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Play Therapy Dimensions Model

Play Therapy Dimensions Model

Ken Gardner | Lorri Yasenik | Joyce C. Mills | Athena A. Drewes


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With a wealth of practical and effective tools, this book provides a unique model that is fully illustrated by instructional online downloadable content. The model allows therapists to tailor their approach to the specific needs of the child. Practitioners are encouraged to be engaged and flexible during sessions, adapting their levels of directiveness and consciousness according to the child's responses. Through detailed written and visual case studies, the authors clearly explain the model, how to use it and the positive therapeutic effects it can have on the child. The book also provides additional support to play therapy practitioners and play therapy supervisors with the inclusion of useful forms that aid therapy planning, conceptualization and evaluation.

This extensive and accessible handbook is an incomparable resource for beginning and seasoned play therapists, play therapy supervisors and instructors. It will also be of interest to child and educational psychologists and health professionals.

Lorri and Ken's Play Therapy Dimension Model fills a gap in the literature for clinicians who work from an integrative approach to play therapy. They provide a systematic and process-oriented framework for tailoring treatment approach to clients' needs and to aid therapists in identifying and assessing therapeutic movement within and across sessions.
Sue C. Bratton, Professor and Director, Center for Play Therapy, University of North Texas
Play Therapists have finally obtained a model of conceptualizing treatment and supervision that allows for a creative and flexible approach to be integrative in meeting the needs of their clients. So reader, be prepared for the "Play Therapy Dimensions Model" to become a much-used tool in your treatment and supervision. Sit back and enjoy!
from the Foreword by Athena A. Drewes, PsyD, RPT-S, Director of Clinical Training and APA-Accredited Doctoral Internship, Astor Services for Children and Families, Middletown, NY
Play Therapy Dimensions Model is the most brilliant contribution to the play therapy literature published in the last 10 years. Read this book if you want to (a) learn about play therapy, (b) deepen your understanding about how and why play therapy works, and/or (c) become more intentional and efficacious in your therapeutic work with children.
Terry Kottman, Ph.D., LMHC, NCC, Registered Play Therapist-Supervisor and Director, The Encouragement Zone, Cedar Falls, Iowa, USA
Similar to the Medicine Wheel's four aspects of human nature (mental, emotional, physical and spiritual), the circular diagram of Lorri and Ken's model is divided into four quadrants: Active Utilization, Open Discussion and Exploration, Non-intrusive Responding and Co-facilitation. Of particular importance to me, is the inclusive philosophy that all approaches to play therapy can be conceptualized within the four quadrants. With this essential philosophy threaded throughout the book and online content, it is clear that the Play Therapy Dimensions Model is designed so therapists can open doors between the quadrants thereby accessing multiple ways of interacting with children in any given session.
from the Foreword by Joyce C. Mills, author and Director of the StoryPlay Center and Co-director of the Phoenix Institute of Ericksonian Therapy
I am fascinated by the clinical basis and multi-dimensional framework that the Play Therapy Dimensions Model provided me as a play therapy practitioner, particularly the understanding of the child's uniqueness, as well as the dynamics of psychic movement during the play session. Furthermore, I acquired a profound and flexible view of the therapist's role and accompanying skills for tuning in to and addressing the child's unmet needs. Through the case discussions, I have come to realize the importance of underlying change mechanisms in the process of play therapy, and the utility of the Play Therapy Dimensions Model tracking tools and forms for assessment purposes.
Dr Amjed Abojedi, Psychology Department, Al-Ahilyya Ammann University, Amman, Jordan
Lorri Yasenik and Ken Gardner are co-directors of the Rocky Mountain Play Therapy Institute in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, an accredited training institute founded in 1996 that offers experiential learning opportunities, integrating play therapy theory and practice. Lorri is a certified play therapist, and a founding member and former executive board member of the Alberta Play Therapy Association. She has presented nationally and internationally in the areas of play therapy, child psychotherapy, attachment, family violence, high conflict divorce and family mediation, and her PhD study is in the area of 'The Voice of the Child in Legal Matters'. Ken is a Clinical Psychologist and a Certified Play Therapy Supervisor. He is a past executive board member of the Canadian Association for Child Psychotherapy and Play Therapy, and has been a clinical practitioner for over 24 years. He is a former teacher of young children with special needs, and provides consultation to early intervention services as well as to therapists, schools, case managers and families. Ken has presented nationally and internationally on a wide range of topics related to play therapy and play-based interventions.
[this book] provide[s] both novice and seasoned clinicians with a[n]...invaluable framework, and excellent resources, to conceptualize the multi-dimensional practice of play therapy and inform decision-making...All play therapy training courses should include this book on their required reading lists.
Eileen Prendiville, CEO and Course Director of the Master of Arts in Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy and Play Therapy, Children's Therapy Centre, Ireland

