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Revisiting Negative Symptoms

Revisiting Negative Symptoms

Hilary Mairs


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This practical guide focuses on the reduced expression and activity often described as constituting negative symptoms of psychosis and schizophrenia. Using engaging activities and case studies to aid learning, it offers alternative explanations for these symptoms and outlines strategies for addressing them in practice

Hilary Mairs is Reader and Director of Postgraduate Education in the School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work at the University of Manchester, UK.

This practical guide focuses on the reduced expression and activity often described as constituting negative symptoms of psychosis and schizophrenia. Using engaging activities and case studies to aid learning, it offers alternative explanations for these symptoms and outlines strategies for addressing them in practice

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Brief contents vi
Contents vii
List of figures and tables xi
Acknowledgements xiii
Preface xiv
Part I Background 1
Chapter 1 Explanations for reduced levels of expression and activity in psychosis 3
Biological explanations 4
A word about terminology 5
Reduced levels of expression 6
Reduced activity levels 7
Positive and negative symptoms in everyday life 7
Biological markers of negative symptoms 8
Other explanations 11
Under-stimulating and over-stimulating environments 11
Stigmatising and pessimistic messages 12
The role of early experiences 12
Depression and anxiety 14
Problems internalising the points of view of other people 15
An understandable response to developing psychosis 15
The impact of psychosis on self-efficacy beliefs 17
Primary and secondary negative symptoms 17
A formulation-based approach 18
Summary 19
Coming up in the next chapter 19
Part II Engagement 21
Chapter 2 Engaging people with reduced levels of expression and activity in positive therapeutic alliances 23
Three unhelpful assumptions 24
A low expressed emotion approach 26
Sharing accurate and normalising information 27
Agreeing shared goals 29
Setting short-term goals 30
Decisional balance – exploring the costs and benefits of taking steps to become more active 31
Completing decisional balance exercises, diaries and records 32
Values-based approaches 33
Setting mediumto long-term goals 34
Reaching agreement on the best tasks to help service users reach their goals 35
Summary 35
Coming up in the next chapter 36
Chapter 3 Engaging people in structured interventions to increase levels of expression and activity 37
Routine and structure 37
Session structure 39
Pre-session review 40
Setting a session agenda 40
Homework 41
Regular review points 44
Bringing the intervention sessions to a conclusion 45
Challenges of working in a structured way 45
Summary 46
Coming up in the next chapter 46
Part III A ssessment and formulation 47
Chapter 4 Gathering information to develop a shared understanding (formulation) of reduced levels of expression and activity 49
Standardised measures of negative symptoms 50
Standardised measures of functioning 51
The Reduced Expression and Activity in Psychosis (REAP) semi-structured interview 52
Capturing current activity levels 54
Using activity diaries 54
The Time Budget Measure 58
Reviewing current activity levels 58
Timelines 60
Formulations suggesting biological explanations 62
Formulations suggesting psychological explanations 63
Formulations suggesting social and environmental explanations 65
Summary 65
Coming up in the next chapter 66
Chapter 5 Behavioural approaches to help people increase their activity levels 67
Positive and negative reinforcement 68
Behavioural activation for psychosis 68
Evidence base for behavioural activation 69
Behavioural activation for reduced activity in psychosis 69
Presenting a rationale for behavioural activation 70
Maintaining motivation 76
Reviewing behavioural approach 78
Involving friends, family and companions in the behavioural activation approach 79
Challenges in facilitating a behavioural activation approach 80
Summary 80
Coming up in the next chapter 81
Chapter 6 Cognitive strategies to help people address defeatist predictions 82
Cognitive restructuring: Background and theory 83
Cognitive restructuring to address reduced levels of expression and activity 84
Evidence base for cognitive restructuring 85
Presenting a rationale for cognitive restructuring 86
Capturing negative predictions 87
Discussing negative predictions in relation to a recent event 87
Eliciting negative predictions from a thought diary 89
Reviewing negative prediction diaries 90
Examining negative predictions and generating more realistic expectations 92
Behavioural experiments 95
Staying well and maintaining gains 95
Summary 96
Coming up in the next chapter 96
Chapter 7 Other approaches for helping people with reduced levels of expression and activity 97
Social skills training 97
Art therapies 99
Cognitive remediation and integrated neurocognitive therapy 100
Schemes to secure employment 101
Guided peer support groups 102
Loving kindness meditation 102
Anticipatory pleasure skills training 103
Multiple family groups 104
Summary 105
Coming up in the next chapter 105
Chapter 8 Supporting families in coping with reduced levels of express ion and activity in psychosis 106
Family intervention: Background and theory 106
Generating alternative explanations 109
Style of information sharing 112
Discussing the medical terminology 113
Discussing service user frustration 113
Positive reframing 116
Discussing the restorative function of reduced expression/activity 116
Discussing medication 117
Enhancing family members’ coping strategies 117
Problem-solving approaches 118
Making positive requests 119
Managing stress and expectations in the longer term 120
Sharing experiences with others in similar situations 120
Summary 121
Coming up in the next chapter 121
Chapter 9 Helping mental health teams understand reduced levels of expression and activity 122
Team training 122
Training methods 124
Theories of adult learning 124
Training personnel 126
Training structure 126
Team formulation 127
Team formulation sessions: Practical considerations 130
Team formulation sessions: Structure 131
Summary 132
References 133
Index 146