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Capitalism and its Discontents

Capitalism and its Discontents

John Kraniauskas


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Book Details


Capitalism and its Discontents presents a series of interpretative essays on a number of key modern and contemporary Latin American novels and films. The overarching theme in the essays is the relation between such textual materials and their regional contexts.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Front Cover
Title Page iii
Copyright Page iv
Dedication v
Contents vii
Series Editors’ Foreword ix
Acknowledgements xi
Prologue xiii
Introduction xvii
Part I: Walter Benjamin and/in Latin America 1
Chapter 1: Beware Mexican Ruins! One-Way Street and the Colonial Unconscious 3
Chapter 2: Laughing at ‘Americanism’: Benjamin, Mariátegui, Chaplin 17
Chapter 3: A Small Andean History of Photography: Yawar fiesta 28
Part II: The ‘Maldoblestar’ of Literature 49
Chapter 4: The Politics of El Señor Presidente: Notes on Textual ‘Maldoblestar’ 51
Chapter 5: From Ideology to Culture: Subalternization and Montage (Yo el Supremo’s History) 65
Chapter 6: Return, Melancholy and the Crisis of the Future: El fiscal by Augusto Roa Bastos 77
Chapter 7: The State is a Monkey: El apando by José Revueltas 87
Chapter 8: Porno-Revolution: El fiord and the Eva-Peronist State 101
Chapter 9: Critical Closeness: the Chronicle-Essays of Carlos Monsiváis 115
Chapter 10: Noir into History: James Ellroy’s Blood’s A Rover 126
Part III: Film and Accumulation 143
Chapter 11: Cronos and the Political Economy of Vampirism: Notes on a Historical Constellation 145
Chapter 12: Amores perros and the Monetarization of Art 162
Chapter 13: Elasticity of Demand: Reflections on The Wire 179
Conclusion 199
Chapter 14: To Govern is to Re-populate: On Neoliberal ‘Primitive’ Accumulation (A Reading of Rodolfo Walsh’s ‘Carta abierta de un escritor a la Junta Militar’) 201
Notes 217
Bibliography 263
Index 281
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