt? 884
40.3 Water and Electrolyte Balance in Freshwater Fishes 885
How Do Freshwater Fishes Osmoregulate? 885
40.4 Water and Electrolyte Balance in Terrestrial Insects 886
How Do Insects Minimize Water Loss from the Body Surface? 887
40.5 Water and Electrolyte Balance in Terrestrial Vertebrates 888
The Structure of the Mammalian Kidney 888
The Function of the Mammalian Kidney: An Overview 889
Filtration: The Renal Corpuscle 890
Reabsorption: The Proximal Tubule 890
Creating an Osmotic Gradient: The Loop of Henle 891
Regulating Water and Electrolyte Balance: The Distal Tubule and Collecting Duct 894
Urine Formation in Nonmammalian Vertebrates 895
Chapter Review 896
41 Animal Nutrition 899
41.1 Nutritional Requirements 900
41.2 Capturing Food: The Structure and Function of Mouthparts 902
Mouthparts as Adaptations 902
A Case Study: The Cichlid Throat Jaw 902
41.3 How Are Nutrients Digested and Absorbed? 903
An Introduction to the Digestive Tract 903
An Overview of Digestive Processes 904
The Mouth and Esophagus 905
The Stomach 906
The Small Intestine 908
The Large Intestine 912
41.4 Nutritional Homeostasis—Glucose as a Case Study 913
The Discovery of Insulin 913
Insulin’s Role in Homeostasis 914
Diabetes Mellitus Has Two Forms 914
The Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Epidemic 914
Chapter Review 915
42 Gas exchange and Circulation 918
42.1 The Respiratory and Circulatory Systems 919
42.2 Air and Water as Respiratory Media 919
How Do Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Behave in Air? 919
How Do Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Behave in Water? 920
42.3 Organs of Gas Exchange 921
Physical Parameters: The Law of Diffusion 921
How Do Gills Work? 922
How Do Insect Tracheae Work? 923
How Do Vertebrate Lungs Work? 925
Homeostatic Control of Ventilation 927
42.4 How Are Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Transported in Blood? 928
Structure and Function of Hemoglobin 928
CO2 Transport and the Buffering of Blood pH 931
42.5 Circulation 932
What Is an Open Circulatory System? 933
What Is a Closed Circulatory System? 933
How Does the Heart Work? 935
Patterns in Blood Pressure and Blood Flow 939
Chapter Review 941
43 Animal Nervous Systems 943
43.1 Principles of Electrical Signaling 944
Types of Neurons 944
The Anatomy of a Neuron 945
An Introduction to Membrane Potentials 945
How Is the Resting Potential Maintained? 946
Using Electrodes to Measure Membrane Potentials 947
What Is an Action Potential? 947
43.2 Dissecting the Action Potential 948
Distinct Ion Currents Are Responsible for Depolarization and Repolarization 948
How Do Voltage-Gated Channels Work? 948
How Is the Action Potential Propagated? 949
43.3 The Synapse 952
Synapse Structure and Neurotransmitter Release 952
What Do Neurotransmitters Do? 954
Postsynaptic Potentials 954
43.4 The Vertebrate Nervous System 956
What Does the Peripheral Nervous System Do? 956
Functional Anatomy of the CNS 957
How Do Learning and Memory Work? 961
Chapter Review 963
44 Animal Sensory Systems 966
44.1 How Do Sensory Organs Convey Information to the Brain? 967
Sensory Transduction 967
Transmitting Information to the Brain 968
44.2 Mechanoreception: Sensing Pressure Changes 968
How Do Sensory Cells Respond to Sound Waves and Other Forms of Pressure? 968
Hearing: The Mammalian Ear 969
The Lateral Line System in Fishes and Amphibians 972
44.3 Photoreception: Sensing Light 973
The Insect Eye 973
The Vertebrate Eye 974
44.4 Chemoreception: Sensing Chemicals 978
Taste: Detecting Molecules in the Mouth 978
Olfaction: Detecting Molecules in the Air 979
44.5 Other Sensory Systems 981
Thermoreception: Sensing Temperature 981
Electroreception: Sensing Electric Fields 982
Magnetoreception: Sensing Magnetic Fields 983
Chapter Review 983
45 Animal Movement 986
45.1 How Do Muscles Contract? 987
Early Muscle Experiments 987
The Sliding-Filament Model 987
How Do Actin and Myosin Interact? 988
How Do Neurons Initiate Contraction? 990
45.2 Muscle Tissues 991
Smooth Muscle 991
Cardiac Muscle 992
Skeletal Muscle 992
45.3 Skeletal Systems 994
Hydrostatic Skeletons 995
Endoskeletons 996
