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Edexcel A Level History, Paper 3: The changing nature of warfare, 1859-1991: perception and reality Student Book

Edexcel A Level History, Paper 3: The changing nature of warfare, 1859-1991: perception and reality Student Book

Derrick Murphy


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Book Details


This book:

  • covers the essential content in the new specifications in a rigorous and engaging way, using detailed narrative, sources, timelines, key words, helpful activities and extension material
  • helps develop conceptual understanding of areas such as evidence, interpretations, causation and change, through targeted activities
  • provides assessment support for A level with sample answers, sources, practice questions and guidance to help you tackle the new-style exam questions.

It also comes with three years' access to ActiveBook, an online, digital version of your textbook to help you personalise your learning as you go through the course - perfect for revision.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Contents 3
How to use this book 4
Introduction: A Level History 6
Introduction: The changing nature of warfare, 1859-1991: perception and reality 8
Aspects in breadth: war and the American public mind, 1859-1991 10
3.1: Reporting and portraying war 10
Introduction 10
How did the impact of new technologies change the reporting of war in the years 1859–1991? 10
Reporting the American Civil War, 1861-65 11
The impact of illustrations and photography in reporting the American Civil War 13
The impact of the Spanish-American War of 1898 on reporting war 14
The reporting of the First World War, 1914-18 15
Filming the Second World War 17
Televised reporting of war: the USA in Vietnam, 1965-73 19
The impact of instantaneous reporting in the First Gulf War, 1990-91 23
To what extent did the remembrance and portrayal of war change in the years 1859-1991? 24
Ceremonies in remembrance of war 24
The portrayal of war in novels and plays 26
War books and comics 29
Film and television series 29
3.2: Attempts to influence the public response to war 38
Introduction 38
How far did official attempts to shape the american public’s perception of wars change in the years 1859-1991? 39
The use of speeches 39
Briefings 44
Propaganda and information control 45
Demonising the enemy in the First World War, 1917-18 48
Propaganda and information control in the Second World War 49
Propaganda and information control: the Vietnam War and First Gulf War 50
How effective was the impact of propaganda and news control in influencing the american public’s response to war in the years 1859-1991? 52
The American Civil War: hostility to conscription 52
The impact of propaganda in the First World War: the wave of anti-German sentiment in 1917 and 1918 in the USA 56
Contrasting success of US governments with the media during the Vietnam War and the First Gulf War 60
Aspects in depth: new technology and its use by military leaders 66
3.3: Increased firepower and steam power, 1859-70 66
Introduction 66
How significant was the impact of railways and steam boats on the movement and supply of armies? 67
The mobilisation of the French and Austrian armies in 1859 and problems encountered in their initial deployment 68
How far did firepower increase in the years 1859-70? 71
Colt’s revolver 71
Breech-loading rifles 71
The breech-loader versus muzzle-loader debate 74
Developments in artillery 75
To what extent did military leadership effectively use planning and new technologies in the years 1859-70? 77
General Ulysses S. Grant’s use of new technologies in the American Civil War, 1863-65 77
Von Moltke and the Prussian General Staff and their influence on military planning 83
3.4: Technology of defence: machine guns, smokeless powder and artillery, c1900-16 86
Introduction 86
How significant was the development of smokeless propellants and machine guns on military thought and planning before 1914? 86
The impact of the development of smokeless propellants 87
The impact of machine guns on military thought and planning before 1914 89
How far did developments in french and german artillery affect their military planning before 1914? 91
The impact of the French 75mm field gun on the French Plan XVII 91
The Schlieffen Plan and German heavy artillery 94
To what extent did improvements in technology affect the nature of warfare on the western front in the first world war in the years 1914-16? 98
The role of technology in a failure of a war of movement, Western Front, 1914 98
The roles of Helmuth von Moltke the Younger and Joffre 100
The use of new technologies in a war of attrition on the Western Front: Falkenhayn’s assault on Verdun and Pétain's defence, 1916 102
3.5: Radios, the internal combustion engine and mobile warfare, 1917-40 108
Introduction 108
How significant was the impact of the internal combustion engine and the radio on the nature of war in the first world war in the years 1917-18? 109
Introduction: the static nature of warfare on the WesternFront, 1914-17 109
The impact of the tank in warfare in 1917 and 1918 110
The role of aircraft in 1917-18 114
The development and importance of motor transport, 1917-18 116
The impact of radio in the First World War and its implications for the development of mobile warfare 117
To what extent did new technologies impact on french military planning in the years 1930-40? 119
How far did French defensive military thinking in the 1930s impede the use of new technologies? 120
The role of General Gamelin in the French defeat of 1940 122
How effectively did German military planning utilise new technologies in the years 1933-40? 124
The evolution of Blitzkrieg 124
The role of Guderian in implementing Blitzkrieg 125
The role of Rommel in achieving victory over France in 1940 126
3.6: The war at sea, 1917-45: the impact of submarines, air power and complex codes 130
Introduction 130
How significant was the impact of submarines in the war at sea, 1917-18? 131
Initial German triumph 131
British countermeasures in the unrestricted U-boat warfare campaign 134
How far was the battle of the Atlantic (1939-45) decided by the allied use of new technologies? 139
The impact of submarines in the Second World War, 1939-45 139
Dönitz and the Battle of the Atlantic 140
The signifi cance of May 1943 as a turning point in the Battle of the Atlantic 141
What was the impact of air power on naval warfare in the pacific war of 1941-42? 143
Admiral Yamamoto and the planning of the attack on Pearl Harbor, 1941 143
Yamamoto and Nagumo against Nimitz and Spruance at Midway, 1942 147
3.7: Air power and nuclear weapons, 1943-91 152
Introduction 152
To what extent did developments in aerial warfare impact on strategic planning in the years 1943-91? 152
Bombs and countermeasures 153
Jet engines 154
Nuclear weapons 154
Missiles 157
Impact of technological change on strategic planning 158
How effective was terror bombing by Britain and the USA in the years 1943-45? 159
The RAF bombing offensive against Germany, 1943 159
Curtis Le May’s bombing attacks on Tokyo and Hiroshima 164
How effective was air power in the vietnam war and the first gulf war? 166
US air power and North Vietnam, 1964-73 166
US air power in the First Gulf War, 1991 170
Preparing for your A Level Paper 3 exam 175
Index 188
Acknowledgements 191