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Essential guide to marketing planning

Essential guide to marketing planning

Marian Burk Wood


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Book Details


Use this 4th edition to gain insights from the experiences of marketers worldwide and apply your knowledge to develop a marketing plan of your own. Chapters guide you through researching your market, analysing your competitive situation, objectives setting and deciding on marketing strategies to develop a creative, effective marketing plan for any product.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover\r Cover
Brief Contents\r v
Contents\r vii
Preface xv
About the author xx
Acknowledgements xxi
1 Introduction to marketing planning 2
Chapter preview: Marketing at Primark® 3
The role of marketing planning 4
The benefits of marketing planning 4
Marketing in practice: Red Nose Day® 5
The dynamic marketing plan 6
The process of marketing planning 6
Stage 1: Analyse the current situation 6
Stage 2: Research and analyse markets and customers 8
Essential checklist No. 1: Situational analysis 8
Stage 3: Determine segmentation, targeting and positioning 9
Stage 4: Set marketing plan direction and objectives 9
Stage 5: Plan strategies, programmes and support 10
Product and branding 10
Marketing in practice: Nestlé KitKat® 11
Price 11
Channel and logistics 12
Marketing communications and influence 12
Marketing support 13
Stage 6: Plan to measure progress and performance 13
Stage 7: Implement, control and evaluate the plan 14
Documenting a marketing plan 14
Internal audit: The starting point for planning 14
Three levels of planning for strategy 14
Marketing and the mission statement 17
Marketing in practice: Walmart® 18
Essential checklist No. 2: The mission statement 19
Chapter summary 19
A closer look: Marketing at Primark® 20
Apply your knowledge 21
Build your own marketing plan 21
Endnotes 22
2 Analysing the current situation 24
Chapter preview: Marketing at Loreal\r 26
Environmental scanning and analysis 26
Internal audit: identifying strengths and weaknesses 27
External audit: identifying opportunities and threats 28
SWOT analysis 29
Marketing in practice: Experian® 30
Analysing the internal environment 30
Organisational resources and capabilities 31
Current offerings 31
Previous performance 32
Marketing in practice: Coles® 32
Business relationships 33
Key issues 34
Essential checklist No. 3: The internal environment 34
Analysing the external environment 34
Political factors 35
Economic factors 35
Social, cultural and ethical factors 36
Technological factors 37
Legal factors 38
Ecological factors 38
Competitive factors 39
Marketing in practice: Michelin® 40
Essential checklist No. 4: The external environment 41
Chapter summary 41
A closer look: Marketing at Loreal\r 42
Apply your knowledge 43
Build your own marketing plan 43
Endnotes 44
3 Analysing customers and markets 46
Chapter preview: Marketing at Ryanair® 48
Analysing consumer and business markets 48
Market definition 49
Market changes 50
Market share 51
Marketing in practice: Specsavers® 52
Analysing customers in consumer markets 52
Characteristics and needs 53
Cultural elements 54
Social connections and opinion leaders 54
Personal elements 55
Marketing in practice: Nappies in China 57
Essential checklist No. 5: Analysing customers in consumer markets 57
Analysing customers in business markets 58
Characteristics and needs 58
Organisational and environmental considerations 59
Internal and external relationships 59
Marketing in practice: Samsung® Electronics 60
Essential checklist No. 6: Analysing customers in business markets 61
Researching markets and customers 62
Primary and secondary research data 62
Conducting marketing research 62
Chapter summary 63
A closer look: Marketing at Ryanair® 64
Apply your knowledge 65
Build your own marketing plan 65
Endnotes 66
4 Segmenting, targeting and positioning 68
Chapter preview: Marketing at Nike® 70
Benefits of segmentation, targeting and positioning 70
The market segmentation process 72
Choose the market 72
Apply segmentation variables in consumer markets 73
Marketing in practice: Whitbread’s Premier Inn® 75
Apply segmentation variables in business markets 75
Marketing in practice: BASF® 76