Exoskeletons 997
45.4 Locomotion 998
How Do Biologists Study Locomotion? 998
Size Matters 1001
Chapter Review 1002
46 Chemical Signals in Animals 1005
46.1 Cell-to-Cell Signaling: An Overview 1006
Major Categories of Chemical Signals 1006
Hormone Signaling Pathways 1007
What Makes Up the Endocrine System? 1008
How Do Researchers Identify a Hormone? 1009
A Breakthrough in Measuring Hormone Levels 1009
46.2 How Do Hormones Act on Target Cells? 1010
Hormone Concentrations Are Low, but Their Effects Are Large 1010
Three Chemical Classes of Hormones 1011
Steroid Hormones Bind to Intracellular Receptors 1011
Polypeptide Hormones Bind to Receptors on the Plasma Membrane 1012
Why Do Different Target Cells Respond in Different Ways? 1014
46.3 What Do Hormones Do? 1015
How Do Hormones Direct Developmental Processes? 1015
How Do Hormones Coordinate Responses to Stressors? 1017
How Are Hormones Involved in Homeostasis? 1019
46.4 How Is the Production of Hormones Regulated? 1020
The Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland 1020
Control of Epinephrine by Sympathetic Nerves 1022
Chapter Review 1022
47 Animal Reproduction and Development 1025
47.1 Asexual and Sexual Reproduction 1026
How Does Asexual Reproduction Occur? 1026
Switching Reproductive Modes: A Case History 1026
Mechanisms of Sexual Reproduction: Gametogenesis 1028
47.2 Reproductive Structures and Their Functions 1030
The Male Reproductive System 1030
The Female Reproductive System 1031
47.3 Fertilization and Egg Development 1033
External Fertilization 1033
Internal Fertilization 1033
The Cell Biology of Fertilization 1035
Why Do Some Females Lay Eggs While Others Give Birth? 1036
47.4 Embryonic Development 1038
Cleavage 1038
Gastrulation 1039
Organogenesis 1040
47.5 The Role of Sex Hormones in Mammalian Reproduction 1043
Which Hormones Control Puberty? 1043
Which Hormones Control the Menstrual Cycle in Humans? 1044
47.6 Pregnancy and Birth in Mammals 1046
Gestation and Development in Marsupials 1047
Major Events During Human Pregnancy 1047
How Does the Mother Nourish the Fetus? 1048
Birth 1049
Chapter Review 1049
48 The Immune System in Animals 1052
48.1 Innate Immunity 1053
Barriers to Entry 1053
The Innate Immune Response 1054
48.2 Adaptive Immunity: Recognition 1057
An Introduction to Lymphocytes 1057
Lymphocytes Recognize a Diverse Array of Antigens 1058
How Does the Immune System Distinguish Self from Nonself? 1061
48.3 Adaptive Immunity: Activation 1062
The Clonal Selection Theory 1062
T-Cell Activation 1063
B-Cell Activation and Antibody Secretion 1064
48.4 Adaptive Immunity: Response and Memory 1066
How Are Extracellular Pathogens Eliminated? 1066
How Are Intracellular Pathogens Eliminated? 1067
Why Does the Immune System Reject Foreign Tissues and Organs? 1067
Responding to Future Infections: Immunological Memory 1068
48.5 What Happens When the Immune System Doesn't Work Correctly? 1069
Allergies 1070
Autoimmune Diseases 1070
Immunodeficiency Diseases 1070
Chapter Review 1071
Unit 8 Ecology 1073
49 An Introduction to Ecology 1073
49.1 Levels of Ecological Study 1074
Organismal Ecology 1074
Population Ecology 1075
Community Ecology 1075
Ecosystem Ecology 1075
Global Ecology 1075
Conservation Biology Applies All Levels of Ecological Study 1075
49.2 What Determines the Distribution and Abundance of Organisms? 1075
Abiotic Factors 1076
Biotic Factors 1076
History Matters: Past Abiotic and Biotic Factors Influence Present Patterns 1077
Biotic and Abiotic Factors Interact 1078
49.3 Climate Patterns 1080
Why Are the Tropics Warm and the Poles Cold? 1080
Why Are the Tropics Wet? 1080
What Causes Seasonality in Weather? 1080
What Regional Effects Do Mountains and Oceans Have on Climate? 1082
49.4 Types of Terrestrial Biomes 1083
Natural Biomes 1083
Anthropogenic Biomes 1084
How Will Global Climate Change Affect Terrestrial Biomes? 1086
49.5 Types of Aquatic Biomes 1087
Salinity 1087
Water Depth and Sunlight Availability 1088
Water Flow 1089
Nutrient Availability 1089
How Are Aquatic Biomes Affected by Humans? 1092
Chapter Review 1092
50 Behavioral Ecology 1095
50.1 An Introduction to Behavioral Ecology 1096
