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Studio AQA GCSE French Foundation Student Book

Studio AQA GCSE French Foundation Student Book

Clive Bell | Anneli Mclachlan | Gill Ramage


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Book Details


Expertly structured Student Book for AQA GCSE 2016 French (foundation tier) for first teaching from 2016. Designed to help learners use language independently and to the best of their ability, with fresh and engaging content from the target language culture.


  • Designed for the new AQA GCSE French qualification (foundation tier).
  • A carefully designed programme of learning teaches the ‘building blocks’ of grammar and vocabulary.
  • Includes popular topics, authentic material and real life-contexts; all with links to the French culture.
  • Each unit and module is structured to allow gradual progression.
  • Exam preparation units are included for Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening.
  • Revision forms the final module.  

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Table des matières 3
Module 1: Qui suis-je? Theme 1: Identity and culture 6
Point de départ 1: Revising family and describing people 6
Point de départ 2: Revising places in town, activities and times 8
Unité 1: A comme amitié 10
Talking about friends and what makes a good friend 10
Using irregular -er verbs in the present tense 10
Unité 2: C’est de famille! 12
Talking about family relationships 12
Using reflexive verbs in the present tense 12
Unité 3: On va voir un spectacle? 14
Making arrangements to go out 14
Using the near future tense 14
Unité 4: Une sortie 16
Describing a day out 16
Using the perfect tense 16
Unité 5: La personne que j’admire 18
Discussing role models 18
Using the present and perfect tenses together 18
Contrôle de lecture et d’écoute 20
Contrôle oral 22
Contrôle écrit 24
Vocabulaire 26
Module 2: Le temps des loisirs Theme 1: Identity and culture 28
Point de départ 1: Revising leisure activities 28
Point de départ 2: Revising films and going to the cinema 30
Unité 1: Tu es plutôt foot, tennis ou basket? 32
Talking about sport 32
Using depuis + the present tense 32
Unité 2: Ma vie d’internaute 34
Talking about using technology 34
Using irregular verbs in the present tense 34
Unité 3: Lecture et musique! 36
Discussing reading habits and music 36
Using negatives 36
Unité 4: Mes émissions préférées 38
Talking about television programmes 38
Using the comparative 38
Unité 5: Une soirée entre amis 40
Talking about a night out with friends 40
More on the perfect tense 40
Contrôle de lecture et d’écoute 42
Contrôle oral 44
Contrôle écrit 46
Vocabulaire 48
Module 3: Jours ordinaires, jours de fête Theme 1: Identity and culture 50
Point de départ 1: Talking about food and meals 50
Point de départ 2: Discussing clothes and what to wear 52
Unité 1: C’est bientôt dimanche? 54
Describing your daily life 54
Using devoir and pouvoir 54
Unité 2: Vous faites quelle taille? 56
Shopping for clothes 56
Using quel(s)/quelle(s) and ce/cet/cette/ces 56
Unité 3: C’est la fête! 58
Describing festivals and traditions 58
Asking questions using est-ce que …? and qu’est-ce que …? 58
Unité 4: Qu’est-ce qu’on va manger? 60
Talking about shopping for a special meal 60
Using the present and near future tenses 60
Unité 5: Félicitations! 62
Describing family celebrations 62
Using past, present and future tenses 62
Contrôle de lecture et d’écoute 64
Contrôle oral 66
Contrôle écrit 68
Vocabulaire 70
Module 4: De la ville à la campagne Theme 2: Local, national, international and global areas of interest 72
Point de départ 1: Talking about where you live and what you can do there 72
Point de départ 2: Revising places in a town and asking the way 74
Unité 1: Ma région est top! 76
Describing a region 76
Using the superlative 76
Unité 2: C’est pour un renseignement 78
Finding out tourist information 78
Asking questions 78
Unité 3: S’il fait beau 80
Discussing plans and the weather 80
Using si clauses 80
Unité 4: Ville de rêve ou ville de cauchemar? 82
Talking about your town, village or neighbourhood 82
Using negatives 82
Contrôle de lecture et d’écoute 84
Contrôle oral 86
Contrôle écrit 88
Vocabulaire 90
Module 5: Le grand large … Theme 2: Local, national, international and global areas of interest 92
Point de départ: Talking about what you normally do on holiday 92
Unité 1: Les hôtels, mode d’emploi 94
Dealing with a hotel stay 94
Using the nous form of the verb and notre/nos (‘our’) 94
Unité 2: En route! 96
Talking about travelling 96
More practice of the comparative 96
Unité 3: Mes vacances 98
Saying what you do and did on holiday 98
Using the present and perfect tenses 98
Unité 4: Bon appétit! 100
Ordering in a restaurant 100
Using expressions with avoir 100
Unité 5: C’était catastrophique! 102
Talking about holiday disasters 102
Using three time frames 102
Contrôle de lecture et d’écoute 104
Contrôle oral 106
Contrôle écrit 108
Vocabulaire 110
Module 6: Au collège Theme 3: Current and future study and employment, Theme 2: Local, national, international and global areas of interest 112
Point de départ: Revising school subjects and talking about your timetable 112
Unité 1: Au bahut 114
Giving opinions on school subjects and facilities 114
Understanding direct object pronouns 114
Unité 2: L’école chez nous, l’école chez vous 116
Talking about your school and school in France 116
Using the ils form of the verb 116
Unité 3: Liberté, égalité, fraternité? 118
Discussing rules and regulations 118
Using il faut and il est interdit de 118
Unité 4: En pleine forme 120
Discussing healthy and unhealthy living 120
Using adverbs 120
Unité 5: La vie extra-scolaire 122
Talking about school activities 122
Recognising and using the imperfect tense 122
Unité 6: Je suis fier/fière de moi! 124
Talking about successes at school 124
Using past, present and future time frames 124
Contrôle de lecture et d’écoute 126
Contrôle oral 128
Contrôle écrit 130
Vocabulaire 132
Module 7: Bon travail! Theme 3: Current and future study and employment 134
Point de départ: Talking about jobs 134
Unité 1: Qu’est-ce que tu voudrais faire? 136
Discussing work preferences 136
Using the conditional 136
Unité 2: Mon avenir 138
Talking about plans, hopes and wishes 138
Understanding the simple future tense (‘will’ or ‘shall’) 138
Unité 3: Mon petit boulot 140
Talking about how you earn money 140
Using the present, perfect and conditional 140
Unité 4: C’était une bonne expérience? 142
Discussing work experience 142
Using the perfect and imperfect tenses 142
Contrôle de lecture et d’écoute 144
Contrôle oral 146
Contrôle écrit 148
Vocabulaire 150
Module 8: Un oeil sur le monde Theme 2: Local, national, international and global areas of interest 152
Point de départ: Talking about what makes you tick and what concerns you 152
Unité 1: Notre planète 154
Discussing the weather and natural disasters 154
More on the simple future tense 154
Unité 2: Protéger l’environnement 156
Talking about protecting the environment 156
Using on doit and on peut + the infinitive 156
Unité 3: D’où vient ton tee-shirt? 158
Discussing ethical shopping 158
Understanding the passive 158
Unité 4: Je suis solidaire 160
Talking about volunteering 160
Using emphatic pronouns 160
Unité 5: Les grands événements 162
Discussing big events 162
Using three time frames 162
Contrôle de lecture et d’écoute 164
Contrôle oral 166
Contrôle écrit 168
Vocabulaire 170
Module de révisions 172
General conversation questions 188
À toi 190
Grammaire 198
Useful verb tables 222