Evaluate and select segments for targeting 77
Essential checklist No. 7: Evaluating market segments 78
The targeting process 79
Undifferentiated marketing 79
Differentiated marketing 80
Marketing in practice: BMW® Group 80
Concentrated marketing 81
Individualised marketing 81
Segment personas 81
The positioning process 82
Deciding on differentiation 82
Applying positioning 83
Essential checklist No. 8: Planning for positioning 83
Chapter summary 83
A closer look: Marketing at Nike® 84
Apply your knowledge 85
Build your own marketing plan 85
Endnotes 86
5 Planning direction and objectives 88
Chapter preview: Marketing at Lego® Group 90
Marketing plan direction 90
Growth strategies 91
Non-growth strategies 92
Marketing plan objectives 92
Types of objectives 93
Financial objectives 93
Marketing objectives 94
Marketing in practice: Danone® 95
Societal objectives 96
Marketing in practice: Bring back the bees 97
Characteristics of effective objectives 98
Marketing in practice: Hyundai® 100
Essential checklist No. 9: Evaluating objectives 100
From objectives to marketing-mix decisions 101
Chapter summary 102
A closer look: Marketing at Lego® Group 102
Apply your knowledge 103
Build your own marketing plan 103
Endnotes 104
6 Planning for products and brands 106
Chapter preview: Marketing at Reckitt Benckiser® 108
Planning for products 108
Product-mix and product-line decisions 110
Cannibalisation 111
Marketing in practice: Competition and cannibalisation 111
Limited-time and limited-edition products 112
Product life-cycle decisions 112
New product development decisions 113
Marketing in practice: Tesla Motors® 114
Product attribute decisions 115
Quality and performance decisions 115
Feature and benefit decisions 116
Design decisions\r 117
Packaging and labelling decisions\r 117
Essential checklist No. 10: Planning for products 118
Planning for brands 118
Brand identity 119
Marketing in practice: Private brands 120
Brand meaning 121
Brand response 121
Brand relationship 122
Rebranding 122
Essential checklist No. 11: Planning for brands 123
Chapter summary 123
A closer look: Marketing at Reckitt Benckiser® 124
Apply your knowledge 125
Build your own marketing plan 125
Endnotes 125
7 Planning for pricing 128
Chapter preview: Marketing at IKEA® 130
Understanding price and value 130
Perceptions of value 130
Marketing in practice: LVMH® 132
Pricing based on value 132
Analysing influences on pricing decisions 133
Internal influences 133
Organisational and marketing plan objectives 134
Costs 134
Targeting and positioning 135
Marketing in practice: Poundland® 135
Product decisions and life cycle\r 136
Marketing-mix decisions 136
Essential checklist No. 12: Pricing through the product life cycle 137
External influences 137
Customers 137
Market and demand 138
Marketing in practice: Walt Disney® 139
Competition 140
Channel members 140
Legal, regulatory, ethical and sustainability considerations\r 141
Making pricing decisions 142
Setting pricing objectives 142
Pricing new products 142
Pricing multiple products 143
Adapting prices 143
Planning for prices to vary 144
Chapter summary 145
A closer look: Marketing at IKEA® 145
Apply your knowledge 146
Build your own marketing plan 147
Endnotes 147
8 Planning for channels and logistics 150
Chapter preview: Marketing at Burberry® 152
Analysing the value chain 152
The value chain for services 154
Flows and responsibilities in the value chain 154
Reverse channels 154
Planning for channels 155
Marketing in practice: Uniqlo® 156
Channel length decisions 157
Marketing in practice:\r 158
Channel member decisions 159
Retail trends 160
Marketing in practice: Pop-up shops 160
Essential checklist No. 13: Planning for marketing channels 162
Planning for logistics 162
Inventory decisions 163
Storage decisions 163
Transportation decisions 164
Order processing and fulfilment decisions 165
Essential checklist No. 14: Planning for logistics 165
Chapter summary 165
A closer look: Marketing at Burberry® 166
Apply your knowledge 167
Build your own marketing plan 167
Endnotes 168
9 Planning for communications and influence 170
Chapter preview: Marketing at Hyundai® 172
The role of marketing communications and influence 172
Word of mouth and buzz marketing 173
Understanding marketing communications tools 173