Proximate and Ultimate Causation 1096
Types of Behavior: An Overview 1097
50.2 Choosing What, How, and When to Eat 1098
Proximate Causes: Foraging Alleles in Drosophila melanogaster 1098
Ultimate Causes: Optimal Foraging 1098
50.3 Choosing a Mate 1100
Proximate Causes: How Is Sexual Activity Triggered in Anolis Lizards? 1100
Ultimate Causes: Sexual Selection 1101
50.4 Choosing a Place to Live 1102
Proximate Causes: How Do Animals Navigate? 1102
Ultimate Causes: Why Do Animals Migrate? 1104
50.5 Communicating with Others 1105
Proximate Causes: How Do Honeybees Communicate? 1105
Ultimate Causes: Why Do Honeybees Communicate the Way They Do? 1106
When Is Communication Honest or Deceitful? 1107
50.6 Cooperating with Others 1108
Kin Selection 1108
Quantitative Methods 50.1 Calculating the Coefficient of Relatedness 1109
Manipulation 1110
Reciprocal Altruism 1111
Cooperation and Mutualism 1111
Individuals Do Not Act for the Good of the Species 1111
Chapter Review 1112
51 Population Ecology 1114
51.1 Distribution and Abundance 1115
Geographic Distribution 1115
Sampling Methods 1116
51.2 Demography 1116
Life Tables 1116
Quantitative Methods 51.1 Mark–Recapture Studies 1117
The Role of Life History 1119
Quantitative Methods 51.2 Using Life Tables to Calculate Population Growth Rates 1119
51.3 Population Growth 1120
Exponential Growth 1121
Quantitative Methods 51.3 Using Growth Models to Predict Population Growth 1122
Logistic Growth 1123
What Factors Limit Population Size? 1124
51.4 Population Dynamics 1125
Why Do Some Populations Cycle? 1125
How Do Metapopulations Change Through Time? 1127
51.5 Human Population Growth 1128
Age Structure in Human Populations 1128
Analyzing Change in the Growth Rate of Human Populations 1129
51.6 How Can Population Ecology Help Conserve Biodiversity? 1131
Using Life-Table Data 1131
Preserving Metapopulations 1132
Chapter Review 1134
52 Community Ecology 1136
52.1 Species Interactions 1137
Commensalism 1137
Competition 1138
Consumption 1142
Mutualism 1145
52.2 Community Structure 1147
Why Are Some Species More Important Than Others in Structuring Communities? 1148
How Predictable Are Communities? 1149
52.3 Community Dynamics 1151
Disturbance and Change in Ecological Communities 1151
Succession: the Development of Communities After Disturbance 1152
52.4 Patterns in Species Richness 1155
Quantitative Methods 52.1 Measuring Species Diversity 1155
Predicting Species Richness: the Theory of Island Biogeography 1156
Global Patterns in Species Richness 1157
Chapter Review 1158
53 Ecosystems and Global Ecology 1160
53.1 How Does Energy Flow Through Ecosystems? 1161
How Efficient Are Autotrophs at Capturing Solar Energy? 1161
What Happens to the Biomass of Autotrophs? 1162
Energy Transfer Between Trophic Levels 1163
Global Patterns in Productivity 1165
53.2 How Do Nutrients Cycle Through Ecosystems? 1167
Nutrient Cycling Within Ecosystems 1167
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 1169
53.3 Global Climate Change 1173
What Is the Cause of Global Climate Change? 1174
How Much Will the Climate Change? 1175
Biological Effects of Climate Change 1177
Consequences to Net Primary Productivity 1179
Chapter Review 1181
54 Biodiversity and Conservation Biology 1183
54.1 What Is Biodiversity? 1184
Biodiversity Can Be Measured and Analyzed at Several Levels 1184
How Many Species Are Living Today? 1186
Where Is Biodiversity Highest? 1186
54.2 Threats to Biodiversity 1189
Multiple Interacting Threats 1189
How Will These Threats Affect Future Extinction Rates? 1193
Quantitative Methods 54.1 Species–Area Plots 1194
54.3 Why Is Biodiversity Important? 1196
Biological Benefits of Biodiversity 1196
Ecosystem Services: Economic and Social Benefits of Biodiversity and Ecosystems 1198
An Ethical Dimension 1199
54.4 Preserving Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function 1200
Addressing the Ultimate Causes of Loss 1200
Conservation Strategies to Preserve Genetic Diversity, Species, and Ecosystem Function 1201
Take-Home Message 1203
Chapter Review 1203
Appendix A Answers A:1
Appendix B Periodic Table of Elements B:1
Glossary G:1
Credits Cr:1
Index I:1