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Play Therapy Dimensions Model: A Decision-Making Guide for Integrative Play Therapists by Lorri Yasenik and Ken Gardner 5
Foreword 13
Foreword to the Second Edition 15
Acknowledgments 19
1. Introduction 21
Do play therapists need an organizing framework? 22
Integrative play therapy: the need for a framework for decision making 24
Play therapy dimensions model: a decision guide for integrative play therapists 28
How do integrative therapists make decisions? 29
Do decision-making theories designed for adults fit for play therapists? 30
What is the Play Therapy Dimensions Model? 33
About this book 34
Case studies 36
2. Play Therapy Dimensions Model - An overview 45
The Two Dimensions 46
The four quadrants 50
Factors related to movement between quadrants 53
Degree of reorganization: the child’s process 54
Level of therapist interpretation 58
3. The Consciousness Dimension \nin Play Therapy 59
What’s so mysterious about consciousness? Historical and current perspectives 59
Are we playing a game of hide-and-seek? 63
Learning to embrace the game of hide-and-seek 70
4. The Directiveness Dimension \nin Play Therapy 71
So, what kind of therapist are you? 71
The compass and the gauge 75
The observer-participant role 78
Tapping the therapeutic powers of play 79
5. Non-Intrusive Responding - Quadrant III 81
The what: the defining features of Quadrant III 81
The how: therapeutic roles and activities 83
Illustrative case study: Video Quadrant III segment—Ellis 86
The when: considerations for the play therapy process 88
The who: clinical applications 92
Should I stay, or should I go? indications for working in Quadrant iii 93
Illustrative case study: Haley 96
6. Co-Facilitation - Quadrant IV 99
The what: the defining features of Quadrant IV 99
The how: therapeutic roles and activities 100
Illustrative case study: Video Quadrant IV segment—Ellis 103
The when: considerations for the play therapy process 106
The who: clinical applications 108
Should I stay, or should I go? indications for working in Quadrant IV 110
Illustrative case example: Haley—Quadrant IV segment 112
7 - Active Utilization - Quadrant I 115
The what: the defining features of Quadrant I 115
Illustrative case study: Video Quadrant I segment—Ellis 119
The how: therapeutic roles and activities 121
The when: considerations for the play therapy process 123
The who: clinical applications 124
Should I stay, or should I go? indications for working in Quadrant I 126
Illustrative case study: Haley 129
8 - Open Discussion and Exploration - Quadrant II 131
The what: the defining features of Quadrant II 131
Illustrative case study: Video Quadrant II segment—Ellis 135
The when: considerations for the play therapy process 137
The who: clinical applications 138
Should I stay, or should I go? indications for working in Quadrant II 139
Illustrative case study: Haley 141
9. Utilizing the Play Therapy \nDimensions Model - In supervision 145
Why use the Play Therapy Dimensions Model for supervision? 145
How to use the video 147
Aiding supervisees to use videos/video review 149
Using the Play Therapy Dimensions Model to review videos 150
A developmental model of supervision 151
Utilizing the Tracking and Observation Form 161
Utilizing the Child and Therapist Moderating Factors Scale 163
Utilizing the Degree of Immersion: Therapist Use of Self Scale 165
10. Therapist Use of Self 167
What are we looking for? 169
Use of self: verbal discussion 171
Use of self: reflective statements 173
Use of self: emotionality 176
Use of self: physical self 178
Use of self: interpretations 180
Summary 182
11. Setting the Compass - The journey to Self-Awareness 185
Playtime: know yourself as a player 186
Know yourself and your temperament 189
Know yourself culturally and ethnically 191
Know yourself when working with parents 194
Making meaning 196
12. Three Influences - The Experts, the Children, and the Students 201
Future directions 203
Appendix A: Child and Therapist Moderating \nFactors Scale 205
Appendix B: Degree of Immersion - Therapist Use of Self Scale 215
Appendix C: Tracking and Observation Form 223
Appendix D: Playtime Exercise 231
References 235
About the Authors 245
Subject Index 247
Author Index 253
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