Advertising 173
Sales promotion\r 174
Personal selling\r 174
Direct marketing\r 175
Public relations\r 175
Marketing in practice: Unilever® 175
Developing a plan for marketing communications and influence 176
Define the target audience 176
Set the objectives and the budget 177
Consider legal, regulatory, social and ethical issues 178
Plan for tools, messages and media 178
Plan for pre- and post-implementation analysis 179
Schedule, implement and evaluate the campaign 179
Marketing in practice: Neuromarketing and advertising 179
Integrated marketing communications 180
Planning advertising 181
Planning messages 181
Planning media 181
Essential checklist No. 15: Planning for media 182
Planning sales promotion 182
Planning for customer sales promotion 183
Marketing in practice: Birchbox® 184
Planning for channel and sales force sales promotion 185
Essential checklist No. 16: Planning for sales promotion 186
Planning personal selling 186
Planning direct marketing 187
Planning public relations 188
Defining the ‘public’ 188
Planning and evaluating PR activities 189
Chapter summary 189
A closer look: Marketing at Hyundai® 190
Apply your knowledge 191
Build your own marketing plan 191
Endnotes 192
10 Planning for digital, social media and mobile marketing 194
Chapter preview: Marketing at Domino’s® 196
Planning for digital marketing 196
Digital advertising and ad blockers 197
Websites and optimisation 198
Content marketing 199
Essential checklist No. 17: Planning for content marketing 200
E-mail and chat marketing 200
Legal, ethical and regulatory issues 201
Planning for social media marketing 202
Control of conversations in social media 203
Marketing in practice: Responding to negative social media comments 204
Viral marketing 204
Marketing in practice: Knorr® 205
Planning for mobile marketing 206
Mobile apps and mobile payments 206
Marketing in practice: Starbucks® 207
QR Codes 207
Location-based mobile marketing 208
Privacy, security and legal issues 209
Chapter summary 209
A closer look: Marketing at Domino’s® 210
Apply your knowledge 211
Build your own marketing plan 211
Endnotes 211
11 Supporting the marketing strategy 216
Chapter preview: Marketing at Metro Bank® 218
The role of customer service and internal marketing 218
Marketing applications of customer service 219
Customer relationships\r 219
Marketing plan objectives 220
Marketing applications of internal marketing 220
Planning for customer service 221
Determining service levels 222
Marketing in practice: Net-A-Porter® 222
Planning for good service throughout the relationship 224
Marketing in practice: Fairmont Hotels® 225
Monitoring customer perceptions of service 226
Planning for service recovery 227
Essential checklist No. 18: Planning for customer service 228
Planning for internal marketing 229
Employees and the brand 229
Marketing in practice: Nike® 230
Strategy for internal marketing 230
Chapter summary 231
A closer look: Marketing at Metro Bank® 231
Apply your knowledge 232
Build your own marketing plan 233
Endnotes 233
12 Planning for implementation, metrics and control 236
Chapter preview: Marketing at McDonald’s 238
Tools for evaluating implementation 238
Measuring progress with metrics 240
Selecting metrics 241
Applying metrics 242
Marketing in practice: Barclays Bank® 242
Essential checklist No. 19: Planning metrics 243
Forecasting and the planning process 244
Types of forecasts 244
Market and segment sales forecasts 245
Marketing in practice: Airbus® 245
Company and product sales forecasts 246
Costs of sales forecasts 246
Channel forecasts\r 246
Forecasting approaches and data sources 247
Preparing budgets and schedules 248
Budgeting methods 248
Budgets within budgets 249
Planning schedules for implementation 250
Marketing in practice: BMW® 250
Planning for marketing control 251
The marketing control process 252
Actions based on marketing control 252
Levels of marketing control 253
Types of marketing control 254
Essential checklist No. 20: Evaluating implementation 255
Contingency plans and scenario planning 255
Chapter summary 257
A closer look: Marketing at McDonald’s 257
Apply your knowledge 258
Build your own marketing plan 259
Endnotes 259
Appendix: Sample marketing plan: Lost Legends Luxury Chocolatier 262
Glossary 283
Index 29